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The statistics of peaks in weak lensing convergence maps is a promising tool to investigate both the properties of dark matter haloes and constrain the cosmological parameters. We study how the number of detectable peaks and its scaling with redshift depend upon the cluster dark matter halo profiles and use peak statistics to constrain the parameters of the mass - concentration (MC) relation. We investigate which constraints the Euclid mission can set on the MC coefficients also taking into account degeneracies with the cosmological parameters. To this end, we first estimate the number of peaks and its redshift distribution for different MC relations. We find that the steeper the mass dependence and the larger the normalisation, the higher is the number of detectable clusters, with the total number of peaks changing up to $40%$ depending on the MC relation. We then perform a Fisher matrix forecast of the errors on the MC relation parameters as well as cosmological parameters. We find that peak number counts detected by Euclid can determine the normalization $A_v$, the mass $B_v$ and redshift $C_v$ slopes and intrinsic scatter $sigma_v$ of the MC relation to an unprecedented accuracy being $sigma(A_v)/A_v = 1%$, $sigma(B_v)/B_v = 4%$, $sigma(C_v)/C_v = 9%$, $sigma(sigma_v)/sigma_v = 1%$ if all cosmological parameters are assumed to be known. Should we relax this severe assumption, constraints are degraded, but remarkably good results can be restored setting only some of the parameters or combining peak counts with Planck data. This precision can give insight on competing scenarios of structure formation and evolution and on the role of baryons in cluster assembling. Alternatively, for a fixed MC relation, future peaks counts can perform as well as current BAO and SNeIa when combined with Planck.
As soon as their extragalactic origins were established, the hope to make Gamma - Ray Bursts (GRBs) standardizeable candles to probe the very high - z universe has opened the search for scaling relations between redshift independent observable quantities and distance dependent ones. Although some remarkable success has been achieved, the empirical correlations thus found are still affected by a significant intrinsic scatter which downgrades the precision in the inferred GRBs Hubble diagram. We investigate here whether this scatter may come from fitting together objects belonging to intrinsically different classes. To this end, we rely on a cladistics analysis to partition GRBs in homogenous families according to their rest frame properties. Although the poor statistics prevent us from drawing a definitive answer, we find that both the intrinsic scatter and the coefficients of the $E_{peak}$,-,$E_{iso}$ and $E_{peak}$,-,$L$ correlations significantly change depending on which subsample is fitted. It turns out that the fit to the full sample leads to a scaling relation which approximately follows the diagonal of the region delimited by the fits to each homogenous class. We therefore argue that a preliminary identification of the class a GRB belongs to is necessary in order to select the right scaling relation to be used in order to not bias the distance determination and hence the Hubble diagram.
Considering galaxies as self - gravitating systems of many collisionless particles allows to use methods of statistical mechanics inferring the distribution function of these stellar systems. Actually, the long range nature of the gravitational force contrasts with the underlying assumptions of Boltzmann statistics where the interactions among particles are assumed to be short ranged. A particular generalization of the classical Boltzmann formalism is available within the nonextensive context of Tsallis q -statistics, subject to non -additivity of the entropies of sub - systems. Assuming stationarity and isotropy in the velocity space, it is possible solving the generalized collsionless Boltzmann equation to derive the galaxy distribution function and density profile. We present a particular set of nonextensive models and investigate their dynamical and observable properties. As a test of the viability of this generalized context, we fit the rotation curve of M33 showing that the proposed approach leads to dark matter haloes in excellent agreement with the observed data.
We present the Hubble diagram (HD) of 66 Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) derived using only data from their X - ray afterglow lightcurve. To this end, we use the recently updated L_X - T_a correlation between the break time T_a and the X - ray luminosity L_X measured at T_a calibrated from a sample of Swift GRBs with lightcurves well fitted by the Willingale et al. (2007) model. We then investigate the use of this HD to constrain cosmological parameters when used alone or in combination with other data showing that the use of GRBs leads to constraints in agreement with previous results in literature. We finally argue that a larger sample of high luminosity GRBs can provide a valuable information in the search for the correct cosmological model.
The dark matter content of early,- type galaxies (ETGs) is a hotly debated topic with contrasting results arguing in favour or against the presence of significant dark mass within the effective radius and the change with luminosity and mass. In order to address this question, we investigate here the global mass - to - light ratio $Upsilon(r) = M(r)/L(r)$ of a sample of 21 lenses observed within the Sloan Lens ACS (SLACS) survey. We follow the usual approach of modeling the galaxy as a two component systems, but we use a phenomenological ansatz for $Upsilon(r)$, proposed by some of us in Tortora et al. (2007), able to smoothly interpolate between constant $M/L$ models and a wide class of dark matter haloes. The resulting galaxy model is then fitted to the data on the Einstein radius and velocity dispersion. Our phenomenological model turns out to be in well agreement with the data suggesting the presence of massive dark matter haloes in order to explain the lensing and dynamics properties of the SLACS lenses. According to the values of the dark matter mass fraction, we argue that the halo may play a significant role in the inner regions probed by the data, but such a conclusion strongly depends on the adopted initial mass function of the stellar population. Finally, we find that the dark matter mass fraction within $R_{eff}$ scales with both the total luminosity and stellar mass in such a way that more luminous (and hence more massive) galaxies have a larger dark matter content.

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