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We study the problem of performing automatic stance classification on social media with neural architectures such as BERT. Although these architectures deliver impressive results, their level is not yet comparable to the one of humans and they might produce errors that have a significant impact on the downstream task (e.g., fact-checking). To improve the performance, we present a new neural architecture where the input also includes automatically generated negated perspectives over a given claim. The model is jointly learned to make simultaneously multiple predictions, which can be used either to improve the classification of the original perspective or to filter out doubtful predictions. In the first case, we propose a weakly supervised method for combining the predictions into a final one. In the second case, we show that using the confidence scores to remove doubtful predictions allows our method to achieve human-like performance over the retained information, which is still a sizable part of the original input.
Coherent discourse is distinguished from a mere collection of utterances by the satisfaction of a diverse set of constraints, for example choice of expression, logical relation between denoted events, and implicit compatibility with world-knowledge. Do neural language models encode such constraints? We design an extendable set of test suites addressing different aspects of discourse and dialogue coherence. Unlike most previous coherence evaluation studies, we address specific linguistic devices beyond sentence order perturbations, which allow for a more fine-grained analysis of what constitutes coherence and what neural models trained on a language modelling objective are capable of encoding. Extending the targeted evaluation paradigm for neural language models (Marvin and Linzen, 2018) to phenomena beyond syntax, we show that this paradigm is equally suited to evaluate linguistic qualities that contribute to the notion of coherence.

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