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305 - Pavel Denissenkov 2014
When carbon is ignited off-center in a CO core of a super-AGB star, its burning in a convective shell tends to propagate to the center. Whether the C flame will actually be able to reach the center depends on the efficiency of extra mixing beneath the C convective shell. Whereas thermohaline mixing is too inefficient to interfere with the C-flame propagation, convective boundary mixing can prevent the C burning from reaching the center. As a result, a C-O-Ne white dwarf (WD) is formed, after the star has lost its envelope. Such a hybrid WD has a small CO core surrounded by a thick ONe zone. In our 1D stellar evolution computations the hybrid WD is allowed to accrete C-rich material, as if it were in a close binary system and accreted H-rich material from its companion with a sufficiently high rate at which the accreted H would be processed into He under stationary conditions, assuming that He could then be transformed into C. When the mass of the accreting WD approaches the Chandrasekhar limit, we find a series of convective Urca shell flashes associated with high abundances of 23Na and 25Mg. They are followed by off-center C ignition leading to convection that occupies almost the entire star. To model the Urca processes, we use the most recent well-resolved data for their reaction and neutrino-energy loss rates. Because of the emphasized uncertainty of the convective Urca process in our hybrid WD models of SN Ia progenitors, we consider a number of their potentially possible alternative instances for different mixing assumptions, all of which reach a phase of explosive C ignition, either off or in the center. Our hybrid SN Ia progenitor models have much lower C to O abundance ratios at the moment of the explosive C ignition than their pure CO counterparts, which may explain the observed diversity of the SNe Ia.
We revise a magnetic buoyancy model that has recently been proposed as a mechanism for extra mixing in the radiative zones of low-mass red giants. The most important revision is our accounting of the heat exchange between rising magnetic flux rings and their surrounding medium. This increases the buoyant rising time by five orders of magnitude, therefore the number of magnetic flux rings participating in the mixing has to be increased correspondingly. On the other hand, our revised model takes advantage of the fact that the mean molecular weight of the rings formed in the vicinity of the hydrogen burning shell has been reduced by 3He burning. This increases their thermohaline buoyancy (hence, decreases the total ring number) considerably, making it equivalent to the pure magnetic buoyancy produced by a frozen-in toroidal field with B_phi ~ 10 MG. We emphasize that some toroidal field is still needed for the rings to remain cohesive while rising. Besides, this field prevents the horizontal turbulent diffusion from eroding the mu contrast between the rings and their surrounding medium. We propose that the necessary toroidal magnetic field is generated by differential rotation of the radiative zone, that stretches a pre-existing poloidal field around the rotation axis, and that magnetic flux rings are formed as a result of its buoyancy-related instability.
Internal gravity waves (IGWs) are naturally produced by convection in stellar envelopes, and they could be an important mechanism for transporting angular momentum in the radiative interiors of stars. Prior work has established that they could operate over a short enough time scale to explain the internal solar rotation as a function of depth. We demonstrate that the natural action of IGWs is to produce large scale oscillations in the solar rotation as a function of depth, which is in marked contrast to the nearly uniform rotation in the outer radiative envelope of the Sun. An additional angular momentum transport mechanism is therefore required, and neither molecular nor shear-induced turbulent viscosity is sufficient to smooth out the profile. Magnetic processes, such as the Tayler-Spruit dynamo, could flatten the rotation profile. We therefore conclude that IGWs must operate in conjunction with magnetic angular momentum transport processes if they operate at all. Furthermore, both classes of mechanisms must be inhibited to some degree by mean molecular weight gradients in order to explain the recent evidence for a rapidly rotating embedded core in the Sun.

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