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696 - Maxim Markevitch 2011
It has long been suggested that helium nuclei in the intracluster plasma can sediment in the cluster gravitational potential well. Some theoretical estimates for the cores of relaxed clusters predict an excess of helium abundance by up to a factor of a few over its primordial value. The intracluster helium abundance cannot be measured directly. This presents a significant source of uncertainty for cosmological tests based on the X-ray derived cluster quantities, such as the gas mass, total mass, and gas mass fraction, all of which depend on the assumed helium abundance. We point out that cluster distances derived by combining the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) and X-ray data also depend on the helium abundance. This dependence can be used to measure the abundance, provided the distance is known independently. For example, if one adopts the WMAP H_0 value, then the recent H_0 measurement by Bonamente and collaborators, derived from SZ data on 38 clusters assuming a primordial helium abundance, corresponds to an abundance excess by a factor of 1.9+-0.8 within r~1 Mpc (using only their statistical errors). This shows that interesting accuracy is within reach. We also briefly discuss how the SZ and X-ray cluster data can be combined to resolve the helium abundance dependence for the d_a(z) cosmological test.
139 - Maxim Markevitch 2010
When galaxy clusters collide, they generate shock fronts in the hot intracluster medium. Observations of these shocks can provide valuable information on the merger dynamics and physical conditions in the cluster plasma, and even help constrain the nature of dark matter. To study shock fronts, one needs an X-ray telescope with high angular resolution (such as Chandra), and be lucky to see the merger from the right angle and at the right moment. As of this writing, only a handful of merger shock fronts have been discovered and confirmed using both X-ray imaging and gas temperature data -- those in 1E0657-56, A520, A754, and two fronts in A2146. A few more are probable shocks awaiting temperature profile confirmation -- those in A521, RXJ1314-25, A3667, A2744, and Coma. The highest Mach number is 3 in 1E0657-56, while the rest has M=1.6-2. Interestingly, all these relatively weak X-ray shocks coincide with sharp edges in their host clusters synchrotron radio halos (except in A3667, where it coincides with the distinct radio relic, and A2146, which does not have radio data yet). This is contrary to the common wisdom that weak shocks are inefficient particle accelerators, and may shed light on the mechanisms of relativistic electron production in astrophysical plasmas.
The hot, diffuse gas that fills the largest overdense structures in the Universe -- clusters of galaxies and a web of giant filaments connecting them -- provides us with tools to address a wide array of fundamental astrophysical and cosmological questions via observations in the X-ray band. Clusters are sensitive cosmological probes. To utilize their full potential for precision cosmology in the following decades, we must precisely understand their physics -- from their cool cores stirred by jets produced by the central supermassive black hole (itself fed by inflow of intracluster gas), to their outskirts, where the infall of intergalactic medium (IGM) drives shocks and accelerates cosmic rays. Beyond the cluster confines lies the virtually unexplored warm IGM, believed to contain most of the baryonic matter in the present-day Universe. As a depository of all the matter ever ejected from galaxies, it carries unique information on the history of energy and metal production in the Universe. Currently planned major observatories, such as Astro-H and IXO, will make deep inroads into these areas, but to see the most interesting parts of the picture will require an almost science-fiction-grade facility with tens of m^2 of effective area, subarcsecond angular resolution, a matching imaging calorimeter and a super high-dispersion spectrograph, such as Generation-X.

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