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Multisensory object-centric perception, reasoning, and interaction have been a key research topic in recent years. However, the progress in these directions is limited by the small set of objects available -- synthetic objects are not realistic enough and are mostly centered around geometry, while real object datasets such as YCB are often practically challenging and unstable to acquire due to international shipping, inventory, and financial cost. We present ObjectFolder, a dataset of 100 virtualized objects that addresses both challenges with two key innovations. First, ObjectFolder encodes the visual, auditory, and tactile sensory data for all objects, enabling a number of multisensory object recognition tasks, beyond existing datasets that focus purely on object geometry. Second, ObjectFolder employs a uniform, object-centric, and implicit representation for each objects visual textures, acoustic simulations, and tactile readings, making the dataset flexible to use and easy to share. We demonstrate the usefulness of our dataset as a testbed for multisensory perception and control by evaluating it on a variety of benchmark tasks, including instance recognition, cross-sensory retrieval, 3D reconstruction, and robotic grasping.
Recent deep generative models allow real-time generation of hair images from sketch inputs. Existing solutions often require a user-provided binary mask to specify a target hair shape. This not only costs users extra labor but also fails to capture complicated hair boundaries. Those solutions usually encode hair structures via orientation maps, which, however, are not very effective to encode complex structures. We observe that colored hair sketches already implicitly define target hair shapes as well as hair appearance and are more flexible to depict hair structures than orientation maps. Based on these observations, we present SketchHairSalon, a two-stage framework for generating realistic hair images directly from freehand sketches depicting desired hair structure and appearance. At the first stage, we train a network to predict a hair matte from an input hair sketch, with an optional set of non-hair strokes. At the second stage, another network is trained to synthesize the structure and appearance of hair images from the input sketch and the generated matte. To make the networks in the two stages aware of long-term dependency of strokes, we apply self-attention modules to them. To train these networks, we present a new dataset containing thousands of annotated hair sketch-image pairs and corresponding hair mattes. Two efficient methods for sketch completion are proposed to automatically complete repetitive braided parts and hair strokes, respectively, thus reducing the workload of users. Based on the trained networks and the two sketch completion strategies, we build an intuitive interface to allow even novice users to design visually pleasing hair images exhibiting various hair structures and appearance via freehand sketches. The qualitative and quantitative evaluations show the advantages of the proposed system over the existing or alternative solutions.
Continual learning refers to the ability of humans and animals to incrementally learn over time in a given environment. Trying to simulate this learning process in machines is a challenging task, also due to the inherent difficulty in creating conditions for designing continuously evolving dynamics that are typical of the real-world. Many existing research works usually involve training and testing of virtual agents on datasets of static images or short videos, considering sequences of distinct learning tasks. However, in order to devise continual learning algorithms that operate in more realistic conditions, it is fundamental to gain access to rich, fully customizable and controlled experimental playgrounds. Focussing on the specific case of vision, we thus propose to leverage recent advances in 3D virtual environments in order to approach the automatic generation of potentially life-long dynamic scenes with photo-realistic appearance. Scenes are composed of objects that move along variable routes with different and fully customizable timings, and randomness can also be included in their evolution. A novel element of this paper is that scenes are described in a parametric way, thus allowing the user to fully control the visual complexity of the input stream the agent perceives. These general principles are concretely implemented exploiting a recently published 3D virtual environment. The user can generate scenes without the need of having strong skills in computer graphics, since all the generation facilities are exposed through a simple high-level Python interface. We publicly share the proposed generator.
We present a method for efficient differentiable simulation of articulated bodies. This enables integration of articulated body dynamics into deep learning frameworks, and gradient-based optimization of neural networks that operate on articulated bodies. We derive the gradients of the forward dynamics using spatial algebra and the adjoint method. Our approach is an order of magnitude faster than autodiff tools. By only saving the initial states throughout the simulation process, our method reduces memory requirements by two orders of magnitude. We demonstrate the utility of efficient differentiable dynamics for articulated bodies in a variety of applications. We show that reinforcement learning with articulated systems can be accelerated using gradients provided by our method. In applications to control and inverse problems, gradient-based optimization enabled by our work accelerates convergence by more than an order of magnitude.
371 - Jing Ren , Biao Zhang , Bojian Wu 2021
We propose a novel and flexible roof modeling approach that can be used for constructing planar 3D polygon roof meshes. Our method uses a graph structure to encode roof topology and enforces the roof validity by optimizing a simple but effective planarity metric we propose. This approach is significantly more efficient than using general purpose 3D modeling tools such as 3ds Max or SketchUp, and more powerful and expressive than specialized tools such as the straight skeleton. Our optimization-based formulation is also flexible and can accommodate different styles and user preferences for roof modeling. We showcase two applications. The first application is an interactive roof editing framework that can be used for roof design or roof reconstruction from aerial images. We highlight the efficiency and generality of our approach by constructing a mesh-image paired dataset consisting of 2539 roofs. Our second application is a generative model to synthesize new roof meshes from scratch. We use our novel dataset to combine machine learning and our roof optimization techniques, by using transformers and graph convolutional networks to model roof topology, and our roof optimization methods to enforce the planarity constraint.
