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We present two general approaches to obtain the strong converse rate of quantum hypothesis testing for correlated quantum states. One approach requires that the states satisfy a certain factorization property; typical examples of such states are the temperature states of translation-invariant finite-range interactions on a spin chain. The other approach requires the differentiability of a regularized Renyi $alpha$-divergence in the parameter $alpha$; typical examples of such states include temperature states of non-interacting fermionic lattice systems, and classical irreducible Markov chains. In all cases, we get that the strong converse exponent is equal to the Hoeffding anti-divergence, which in turn is obtained from the regularized Renyi divergences of the two states.
We show that the new quantum extension of Renyis alpha-relative entropies, introduced recently by Muller-Lennert, Dupuis, Szehr, Fehr and Tomamichel, J. Math. Phys. 54, 122203, (2013), and Wilde, Winter, Yang, Commun. Math. Phys. 331, (2014), have an operational interpretation in the strong converse problem of quantum hypothesis testing. Together with related results for the direct part of quantum hypothesis testing, known as the quantum Hoeffding bound, our result suggests that the operationally relevant definition of the quantum Renyi relative entropies depends on the parameter alpha: for alpha<1, the right choice seems to be the traditional definition, whereas for alpha>1 the right choice is the newly introduced version. As a sideresult, we show that the new Renyi alpha-relative entropies are asymptotically attainable by measurements for alpha>1, and give a new simple proof for their monotonicity under completely positive trace-preserving maps.
107 - F. Hiai , M. Mosonyi , D. Petz 2010
Quantum f-divergences are a quantum generalization of the classical notion of f-divergences, and are a special case of Petz quasi-entropies. Many well known distinguishability measures of quantum states are given by, or derived from, f-divergences; special examples include the quantum relative entropy, the Renyi relative entropies, and the Chernoff and Hoeffding measures. Here we show that the quantum f-divergences are monotonic under the dual of Schwarz maps whenever the defining function is operator convex. This extends and unifies all previously known monotonicity results. We also analyze the case where the monotonicity inequality holds with equality, and extend Petz reversibility theorem for a large class of f-divergences and other distinguishability measures. We apply our findings to the problem of quantum error correction, and show that if a stochastic map preserves the pairwise distinguishability on a set of states, as measured by a suitable f-divergence, then its action can be reversed on that set by another stochastic map that can be constructed from the original one in a canonical way. We also provide an integral representation for operator convex functions on the positive half-line, which is the main ingredient in extending previously known results on the monotonicity inequality and the case of equality. We also consider some special cases where the convexity of f is sufficient for the monotonicity, and obtain the inverse Holder inequality for operators as an application. The presentation is completely self-contained and requires only standard knowledge of matrix analysis.
137 - M. Mosonyi , F. Hiai 2009
We show that the quantum $alpha$-relative entropies with parameter $alphain (0,1)$ can be represented as generalized cutoff rates in the sense of [I. Csiszar, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 41, 26-34, (1995)], which provides a direct operational interpretation to the quantum $alpha$-relative entropies. We also show that various generalizations of the Holevo capacity, defined in terms of the $alpha$-relative entropies, coincide for the parameter range $alphain (0,2]$, and show an upper bound on the one-shot epsilon-capacity of a classical-quantum channel in terms of these capacities.
We provide lower and upper bounds on the information transmission capacity of one single use of a classical-quantum channel. The lower bound is expressed in terms of the Hoeffding capacity, that we define similarly to the Holevo capacity, but replacing the relative entropy with the Hoeffding distance. Similarly, our upper bound is in terms of a quantity obtained by replacing the relative entropy with the recently introduced max-relative entropy in the definition of the divergence radius of a channel.
208 - M. Mosonyi , F. Hiai , T. Ogawa 2008
We apply the recent results of F. Hiai, M. Mosonyi and T. Ogawa [arXiv:0707.2020, to appear in J. Math. Phys.] to the asymptotic hypothesis testing problem of locally faithful shift-invariant quasi-free states on a CAR algebra. We use a multivariate extension of Szegos theorem to show the existence of the mean Chernoff and Hoeffding bounds and the mean relative entropy, and show that these quantities arise as the optimal error exponents in suitable settings.
In this paper we extend the results of Lenci and Rey-Bellet on the large deviation upper bound of the distribution measures of local Hamiltonians with respect to a Gibbs state, in the setting of translation-invariant finite-range interactions. We show that a certain factorization property of the reference state is sufficient for a large deviation upper bound to hold and that this factorization property is satisfied by Gibbs states of the above kind as well as finitely correlated states. As an application of the methods the Chernoff bound for correlated states with factorization property is studied. In the specific case of the distributions of the ergodic averages of a one-site observable with respect to an ergodic finitely correlated state the spectral theory of positive maps is applied to prove the full large deviation principle.

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