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146 - Bo-Yu Pu , Xiao-Dong Xu , Bin Wang 2014
We study a class of early dark energy models which has substantial amount of dark energy in the early epoch of the universe. We examine the impact of the early dark energy fluctuations on the growth of structure and the CMB power spectrum in the linear approximation. Furthermore we investigate the influence of the interaction between the early dark energy and the dark matter and its effect on the structure growth and CMB. We finally constrain the early dark energy model parameters and the coupling between dark sectors by confronting to different observations.
The tensor-vector-scalar (TeVeS) model is considered a viable theory of gravity. It produces the Milgroms modified Newtonian dynamics in the nonrelativistic weak field limit and is free from ghosts. This model has been tested against various cosmological observations. Here we investigate whether new observations such as the galaxy velocity power spectrum measured by 6dF and the kinetic Sunyaev Zeldovich effect power spectrum measured by ACT/SPT can put further constraints on the TeVeS model. Furthermore, we perform the test of TeVeS cosmology with a sterile neutrino by confronting to Planck data, and find that it is ruled out by cosmic microwave background measurements from the Planck mission.
We investigate the optoelectronic response of a graphene interface junction, formed with bilayer and single-layer graphene, by photocurrent (PC) microscopy. We measure the polarity and amplitude of the PC while varying the Fermi level by tuning a gate voltage. These measurements show that the generation of PC is by a photo-thermoelectric effect. The PC displays a factor of ~10 increase at the cryogenic temperature as compared to room temperature. Assuming the thermoelectric power has a linear dependence on the temperature, the inferred graphene thermal conductivity from temperature dependent measurements has a T^{1.5} dependence below ~100 K, which agrees with recent theoretical predictions.
Coherent population trapping (CPT) refers to the steady-state trapping of population in a coherent superposition of two ground states which are coupled by coherent optical fields to an intermediate state in a three-level atomic system. Recently, CPT has been observed in an ensemble of donor bound spins in GaAs and in single nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond by using a fluorescence technique. Here we report the demonstration of CPT of an electron spin in a single quantum dot (QD) charged with one electron.
107 - Xiaodong Xu , Bo Sun , Erik D. Kim 2008
We investigate a singly-charged quantum dot under a strong optical driving field by probing the system with a weak optical field. When the driving field is detuned from the trion transition, the probe absorption spectrum is shifted from the trion resonance as a consequence of the dynamic Stark effect. Simultaneously, a gain sideband is created, resulting from the coherent energy transfer between the optical fields through the quantum dot nonlinearity. As the pump detuning is moved from red to blue, we map out the anticrossing of these two spectral lines. The optical Bloch equations for a stationary two-level atom can be used to describe the numerous spectral features seen in this nano solid state system.

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