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We present Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) observations of the CO ($J = 2 rightarrow 1$) line emission towards the $z = 6.419$ quasar SDSS J$114816.64+525150.3$ (J$1148+5251$). The molecular gas is found to be marginally resolved with a major axis of $0.9$ (consistent with previous size measurements of the CO ($J = 7 rightarrow 6$) emission). We observe tentative evidence for extended line emission towards the south west on a scale of ~$1.4$, but this is only detected at $3.3sigma$ significance and should be confirmed. The position of the molecular emission region is in excellent agreement with previous detections of low frequency radio continuum emission as well as [C ii] line and thermal dust continuum emission. These CO ($J = 2 rightarrow 1$) observations provide an anchor for the low excitation part of the molecular line SED. We find no evidence for extended low excitation component, neither in the spectral line energy distribution nor the image. We fit a single kinetic gas temperature model of 50 K. We revisit the gas and dynamical masses in light of this new detection of a low order transition of CO, and confirm previous findings that there is no extended reservoir of cold molecular gas in J$1148+5251$, and that the source departs substantially from the low $z$ relationship between black hole mass and bulge mass. Hence, the characteristics of J$1148+5251$ at $z = 6.419$ are very similar to $z$~$2$ quasars, in the lack of a diffuse cold gas reservoir and kpc-size compactness of the star forming region.
We present observations taken with the Precision Array for Probing the Epoch of Reionization (PAPER) of the Centaurus A field in the frequency range 114 to 188 MHz. The resulting image has a 25 resolution, a dynamic range of 3500 and an r.m.s. of 0.5 Jybeam (for a beam size of 25 x 23). A spectral index map of Cen A is produced across the full band. The spectral index distribution is qualitatively consistent with electron reacceleration in regions of excess turbulence in the radio lobes, as previously identified morphologically. Hence, there appears to be an association of severe weather in radio lobes with energy input into the relativistic electron population. We compare the PAPER large scale radio image with the X-ray image from the ROSAT All Sky Survey. There is a tentative correlation between radio and X-ray features at the end of the southern lobe, some 200 kpc from the nucleus, as might be expected from inverse Compton scattering of the CMB by the relativistic electrons also responsible for the radio synchrotron emission. The magnetic fields derived from the (possible) IC and radio emission are of similar magnitude to fields derived under the minimum pressure assumptions, ~ 1 {mu}G. However, the X-ray field is complex, with large scale gradients and features possibly unrelated to Cen A. If these X-ray features are unrelated to Cen A, then these fields are lower limits.

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