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Knowledge-grounded dialogue generation has achieved promising performance with the engagement of external knowledge sources. Typical approaches towards this task usually perform relatively independent two sub-tasks, i.e., knowledge selection and know ledge-aware response generation. In this paper, in order to improve the diversity of both knowledge selection and knowledge-aware response generation, we propose a collaborative latent variable (CoLV) model to integrate these two aspects simultaneously in separate yet collaborative latent spaces, so as to capture the inherent correlation between knowledge selection and response generation. During generation, our proposed model firstly draws knowledge candidate from the latent space conditioned on the dialogue context, and then samples a response from another collaborative latent space conditioned on both the context and the selected knowledge. Experimental results on two widely-used knowledge-grounded dialogue datasets show that our model outperforms previous methods on both knowledge selection and response generation.
Variational autoencoders (VAEs) are widely used for latent variable modeling of text. We focus on variations that learn expressive prior distributions over the latent variable. We find that existing training strategies are not effective for learning rich priors, so we propose adding the importance-sampled log marginal likelihood as a second term to the standard VAE objective to help when learning the prior. Doing so improves results for all priors evaluated, including a novel choice for sentence VAEs based on normalizing flows (NF). Priors parameterized with NF are no longer constrained to a specific distribution family, allowing a more flexible way to encode the data distribution. Our model, which we call FlowPrior, shows a substantial improvement in language modeling tasks compared to strong baselines. We demonstrate that FlowPrior learns an expressive prior with analysis and several forms of evaluation involving generation.

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