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This paper describes the winning system for SemEval-2021 Task 7: Detecting and Rating Humor and Offense. Our strategy is stacking diverse pre-trained language models (PLMs) such as RoBERTa and ALBERT. We first perform fine-tuning on these two PLMs wi th various hyperparameters and different training strategies. Then a valid stacking mechanism is applied on top of the fine-tuned PLMs to get the final prediction. Experimental results on the dataset released by the organizer of the task show the validity of our method and we win first place and third place for subtask 2 and 1a.
This paper describes the approach that was developed for SemEval 2021 Task 7 (Hahackathon: Incorporating Demographic Factors into Shared Humor Tasks) by the DUTH Team. We used and compared a variety of preprocessing techniques, vectorization methods, and numerous conventional machine learning algorithms, in order to construct classification and regression models for the given tasks. We used majority voting to combine the models' outputs with small Neural Networks (NN) for classification tasks and their mean for regression for improving our system's performance. While these methods proved weaker than modern, deep learning models, they are still relevant in research tasks because of their low requirements on computational power and faster training.
Humor detection has become a topic of interest for several research teams, especially those involved in socio-psychological studies, with the aim to detect the humor and the temper of a targeted population (e.g. a community, a city, a country, the em ployees of a given company). Most of the existing studies have formulated the humor detection problem as a binary classification task, whereas it revolves around learning the sense of humor by evaluating its different degrees. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end deep Multi-Task Learning (MTL) model to detect and rate humor and offense. It consists of a pre-trained transformer encoder and task-specific attention layers. The model is trained using MTL uncertainty loss weighting to adaptively combine all sub-tasks objective functions. Our MTL model tackles all sub-tasks of the SemEval-2021 Task-7 in one end-to-end deep learning system and shows very promising results.

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