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Zero-shot transfer learning for dialogue state tracking (DST) enables us to handle a variety of task-oriented dialogue domains without the expense of collecting in-domain data. In this work, we propose to transfer the cross-task knowledge from genera l question answering (QA) corpora for the zero-shot DST task. Specifically, we propose TransferQA, a transferable generative QA model that seamlessly combines extractive QA and multi-choice QA via a text-to-text transformer framework, and tracks both categorical slots and non-categorical slots in DST. In addition, we introduce two effective ways to construct unanswerable questions, namely, negative question sampling and context truncation, which enable our model to handle none value slots in the zero-shot DST setting. The extensive experiments show that our approaches substantially improve the existing zero-shot and few-shot results on MultiWoz. Moreover, compared to the fully trained baseline on the Schema-Guided Dialogue dataset, our approach shows better generalization ability in unseen domains.
Most reinforcement learning methods for dialog policy learning train a centralized agent that selects a predefined joint action concatenating domain name, intent type, and slot name. The centralized dialog agent suffers from a great many user-agent i nteraction requirements due to the large action space. Besides, designing the concatenated actions is laborious to engineers and maybe struggled with edge cases. To solve these problems, we model the dialog policy learning problem with a novel multi-agent framework, in which each part of the action is led by a different agent. The framework reduces labor costs for action templates and decreases the size of the action space for each agent. Furthermore, we relieve the non-stationary problem caused by the changing dynamics of the environment as evolving of agents' policies by introducing a joint optimization process that makes agents can exchange their policy information. Concurrently, an independent experience replay buffer mechanism is integrated to reduce the dependence between gradients of samples to improve training efficiency. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is demonstrated in a multi-domain environment with both user simulator evaluation and human evaluation.

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