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90 - K. J. H. Law , A. Shukla , 2012
The problem of effectively combining data with a mathematical model constitutes a major challenge in applied mathematics. It is particular challenging for high-dimensional dynamical systems where data is received sequentially in time and the objective is to estimate the system state in an on-line fashion; this situation arises, for example, in weather forecasting. The sequential particle filter is then impractical and ad hoc filters, which employ some form of Gaussian approximation, are widely used. Prototypical of these ad hoc filters is the 3DVAR method. The goal of this paper is to analyze the 3DVAR method, using the Lorenz 63 model to exemplify the key ideas. The situation where the data is partial and noisy is studied, and both discrete time and continuous time data streams are considered. The theory demonstrates how the widely used technique of variance inflation acts to stabilize the filter, and hence leads to asymptotic accuracy.
Data assimilation methodologies are designed to incorporate noisy observations of a physical system into an underlying model in order to infer the properties of the state of the system. Filters refer to a class of data assimilation algorithms designed to update the estimation of the state as data is acquired sequentially. For linear problems subject to Gaussian noise filtering can be performed exactly using the Kalman filter. For nonlinear systems it can be approximated in a systematic way by particle filters. However in high dimensions these particle filtering methods can break down. Hence, for the large nonlinear systems arising in applications such as oceanography and weather forecasting, various ad hoc filters are used, based on Gaussian approximations. In this work, we study the accuracy and stability of these ad hoc filters in the context of the 2D incompressible Navier-Stokes equation. The ideas readily generalize to a range of dissipative partial differential equations (PDEs). By working in this infinite dimensional setting we provide an analysis which is useful for the understanding of high dimensional filtering, and is robust to mesh-refinement. We describe theoretical results showing that, in the small observational noise limit, the filters can be tuned to perform accurately in tracking the signal itself (filter accuracy), provided the system is observed in a sufficiently large low dimensional space; roughly speaking this space should be large enough to contain the unstable modes of the linearized dynamics. The tuning corresponds to what is known as variance inflation in the applied literature. Numerical results are given which illustrate the theory. The positive results herein concerning filter stability complement recent numerical studies which demonstrate that the ad hoc filters can perform poorly in reproducing statistical variation about the true signal.
Data assimilation methodologies are designed to incorporate noisy observations of a physical system into an underlying model in order to infer the properties of the state of the system. Filters refer to a class of data assimilation algorithms designed to update the estimation of the state in a on-line fashion, as data is acquired sequentially. For linear problems subject to Gaussian noise filtering can be performed exactly using the Kalman filter. For nonlinear systems it can be approximated in a systematic way by particle filters. However in high dimensions these particle filtering methods can break down. Hence, for the large nonlinear systems arising in applications such as weather forecasting, various ad hoc filters are used, mostly based on making Gaussian approximations. The purpose of this work is to study the properties of these ad hoc filters, working in the context of the 2D incompressible Navier-Stokes equation. By working in this infinite dimensional setting we provide an analysis which is useful for understanding high dimensional filtering, and is robust to mesh-refinement. We describe theoretical results showing that, in the small observational noise limit, the filters can be tuned to accurately track the signal itself (filter stability), provided the system is observed in a sufficiently large low dimensional space; roughly speaking this space should be large enough to contain the unstable modes of the linearized dynamics. Numerical results are given which illustrate the theory. In a simplified scenario we also derive, and study numerically, a stochastic PDE which determines filter stability in the limit of frequent observations, subject to large observational noise. The positive results herein concerning filter stability complement recent numerical studies which demonstrate that the ad hoc filters perform poorly in reproducing statistical variation about the true signal.
