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We report a quark spin calculation from the anomalous Ward identity with overlap fermions on 2+1 flavor dynamical fermion configurations with light sea quark masses. Such a formulation decomposes the divergence of the flavor-singlet axial-vector current into a quark pseudoscalar term and a triangle anomaly term, flavor by flavor. A large negative contribution from the anomaly term is observed and it is canceled within errors by the contribution from the pseudoscalar term in the disconnected insertion in the heavy quark region. On the other hand, net negative contributions are obtained for the light and strange quarks in the disconnected insertion, since their quark pseudoscalar terms are smaller than that of the heavy quark. Our results are obtained from the 2+1 flavor domain wall fermion configurations on the 24^3*64 lattice with a-1 = 1.78(5) GeV and the light sea quark at m_{pi} = 330 MeV. We use the overlap fermion for the valence and the quark loop so that the renormalization constants Z_m and Z_P cancel in the pseudoscalar operator 2mP. In addition, the overlap Dirac operator is used to calculate the local topological charge in the anomaly so that there is no renormalization for the anomaly term either. In this study, we find the total quark spin to be small mainlyly due to the large negative anomaly term which could be the source for the proton spin crisis.
112 - M. Gong , A. Alexandru , Y. Chen 2013
We present a calculation of the strangeness and charmness contents <N|bar{s}s|N> and <N|bar{c}c|N> of the nucleon from dynamical lattice QCD with 2+1 flavors. The calculation is performed with overlap valence quarks on 2+1-flavor domain-wall fermion gauge configurations. The configurations are generated by the RBC collaboration on a 24^3*64 lattice with sea quark mass am_l=0.005, am_s=0.04, and inverse lattice spacing a^{-1}=1.73GeV. Both actions have chiral symmetry which is essential in avoiding contamination due to the operator mixing with other flavors. Nucleon propagator and the quark loops are both computed with stochastic grid sources, while low-mode substitution and low-mode averaging methods are used respectively which substantially improve the signal to noise ratio. We obtain the strangeness matrix element f_{T_{s}} = m_s <N|bar{s}s|N> / M_N = 0.0334(62), and the charmness content f_{T_{c}} = m_c <N|bar{c}c|N> / M_N = 0.094(31) which is resolved from zero by 3sigma precision for the first time.
The calculation of the strangeness and charmness of the nucleon is presented with overlap fermion action on 2+1 flavor domain wall fermion configurations. We adopt stochastic grid sources and the low mode substitution technique to improve the signals of nucleon correlation functions and the loops. The calculation is done on a $24^3times 64$ lattice with $m_l=0.005$, $m_h=0.04$, and $a^{-1}=1.73,{rm GeV}$. We find $ f_{T_{s}} = 0.048(15)$ and $f_{T_{c}} = 0.029(43)$.
82 - M. Gong , A. Li , A. Alexandru 2011
The recently discovered charmed-strangemeson Ds0*(2317) has been speculated to be a tetraquark mesonium. We study this suggestion with overlap fermions on 2+1 flavor domain wall fermion configurations. We use 4-quark interpolating operatorswith Z4 grid sources on two lattices (16times16times16times32 and 24times24times24 times64) to study the volume dependence of the states in an attempt to discern the nature of the states in the four-quark correlator to see if they are all two-meson scattering states or if one is a tetraquark mesonium. We also use the hybrid boundary condition method for this purpose which is designed to lift the two-meson states in energy while leaving the tetraquark mesonium unchanged. We find that the volume method is not effective in the present case due to the fact that the scattering states spectrum is closely packed for such heavy states so that one cannot separate out individual scattering states since the volume dependence is skewed as a result. However, the hybrid boundary condition method works and we found that the four-quark correlators can be fitted with a tower of two-meson scattering states. We conclude that we do not see a tetraquark mesonium in the Ds0*(2317) meson region.
Excitonic polaron is directly demonstrated for the first time in InAs/GaAs quantum dots with photoluminescence method. A new peak ($s$) below the ground state of exciton ($s$) comes out as the temperature varies from 4.2 K to 285 K, and a huge anticrossing energy of 31 meV between $s$ and $s$ is observed at 225 K, which can only be explained by the formation of excitonic polaron. The results also provide a strong evidence for the invalidity of Huang-Rhys formulism in dealing with carrier-longitudinal optical phonon interaction in quantum dot. Instead, we propose a simple two-band model, and it fits the experimental data quite well. The reason for the finding of the anticrossing is also discussed.

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