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In inhomogeneous dielectric media the divergence of the electromagnetic stress is related to the gradients of varepsilon and mu, which is a consequence of Maxwells equations. Investigating spherically symmetric media we show that this seemingly universal relationship is violated for electromagnetic vacuum forces such as the generalized van der Waals and Casimir forces. The stress needs to acquire an additional anomalous pressure. The anomaly is a result of renormalization, the need to subtract infinities in the stress for getting a finite, physical force. The anomalous pressure appears in the stress in media like dark energy appears in the energy-momentum tensor in general relativity. We propose and analyse an experiment to probe the van der Waals anomaly with ultracold atoms. The experiment may not only test an unusual phenomenon of quantum forces, but also an analogue of dark energy, shedding light where nothing is known empirically.
Understanding ultracold collisions involving molecules is of fundamental importance for current experiments, where inelastic collisions typically limit the lifetime of molecular ensembles in optical traps. Here we present a broad study of optically trapped ultracold RbCs molecules in collisions with one another, in reactive collisions with Rb atoms, and in nonreactive collisions with Cs atoms. For experiments with RbCs alone, we show that by modulating the intensity of the optical trap, such that the molecules spend 75% of each modulation cycle in the dark, we partially suppress collisional loss of the molecules. This is evidence for optical excitation of molecule pairs mediated via sticky collisions. We find that the suppression is less effective for molecules not prepared in the spin-stretched hyperfine ground state. This may be due either to longer lifetimes for complexes or to laser-free decay pathways. For atom-molecule mixtures, RbCs+Rb and RbCs+Cs, we demonstrate that the rate of collisional loss of molecules scales linearly with the density of atoms. This indicates that, in both cases, the loss of molecules is rate-limited by two-body atom-molecule processes. For both mixtures, we measure loss rates that are below the thermally averaged universal limit.
We introduce a unary coding of bosonic occupation states based on the famous balls and walls counting for the number of configurations of $N$ indistinguishable particles on $L$ distinguishable sites. Each state is represented by an integer with a human readable bit string that has a compositional structure allowing for the efficient application of operators that locally modify the number of bosons. By exploiting translational and inversion symmetries, we identify a speedup factor of order $L$ over current methods when generating the basis states of bosonic lattice models. The unary coding is applied to a one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian with up to $L=N=20$, and the time needed to generate the ground state block is reduced to a fraction of the diagonalization time. For the ground state symmetry resolved entanglement, we demonstrate that variational approaches restricting the local bosonic Hilbert space could result in an error that scales with system size.
This is a reply to the comment from Khemani, Moessner and Sondhi (KMS) [arXiv:2109.00551] on our manuscript [Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 030401 (2017)]. The main new claim in KMS is that the short-ranged model does not support an MBL DTC phase. We show that, even for the parameter values they consider and the system sizes they study, the claim is an artifact of an unusual choice of range for the crucial plots. Conducting a standard finite-size scaling analysis on the same data strongly suggests that the system is in fact a many-body localized (MBL) discrete time crystal (DTC). Furthermore, we have carried out additional simulations at larger scales, and provide an analytic argument, which fully support the conclusions of our original paper. We also show that the effect of boundary conditions, described as essential by KMS, is exactly what one would expect, with boundary effects decreasing with increasing system size. The other points in KMS are either a rehashing of points already in the literature (for the long-ranged model) or are refuted by a proper finite-size scaling analysis.
We study the fate of an impurity in an ultracold heteronuclear Bose mixture, focusing on the experimentally relevant case of a $^{41}$K-$^{87}$Rb mixture, with the impurity in a $^{41}$K hyperfine state. Our work provides a comprehensive description of an impurity in a BEC mixture with contact interactions across its phase diagram. We present results for the miscible and immiscible regimes, as well as for the impurity in a self-bound quantum droplet. Here, varying the interactions, we find novel, exotic states where the impurity localizes either at the center or at the surface of the droplet.
