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212 - Zhengfeng Ji 2015
We present a classical interactive protocol that verifies the validity of a quantum witness state for the local Hamiltonian problem. It follows from this protocol that approximating the non-local value of a multi-player one-round game to inverse polynomial precision is QMA-hard. Our work makes an interesting connection between the theory of QMA-completeness and Hamiltonian complexity on one hand and the study of non-local games and Bell inequalities on the other.
342 - Zhengfeng Ji 2013
A binary constraint system game is a two-player one-round non-local game defined by a system of Boolean constraints. The game has a perfect quantum strategy if and only if the constraint system has a quantum satisfying assignment [R. Cleve and R. Mittal, arXiv:1209.2729]. We show that several concepts including the quantum chromatic number and the Kochen-Specker sets that arose from different contexts fit naturally in the binary constraint system framework. The structure and complexity of the quantum satisfiability problems for these constraint systems are investigated. Combined with a new construct called the commutativity gadget for each problem, several classic NP-hardness reductions are lifted to their corresponding quant
The problem of finding the ground state of a frustration-free Hamiltonian carrying only two-body interactions between qubits is known to be solvable in polynomial time. It is also shown recently that, for any such Hamiltonian, there is always a ground state that is a product of single- or two-qubit states. However, it remains unclear whether the whole ground space is of any succinct structure. Here, we give a complete characterization of the ground space of any two-body frustration-free Hamiltonian of qubits. Namely, it is a span of tree tensor network states of the same tree structure. This characterization allows us to show that the problem of determining the ground state degeneracy is as hard as, but no harder than, its classical analog.
One-way quantum computing achieves the full power of quantum computation by performing single particle measurements on some many-body entangled state, known as the resource state. As single particle measurements are relatively easy to implement, the preparation of the resource state becomes a crucial task. An appealing approach is simply to cool a strongly correlated quantum many-body system to its ground state. In addition to requiring the ground state of the system to be universal for one-way quantum computing, we also want the Hamiltonian to have non-degenerate ground state protected by a fixed energy gap, to involve only two-body interactions, and to be frustration-free so that measurements in the course of the computation leave the remaining particles in the ground space. Recently, significant efforts have been made to the search of resource states that appear naturally as ground states in spin lattice systems. The approach is proved to be successful in spin-5/2 and spin-3/2 systems. Yet, it remains an open question whether there could be such a natural resource state in a spin-1/2, i.e., qubit system. Here, we give a negative answer to this question by proving that it is impossible for a genuinely entangled qubit states to be a non-degenerate ground state of any two-body frustration-free Hamiltonian. What is more, we prove that every spin-1/2 frustration-free Hamiltonian with two-body interaction always has a ground state that is a product of single- or two-qubit states, a stronger result that is interesting independent of the context of one-way quantum computing.
Measurement based quantum computation (MBQC), which requires only single particle measurements on a universal resource state to achieve the full power of quantum computing, has been recognized as one of the most promising models for the physical realization of quantum computers. Despite considerable progress in the last decade, it remains a great challenge to search for new universal resource states with naturally occurring Hamiltonians, and to better understand the entanglement structure of these kinds of states. Here we show that most of the resource states currently known can be reduced to the cluster state, the first known universal resource state, via adaptive local measurements at a constant cost. This new quantum state reduction scheme provides simpler proofs of universality of resource states and opens up plenty of space to the search of new resource states, including an example based on the one-parameter deformation of the AKLT state studied in [Commun. Math. Phys. 144, 443 (1992)] by M. Fannes et al. about twenty years ago.
94 - Zhengfeng Ji , Xiaodi Wu 2009
The Non-Identity Check problem asks whether a given a quantum circuit is far away from the identity or not. It is well known that this problem is QMA-Complete cite{JWB05}. In this note, it is shown that the Non-Identity Check problem remains QMA-Complete for circuits of short depth. Specifically, we prove that for constant depth quantum circuit in which each gate is given to at least $Omega(log n)$ bits of precision, the Non-Identity Check problem is QMA-Complete. It also follows that the hardness of the problem remains for polylogarithmic depth circuit consisting of only gates from any universal gate set and for logarithmic depth circuit using some specific universal gate set.

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