138 - K. J. H. Law , A. M. Stuart 2011
Data assimilation leads naturally to a Bayesian formulation in which the posterior probability distribution of the system state, given the observations, plays a central conceptual role. The aim of this paper is to use this Bayesian posterior probability distribution as a gold standard against which to evaluate various commonly used data assimilation algorithms. A key aspect of geophysical data assimilation is the high dimensionality and low predictability of the computational model. With this in mind, yet with the goal of allowing an explicit and accurate computation of the posterior distribution, we study the 2D Navier-Stokes equations in a periodic geometry. We compute the posterior probability distribution by state-of-the-art statistical sampling techniques. The commonly used algorithms that we evaluate against this accurate gold standard, as quantified by comparing the relative error in reproducing its moments, are 4DVAR and a variety of sequential filtering approximations based on 3DVAR and on extended and ensemble Kalman filters. The primary conclusions are that: (i) with appropriate parameter choices, approximate filters can perform well in reproducing the mean of the desired probability distribution; (ii) however they typically perform poorly when attempting to reproduce the covariance; (iii) this poor performance is compounded by the need to modify the covariance, in order to induce stability. Thus, whilst filters can be a useful tool in predicting mean behavior, they should be viewed with caution as predictors of uncertainty. These conclusions are intrinsic to the algorithms and will not change if the model complexity is increased, for example by employing a smaller viscosity, or by using a detailed NWP model.
Stable vortices with topological charge of 3 and 4 are examined numerically and analytically in photonic quasicrystals created by interference of 5 as well as 8 beams, in the cases of cubic as well as saturable nonlinearities. These structures are experimentally realizable, including a prototypical example of a stable charge 4 vortex. Direct numerical simulations corroborate the analytical and numerical linear stability analysis predictions.
We report the numerical realization and demonstration of robustness of certain 2-component structures in Bose-Einstein Condensates in 2 and 3 spatial dimensions with non-trivial topological charge in one of the components. In particular, we identify a stable symbiotic state in which a higher-dimensional bright soliton exists even in a homogeneous setting with defocusing interactions, as a result of the effective potential created by a stable vortex in the other component. The resulting vortex-bright solitary waves, which naturally generalize the recently experimentally observed dark-bright solitons, are examined both in the homogeneous medium and in the presence of parabolic and periodic external confinement and are found to be very robust.
We consider the manipulation of Bose-Einstein condensate vortices by optical potentials generated by focused laser beams. It is shown that for appropriate choices of the laser strength and width it is possible to successfully transport vortices to various positions inside the trap confining the condensate atoms. Furthermore, the full bifurcation structure of possible stationary single-charge vortex solutions in a harmonic potential with this type of impurity is elucidated. The case when a moving vortex is captured by a stationary laser beam is also studied, as well as the possibility of dragging the vortex by means of periodic optical lattices.
We investigate the existence and stability of gap vortices and multi-pole gap solitons in a Kagome lattice with a defocusing nonlinearity both in a discrete case and in a continuum one with periodic external modulation. In particular, predictions are made based on expansion around a simple and analytically tractable anti-continuum (zero coupling) limit. These predictions are then confirmed for a continuum model of an optically-induced Kagome lattice in a photorefractive crystal obtained by a continuous transformation of a honeycomb lattice.
We consider a prototypical dynamical lattice model, namely, the discrete nonlinear Schroedinger equation on nonsquare lattice geometries. We present a systematic classification of the solutions that arise in principal six-lattice-site and three-lattice-site contours in the form of both discrete multipole solitons and discrete vortices. Additionally to identifying the possible states, we analytically track their linear stability both qualitatively and quantitatively. We find that among the six-site configurations, the hexapole of alternating phases, as well as the vortex of topological charge S=2 have intervals of stability; among three-site states, only the vortex of topological charge S=1 may be stable in the case of focusing nonlinearity. These conclusions are confirmed both for hexagonal and for honeycomb lattices by means of detailed numerical bifurcation analysis of the stationary states from the anticontinuum limit, and by direct simulations to monitor the dynamical instabilities, when the latter arise. The dynamics reveal a wealth of nonlinear behavior resulting not only in single-site solitary wave forms, but also in robust multisite breathing structures.
In this paper, we consider the dynamical evolution of dark vortex states in the two-dimensional defocusing discrete nonlinear Schroedinger model, a model of interest both to atomic physics and to nonlinear optics. We find that in a way reminiscent of their 1d analogs, i.e., of discrete dark solitons, the discrete defocusing vortices become unstable past a critical coupling strength and, in the infinite lattice, they apparently remain unstable up to the continuum limit where they are restabilized. In any infinite lattice, stabilization windows of the structures may be observed. Systematic tools are offered for the continuation of the states both from the continuum and, especially, from the anti-continuum limit. Although the results are mainly geared towards the uniform case, we also consider the effect of harmonic trapping potentials.

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