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127 - Richard Kerner 2011
We investigate certain $Z_3$-graded associative algebras with cubic $Z_3$-invariant constitutive relations. The invariant forms on finite algebras of this type are given in the low dimensional cases with two or three generators. We show how the Lorentz symmetry represented by the $SL(2, {bf C})$ group emerges naturally without any notion of Minkowskian metric, just as the invariance group of the $Z_3$-graded cubic algebra and its constitutive relations. Its representation is found in terms of Pauli matrices. The relationship of this construction with the operators defining quark states is also considered, and a third-order analogue of the Klein-Gordon equation is introduced. Cubic products of its solutions may provide the basis for the familiar wave functions satisfying Dirac and Klein-Gordon equations.
195 - Richard Kerner 2009
We show that the Lorentz and the SU(3) groups can be derived from the covariance principle conserving a $Z_3$-graded three-form on a $Z_3$-graded cubic algebra representing quarks endowed with non-standard commutation laws.
A systematic study of deformations of four-dimensional Einsteinian space-times embedded in a pseudo-Euclidean space $E^N$ of higher dimension is presented. Infinitesimal deformations, seen as vector fields in $E^N$, can be divided in two parts, tangent to the embedded hypersurface and orthogonal to it; only the second ones are relevant, the tangent ones being equivalent to coordinate transformations in the embedded manifold. The geometrical quantities can be then expressed in terms of embedding functions $z^A$ and their infinitesimal deformations $v^A z^A to {tilde{z}}^A = z^A + epsilon v^A$. The deformations are called Einsteinian if they keep Einstein equations satisfied up to a given order in $epsilon$. The system so obtained is then analyzed in particular in the case of the Schwarzschild metric taken as the starting point, and some solutions of the first-order deformation of Einsteins equations are found. We discuss also second and third order deformations leading to wave-like solutions and to the departure from spherical symmetry towards an axial one (the approximate Kerr solution)

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