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We study the Galactic field population of double compact objects (NS-NS, BH-NS, BH-BH binaries) to investigate the number (if any) of these systems that can potentially be detected with LISA at low gravitational-wave frequencies. We calculate the Galactic numbers and physical properties of these binaries and show their relative contribution from the disk, bulge and halo. Although the Galaxy hosts 10^5 double compact object binaries emitting low-frequency gravitational waves, only a handful of these objects in the disk will be detectable with LISA, but none from the halo or bulge. This is because the bulk of these binaries are NS-NS systems with high eccentricities and long orbital periods (weeks/months) causing inefficient signal accumulation (small number of signal bursts at periastron passage in 1 yr of LISA observations) rendering them undetectable in the majority of these cases. We adopt two evolutionary models that differ in their treatment of the common envelope phase that is a major (and still mostly unknown) process in the formation of close double compact objects. Depending on the adopted evolutionary model, our calculations indicate the likely detection of about 4 NS-NS binaries and 2 BH-BH systems (model A; likely survival of progenitors through CE) or only a couple of NS-NS binaries (model B; suppression of the double compact object formation due to CE mergers).
Mergers of double neutron stars are considered the most likely progenitors for short gamma-ray bursts. Indeed such a merger can produce a black hole with a transient accreting torus of nuclear matter (Lee & Ramirez-Ruiz 2007, Oechslin & Janka 2006), and the conversion of a fraction of the torus mass-energy to radiation can power a gamma-ray burst (Nakar 2006). Using available binary pulsar observations supported by our extensive evolutionary calculations of double neutron star formation, we demonstrate that the fraction of mergers that can form a black hole -- torus system depends very sensitively on the (largely unknown) maximum neutron star mass. We show that the available observations and models put a very stringent constraint on this maximum mass under the assumption that a black hole formation is required to produce a short gamma-ray burst in a double neutron star merger. Specifically, we find that the maximum neutron star mass must be within 2 - 2.5 Msun. Moreover, a single unambiguous measurement of a neutron star mass above 2.5 Msun would exclude a black hole -- torus central engine model of short gamma-ray bursts in double neutron star mergers. Such an observation would also indicate that if in fact short gamma-ray bursts are connected to neutron star mergers, the gamma-ray burst engine is best explained by the lesser known model invoking a highly magnetized massive neutron star (e.g., Usov 1992; Kluzniak & Ruderman 1998; Dai et al. 2006; Metzger, Quataert & Thompson 2007).
We investigate the effect of including a significant ``binary twin population (binaries with almost equal mass stars, q = M2/M1 > 0.95) for the production of double compact objects and some resulting consequences, including LIGO inspiral rate and some properties of short-hard gamma-ray bursts. We employ very optimistic assumptions on the twin fraction (50%) among all binaries, and therefore our calculations place an upper limits on the influence of twins on double compact object populations. We show that for LIGO the effect of including twins is relatively minor: although the merger rates does indeed increase when twins are considered, the rate increase is fairly small (1.5). Also, chirp mass distribution for double compact objects formed with or without twins are almost indistinguishable. If double compact object are short-hard GRB progenitors, including twins in population synthesis calculations does not alter significantly the earlier rate predictions for the event rate. However, for one channel of binary evolution, introducing twins more than doubles the rate of ``very prompt NS-NS mergers (time to merger less than 1 Myr) compared to models with the ``flat q distribution. In that case, 70% of all NS-NS binaries merge within 100 Myr after their formation, indicating a possibility of a very significant population of ``prompt short-hard gamma-ray bursts, associated with star forming galaxies. We also point out that, independent of assumptions, fraction of such prompt neutron star mergers is always high, 35--70%. We note that recent observations (e.g., Berger et al.) indicate that fraction of short-hard GRBs found in young hosts is at least 40% and possibly even 80%.

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