In this paper, we aim at synthesizing a free-viewpoint video of an arbitrary human performance using sparse multi-view cameras. Recently, several works have addressed this problem by learning person-specific neural radiance fields (NeRF) to capture the appearance of a particular human. In parallel, some work proposed to use pixel-aligned features to generalize radiance fields to arbitrary new scenes and objects. Adopting such generalization approaches to humans, however, is highly challenging due to the heavy occlusions and dynamic articulations of body parts. To tackle this, we propose Neural Human Performer, a novel approach that learns generalizable neural radiance fields based on a parametric human body model for robust performance capture. Specifically, we first introduce a temporal transformer that aggregates tracked visual features based on the skeletal body motion over time. Moreover, a multi-view transformer is proposed to perform cross-attention between the temporally-fused features and the pixel-aligned features at each time step to integrate observations on the fly from multiple views. Experiments on the ZJU-MoCap and AIST datasets show that our method significantly outperforms recent generalizable NeRF methods on unseen identities and poses. The video results and code are available at
This paper introduces a motion retargeting method that preserves self-contacts and prevents interpenetration. Self-contacts, such as when hands touch each other or the torso or the head, are important attributes of human body language and dynamics, yet existing methods do not model or preserve these contacts. Likewise, interpenetration, such as a hand passing into the torso, are a typical artifact of motion estimation methods. The input to our method is a human motion sequence and a target skeleton and character geometry. The method identifies self-contacts and ground contacts in the input motion, and optimizes the motion to apply to the output skeleton, while preserving these contacts and reducing interpenetration. We introduce a novel geometry-conditioned recurrent network with an encoder-space optimization strategy that achieves efficient retargeting while satisfying contact constraints. In experiments, our results quantitatively outperform previous methods and we conduct a user study where our retargeted motions are rated as higher-quality than those produced by recent works. We also show our method generalizes to motion estimated from human videos where we improve over previous works that produce noticeable interpenetration.
In computer graphics, animation compression is essential for efficient storage, streaming and reproduction of animated meshes. Previous work has presented efficient techniques for compression by deriving skinning transformations and weights using clustering of vertices based on geometric features of vertices over time. In this work we present a novel approach that assigns vertices to bone-influenced clusters and derives weights using deep learning through a training set that consists of pairs of vertex trajectories (temporal vertex sequences) and the corresponding weights drawn from fully rigged animated characters. The approximation error of the resulting linear blend skinning scheme is significantly lower than the error of competent previous methods by producing at the same time a minimal number of bones. Furthermore, the optimal set of transformation and vertices is derived in fewer iterations due to the better initial positioning in the multidimensional variable space. Our method requires no parameters to be determined or tuned by the user during the entire process of compressing a mesh animation sequence.
511 - Feng Wang , Hang Zhou , Han Fang 2021
Robust 3D mesh watermarking is a traditional research topic in computer graphics, which provides an efficient solution to the copyright protection for 3D meshes. Traditionally, researchers need manually design watermarking algorithms to achieve sufficient robustness for the actual application scenarios. In this paper, we propose the first deep learning-based 3D mesh watermarking framework, which can solve this problem once for all. In detail, we propose an end-to-end network, consisting of a watermark embedding sub-network, a watermark extracting sub-network and attack layers. We adopt the topology-agnostic graph convolutional network (GCN) as the basic convolution operation for 3D meshes, so our network is not limited by registered meshes (which share a fixed topology). For the specific application scenario, we can integrate the corresponding attack layers to guarantee adaptive robustness against possible attacks. To ensure the visual quality of watermarked 3D meshes, we design a curvature-based loss function to constrain the local geometry smoothness of watermarked meshes. Experimental results show that the proposed method can achieve more universal robustness and faster watermark embedding than baseline methods while guaranteeing comparable visual quality.
Procedural modeling is now the de facto standard of material modeling in industry. Procedural models can be edited and are easily extended, unlike pixel-based representations of captured materials. In this paper, we present a semi-automatic pipeline for general material proceduralization. Given Spatially-Varying Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions (SVBRDFs) represented as sets of pixel maps, our pipeline decomposes them into a tree of sub-materials whose spatial distributions are encoded by their associated mask maps. This semi-automatic decomposition of material maps progresses hierarchically, driven by our new spectrum-aware material matting and instance-based decomposition methods. Each decomposed sub-material is proceduralized by a novel multi-layer noise model to capture local variations at different scales. Spatial distributions of these sub-materials are modeled either by a by-example inverse synthesis method recovering Point Process Texture Basis Functions (PPTBF) or via random sampling. To reconstruct procedural material maps, we propose a differentiable rendering-based optimization that recomposes all generated procedures together to maximize the similarity between our procedural models and the input material pixel maps. We evaluate our pipeline on a variety of synthetic and real materials. We demonstrate our methods capacity to process a wide range of material types, eliminating the need for artist designed material graphs required in previous work. As fully procedural models, our results expand to arbitrary resolution and enable high level user control of appearance.

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