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Highly obscured active galactic nuclei (AGN) are common in nearby galaxies, but are difficult to observe beyond the local Universe, where they are expected to significantly contribute to the black hole accretion rate density. Furthermore, Compton-thick (CT) absorbers (NH>10^24 cm^-2) suppress even the hard X-ray (2-10 keV) AGN nuclear emission, and therefore the column density distribution above 10^24 cm^-2 is largely unknown. We present the identification and multi-wavelength properties of a heavily obscured (NH>~10^25 cm^-2), intrinsically luminous (L(2-10keV)>10^44 erg s^-1) AGN at z=0.353 in the COSMOS field. Several independent indicators, such as the shape of the X-ray spectrum, the decomposition of the spectral energy distribution and X-ray/[NeV] and X-ray/6{mu}m luminosity ratios, agree on the fact that the nuclear emission must be suppressed by a 10^25 cm^-2 column density. The host galaxy properties show that this highly obscured AGN is hosted in a massive star-forming galaxy, showing a barred morphology, which is known to correlate with the presence of CT absorbers. Finally, asymmetric and blueshifted components in several optical high-ionization emission lines indicate the presence of a galactic outflow, possibly driven by the intense AGN activity (L(Bol)/L(Edd) = 0.3-0.5). Such highly obscured, highly accreting AGN are intrinsically very rare at low redshift, whereas they are expected to be much more common at the peak of the star formation and BH accretion history, at z~2-3. We demonstrate that a fully multi-wavelength approach can recover a sizable sample of such peculiar sources in large and deep surveys such as COSMOS.
Heavily obscured, Compton Thick (CT, NH>10^24 cm^-2) AGN may represent an important phase in AGN/galaxy co-evolution and are expected to provide a significant contribution to the cosmic X-ray background (CXB). Through direct X-ray spectra analysis, we selected 39 heavily obscured AGN (NH>3x10^23 cm^-2) in the 2 deg^2 XMM-COSMOS survey. After selecting CT AGN based on the fit of a simple absorbed two power law model to the XMM data, the presence of CT AGN was confirmed in 80% of the sources using deeper Chandra data and more complex models. The final sample of CT AGN comprises 10 sources spanning a large range of redshift and luminosity. We collected the multi-wavelength information available for all these sources, in order to study the distribution of SMBH and host properties, such as BH mass (M_BH), Eddington ratio (lambda_Edd), stellar mass (M*), specific star formation rate (sSFR) in comparison with a sample of unobscured AGN. We find that highly obscured sources tend to have significantly smaller M_BH and higher lambda_edd with respect to unobscured ones, while a weaker evolution in M* is observed. The sSFR of highly obscured sources is consistent with the one observed in the main sequence of star forming galaxies, at all redshift. We also present optical spectra, spectral energy distribution (SED) and morphology for the sample of 10 CT AGN: all the available optical spectra are dominated by the stellar component of the host galaxy, and a highly obscured torus component is needed in the SED of the CT sources. Exploiting the high resolution Hubble-ACS images available, we conclude that these highly obscured sources have a significantly larger merger fraction with respect to other X-ray selected samples of AGN. Finally we discuss implications in the context of AGN/galaxy co-evolutionary models, and compare our results with the predictions of CXB synthesis models.
We took advantage of the observations carried out by XMM in the COSMOS field during 3.5 years, to study the long term variability of a large sample of AGN (638 sources), in a wide range of redshift (0.1<z<3.5) and X-ray luminosity ($10^{41}<$L(2-10)$<10^{45.5}$). Both a simple statistical method to asses the significance of variability, and the Normalized Excess Variance ($sigma^{2}_{rms}$) parameter, where used to obtain a quantitative measurement of the variability. Variability is found to be prevalent in most AGN, whenever we have good statistic to measure it, and no significant differences between type-1 and type-2 AGN were found. A flat (slope -0.23+/-0.03) anti-correlation between $sigma^{2}_{rms}$ and X-ray luminosity is found, when significantly variable sources are considered all together. When divided in three redshift bins, the anti-correlation becomes stronger and evolving with z, with higher redshift AGN being more variable. We prove however that this effect is due to the pre-selection of variable sources: considering all the sources with available $sigma^{2}_{rms}$ measurement, the evolution in redshift disappears. For the first time we were also able to study the long term X-ray variability as a function of $M_{rm BH}$ and Eddington ratio, for a large sample of AGN spanning a wide range of redshift. An anti-correlation between $sigma^{2}_{rms}$ and $M_{rm BH}$ is found, with the same slope of the anti-correlation between $sigma^{2}_{rms}$ and X-ray luminosity, suggesting that the latter can be a byproduct of the former one. No clear correlation is found between $sigma^{2}_{rms}$ and the Eddington ratio in our sample. Finally, no correlation is found between the X-ray $sigma^{2}_{rms}$ and the optical variability.
162 - G. Lanzuisi , F. Civano , M. Elvis 2013
We present the X-ray spectral analysis of the 390 brightest extragalactic sources in the Chandra-COSMOS catalog, showing at least 70 net counts in the 0.5-7 keV band. This sample has a 100% completeness in optical-IR identification, with 75% of the sample having a spectroscopic redshift and 25% a photometric redshift. Our analysis allows us to accurately determine the intrinsic absorption, the broad band continuum shape ({Gamma}) and intrinsic L(2-10) distributions, with an accuracy better than 30% on the spectral parameters for 95% of the sample. The sample is equally divided in type-1 (49.7%) and type-2 AGN (48.7%) plus few passive galaxies at low z. We found a significant difference in the distribution of {Gamma} of type-1 and type-2, with small intrinsic dispersion, a weak correlation of {Gamma} with L(2-10) and a large population (15% of the sample) of high luminosity, highly obscured (QSO2) sources. The distribution of the X ray/Optical flux ratio (Log(FX /Fi)) for type-1 is narrow (0 < X/O < 1), while type-2 are spread up to X/O = 2. The X/O correlates well with the amount of X-ray obscuration. Finally, a small sample of Compton thick candidates and peculiar sources is presented. In the appendix we discuss the comparison between Chandra and XMM-Newton spectra for 280 sources in common. We found a small systematic difference, with XMM-Newton spectra that tend to have softer power-laws and lower obscuration.
262 - G. Lanzuisi 2009
Recent works have suggested that selection criteria based on MIR colors can be used to reveal a population of dust-enshrouded, extremely luminous quasars at z>1. However the X-ray spectral properties of these intriguing sources still remain largely unexplored. We report on an X-ray spectroscopic study of a sample of 44 very bright mid-IR galaxies with extreme mid-IR to optical flux ratios (MIR/O>2000). The X-ray coverage of the sample is highly inhomogeneous (from snap-shot 5 ks Chandra observations to medium-deep XMM exposures of 70 ks) and, consequently, a sizable fraction of them (~43%) remains undetected in the 0.5-10 keV band. The vast majority (95%) of the detected sources (23) show an absorption column density NH>10e22 cm-2 and, remarkably, we also find that 50% of them can be classified as Type 2 quasars on the basis of their absorption properties and X-ray luminosity. Moreover, most of the X-ray undetected sources show extreme mid-IR colors, consistent with being luminous AGN-powered objects, suggesting they might host heavily obscured (possibly Compton-thick) quasars in X-rays. This demonstrates that our selection criteria applied to a wide area survey is very efficient in finding a large number of Type 2 quasars at z > 1. The existence of this class of very powerful, obscured quasars at high z could have important implications in the context of the formation and cosmological evolution of accreting supermassive black holes and their host galaxies.

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