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X-ray photons coming from an X-ray point source not only arrive at the detector directly, but also can be strongly forward-scattered by the interstellar dust along the line of sight (LOS), leading to a detectable diffuse halo around the X-ray point source. The geometry of small angle X-ray scattering is straightforward, namely, the scattered photons travel longer paths and thus arrive later than the unscattered ones; thus the delay time of X-ray scattered halo photons can reveal information of the distances of the interstellar dust and the point source. Here we present a study of the X-ray scattered around IGR J17544-2619, which is one of the so-called supergiant fast X-ray transients. IGR J17544-2619 underwent a striking outburst when observed with Chandra on 2004 July 3, providing a near delta-function lightcurve. We find that the X-ray scattered halo around IGR J17544-2619 is produced by two interstellar dust clouds along the LOS. The one which is closer to the observer gives the X-ray scattered at larger observational angles; whereas the farther one, which is in the vicinity of the point source, explains the halo with a smaller angular size. By comparing the observational angle of the scattered halo photons with that predicted by different dust grain models, we are able to determine the normalized dust distance. With the delay times of the scattered halo photons, we can determine the point source distance, given a dust grain model. Alternatively we can discriminate between the dust grain models, given the point source distance.
A two-components model for Broad Line Region (BLR) of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) has been suggested for many years but not widely accepted (e.g., Hu et al. 2008; Sulentic et al. 2000; Brotherton et al. 1996; Mason et al. 1996). This model indicates that the broad line can be described with superposition of two Gaussian components (Very Broad Gaussian Component (VBGC) and InterMediate Gaussian Component (IMGC)) which are from two physically distinct regions; i.e., Very Broad Line Region (VBLR) and InterMediate Line Region (IMLR). We select a SDSS sample to further confirm this model and give detailed analysis to the geometry, density and evolution of these two regions. Micro-lensing result of BLR in J1131-1231 and some unexplained phenomena in Reverberation Mapping (RM) experiment provide supportive evidence for this model. Our results indicate that the radius obtained from the emission line RM normally corresponds to the radius of the VBLR, and the existence of the IMGC may affect the measurement of the black hole masses in AGNs. The deviation of NLS1s from the M-sigma relation and the Type II AGN fraction as a function of luminosity can be explained in this model in a coherent way. The evolution of the two emission regions may be related to the evolutionary stages of the broad line regions of AGNs from NLS1s to BLS1s. Based on the results presented here, a unified picture of hierarchical evolution of black hole, dust torus and galaxy is proposed.
Using a cross-correlation method, we study the X-ray halo of Cyg X-3. Two components of dust distributions are needed to explain the time lags derived by the cross-correlation method. Assuming the distance as 1.7 kpc for Cygnus OB2 association (a richest OB association in the local Galaxy) and another uniform dust distribution, we get a distance of $7.2^{+0.3}_{-0.5}$ kpc (68$%$ confidence level) for Cyg X-3. When using the distance estimation of Cygnus OB2 as 1.38 kpc or 1.82 kpc, the inferred distance for Cyg X-3 is $3.4^{+0.2}_{-0.2}$ kpc or $9.3^{+0.6}_{-0.4}$ kpc respectively. The distance estimation uncertainty of Cyg X-3 is mainly related to the distance of the Cygnus OB2, which may be improved in the future with high precision astrometric measurements. The advantage of this method is that the result depends weakly on the photon energy, dust grain radius, scattering cross-section and so on.
The gravitational collapse of a star is an important issue both for general relativity and astrophysics, which is related to the well known frozen star paradox. Following the seminal work of Oppenheimer and Schneider (1939), we present the exact solution for two dust shells collapsing towards a pre-existing black hole. We find that the inner region of the shell is influenced by the property of the shell, which is contrary to the result in Newtonian theory and and the clock inside the shell becomes slower as the shell collapses towards the pre-existing black hole. This result in principle may be tested experimentally if a beam of light travels across the shell. We conclude that the concept of the frozen star should be abandoned, since matter can indeed cross a black holes horizon according to the clock of an external observer. Since matter will not accumulate around the event horizon of a black hole, we predict that only gravitational wave radiation can be produced in the final stage of the merging process of two coalescing black holes. Our results also indicate that for the clock of an external observer, matter, after crossing the event horizon, will never arrive at the singularity (i.e. the exact center of the black hole.
194 - Shuang Nan Zhang 2008
This paper has been withdrawn temporarily by the authors, because we are waiting for referee report of the paper submitted to ApJ.

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