The static properties, i.e., existence and stability, as well as the quench-induced dynamics of nonlinear excitations of the vortex-bright type appearing in two-dimensional harmonically confined spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates are investigated. Linearly stable vortex-bright-vortex and bright-vortex-bright solutions arise in both antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic spinor gases upon quadratic Zeeman energy shift variations. The precessional motion of such coherent structures is subsequently monitored dynamically. Deformations of the above configurations across the relevant transitions are exposed and discussed in detail. It is further found that stationary states involving highly quantized vortices can be realized in both settings. Spatial elongations, precessional motion and spiraling of the nonlinear excitations when exposed to finite temperatures and upon crossing the distinct phase boundaries, via quenching of the quadratic Zeeman coefficient, are unveiled. Spin-mixing processes triggered by the quench lead, among others, to changes in the waveform of the ensuing configurations. Our findings reveal an interplay between pattern formation and spin-mixing processes being accessible in contemporary cold atom experiments.
Many-body localization (MBL) is an example of a dynamical phase of matter that avoids thermalization. While the MBL phase is robust to weak local perturbations, the fate of an MBL system coupled to a thermalizing quantum system that represents a heat bath is an open question that is actively investigated theoretically and experimentally. In this work we consider the stability of an Anderson insulator with a finite density of particles interacting with a single mobile impurity -- a small quantum bath. We give perturbative arguments that support the stability of localization in the strong interaction regime. Large scale tensor network simulations of dynamics are employed to corroborate the presence of the localized phase and give quantitative predictions in the thermodynamic limit. We develop a phenomenological description of the dynamics in the strong interaction regime, and demonstrate that the impurity effectively turns the Anderson insulator into an MBL phase, giving rise to non-trivial entanglement dynamics well captured by our phenomenology.
136 - Hiromitsu Takeuchi 2021
Spinful superfluids of ultracold atoms are ideal for investigating the intrinsic properties of spin current and texture because they are realized in an isolated, nondissipative system free from impurities, dislocations, and thermal fluctuations. This study theoretically reveals the impact of spin current on a magnetic domain wall in spinful superfluids. An exact wall solution is obtained in the ferromagnetic phase of a spin-1 Bose--Einstein condensate with easy-axis anisotropy at zero temperature. The bosonic-quasiparticle mechanics analytically show that the spin current along the wall becomes unstable if the spin-current velocity exceeds the criteria, leading to complicated situations because of the competition between transverse magnons and ripplons. Our direct numerical simulation reveals that this system has a mechanism to generate an eccentric fractional skyrmion, which has a fractional topological charge, but its texture is not similar to that of a meron. This mechanism is in contrast to the generation of conventional skyrmions in easy-axis magnets [S. K. Kim and Y. Tserkovnyak, Phys. Rev. Lett. ${bf 119}$, 047202 (2017)]. The theoretical findings can be examined in the same situation as in a recent experiment on ultracold atoms and indicate unexplored similar phenomena in different physical systems, such as chiral superfluids and superconductors, magnets, spintronics, and particle physics.
We consider $N$-particle generalizations of $eta$-paring states in a chain of $N$-component fermions and show that these states are exact (high-energy) eigenstates of an extended SU($N$) Hubbard model. We compute the singlet correlation function of the states and find that its behavior is qualitatively different for even and odd $N$. When $N$ is even, these states exhibit off-diagonal long-range order in $N$-particle reduced density matrix. On the other hand, when $N$ is odd, the singlet correlation function decays exponentially toward the other end of the chain but shows a revival at the other end. Finally, we prove that these states are the unique ground states of suitably tailored Hamiltonians.
We provide a brief commentary on recent work by Hammer and Son on the scaling behavior of nuclear reactions involving the emission of several loosely bound neutrons. In this work they discover a regime, termed unnuclear physics, in which these reactions are governed by an approximate conformal symmetry of the nuclear force. Remarkably, the scaling exponents that govern nuclear reactions can be related to the energies of ultracold atomic drops confined in harmonic potentials. We also comment on the importance and the limitations of this approximate symmetry in the physics of neutron stars.

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