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We clarify the existence of several magnetization plateaux for the kagome $S=1/2$ antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model in a magnetic field. Using approximate or exact localized magnon eigenstates, we are able to describe in a similar manner the plateau states that occur for magnetization per site $m=1/3$, $5/9$, and $7/9$ of the saturation value. These results are confirmed using large-scale Exact Diagonalization on lattices up to 63 sites.
We investigate the nature of the Mott-insulating phases of half-filled 2N-component fermionic cold atoms loaded into a one-dimensional optical lattice. By means of conformal field theory techniques and large-scale DMRG calculations, we show that the phase diagram strongly depends on the parity of $N$. First, we single out charged, spin-singlet, degrees of freedom, that carry a pseudo-spin ${cal S}=N/2$ allowing to formulate a Haldane conjecture: for attractive interactions, we establish the emergence of Haldane insulating phases when $N$ is even, whereas a metallic behavior is found when $N$ is odd. We point out that the $N=1,2$ cases do emph{not} have the generic properties of each family. The metallic phase for $N$ odd and larger than 1 has a quasi-long range singlet pairing ordering with an interesting edge-state structure. Moreover, the properties of the Haldane insulating phases with even $N$ further depend on the parity of N/2. In this respect, within the low-energy approach, we argue that the Haldane phases with N/2 even are not topologically protected but equivalent to a topologically trivial insulating phase and thus confirm the recent conjecture put forward by Pollmann {it et al.} [Pollmann {it et al.}, arXiv:0909.4059 (2009)].
177 - F. Alet , S. Capponi , H. Nonne 2010
The zero-temperature properties of the SO(5) bilinear-biquadratic Heisenberg spin chain are investigated by means of a low-energy approach and large scale numerical calculations. In sharp contrast to the spin-1 SO(3) Heisenberg chain, we show that the SO(5) Heisenberg spin chain is dimerized with a two-fold degenerate ground state. On top of this gapful phase, we find the emergence of a non-degenerate gapped phase with hidden (Z$_2$ $times$ Z$_2$)$^2$ symmetry and spin-3/2 edge states that can be understood from a SO(5) AKLT wave function. We derive a low-energy theory describing the quantum critical point which separates these two gapped phases. It is shown and confirmed numerically that this quantum critical point belongs to the SO(5)$_1$ universality class.
We investigate the effect of the anisotropy between the s-wave scattering lengths of a three-component atomic Fermi gas loaded into a one-dimensional optical lattice. We find four different phases which support trionic instabilities made of bound states of three fermions. These phases distinguish themselves by the relative phases between the 2$k_F$ atomic density waves fluctuations of the three species. At small enough densities or strong anisotropies we give further evidences for a decoupling and the stabilization of more conventional BCS phases. Finally our results are discussed in light of a recent experiment on $^{6}$Li atoms.
133 - A. Abendschein , S. Capponi 2008
We use the non-perturbative Contractor-Renormalization method (CORE) in order to derive an effective model for triplet excitations on the Shastry-Sutherland lattice. For strong enough magnetic fields, various magnetization plateaux are observed, e.g. at 1/8, 1/4, 1/3 of the saturation, as found experimentally in a related compound. Moreover, other stable plateaux are found at 1/9, 1/6 or 2/9. We give a critical review of previous works and try to resolve some apparent inconsistencies between various theoretical approaches.
We study a simple model of N-component fermions with contact interactions which describes fermionic atoms with N=2F+1 hyperfine states loaded into a one-dimensional optical lattice. We show by means of analytical and numerical approaches that, for attractive interaction, a quasi-long-range molecular superfluid phase emerges at low density. In such a phase, the pairing instability is strongly suppressed and the leading instability is formed from bound-states made of N fermions. At small density, the molecular superfluid phase is generic and exists for a wide range of attractive contact interactions without an SU(N) symmetry between the hyperfine states.

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