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236 - R. Aversa , A. Lapi (1 2015
[abridged] We investigate the coevolution of galaxies and hosted supermassive black holes throughout the history of the Universe by a statistical approach based on the continuity equation and the abundance matching technique. Specifically, we present analytical solutions of the continuity equation without source term to reconstruct the supermassive black hole (BH) mass function from the AGN luminosity functions. Such an approach includes physically-motivated AGN lightcurves tested on independent datasets, which describe the evolution of the Eddington ratio and radiative efficiency from slim- to thin-disc conditions. We nicely reproduce the local estimates of the BH mass function, the AGN duty cycle as a function of mass and redshift, along with the Eddington ratio function and the fraction of galaxies with given stellar mass hosting an AGN with given Eddington ratio. We exploit the same approach to reconstruct the observed stellar mass function at different redshift from the UV and far-IR luminosity functions associated to star formation in galaxies. These results imply that the buildup of stars and BHs in galaxies occurs via in-situ processes, with dry mergers playing a marginal role at least for stellar masses < 3 10^11 M_sun and BH masses < 10^9 M_sun, where the statistical data are more secure and less biased by systematic errors. In addition, we develop an improved abundance matching technique to link the stellar and BH content of galaxies to the gravitationally dominant dark matter component. The resulting relationships constitute a testbed for galaxy evolution models, highlighting the complementary role of stellar and AGN feedback in the star formation process. Finally, the clustering properties of BHs and galaxies are found to be in full agreement with current observations, so further validating our results from the continuity equation.
We present an analysis of high-quality X-ray data out to the virial radius for the two galaxy clusters Abell 1246 and GMBCG J255.34805+64.23661 (J255) by means of our entropy-based SuperModel. For Abell 1246 we find that the spherically-averaged entropy profile of the intracluster medium (ICM) progressively flattens outwards, and that a nonthermal pressure component amounting to ~20% of the total is required to support hydrostatic equilibrium in the outskirts; there we also estimate a modest value C~1.6 of the ICM clumping factor. These findings agree with previous analyses on other cool-core, relaxed clusters, and lend further support to the picture by Lapi et al. (2010) that relates the entropy flattening, the development of nonthermal pressure component, and the azimuthal variation of ICM properties to weakening boundary shocks. In this scenario clusters are born in a high-entropy state throughout, and are expected to develop on similar timescales a low entropy state both at the center due to cooling, and in the outskirts due to weakening shocks. However, the analysis of J255 testifies how such a typical evolutionary course can be interrupted or even reversed by merging especially at intermediate redshift, as predicted by Cavaliere et al. (2011b). In fact, a merger has rejuvenated the ICM of this cluster at z~0.45 by reestablishing a high entropy state in the outskirts, while leaving intact or erasing only partially the low-entropy, cool core at the center.
We derive approximated, yet very accurate analytical expressions for the abundance and clustering properties of dark matter halos in the excursion set peak framework; the latter relies on the standard excursion set approach, but also includes the effects of a realistic filtering of the density field, a mass-dependent threshold for collapse, and the prescription from peak theory that halos tend to form around density maxima. We find that our approximations work excellently for diverse power spectra, collapse thresholds and density filters. Moreover, when adopting a cold dark matter power spectra, a tophat filtering and a mass-dependent collapse threshold (supplemented with conceivable scatter), our approximated halo mass function and halo bias represent very well the outcomes of cosmological $N-$body simulations.
Several physical processes and formation events are expected in cluster outskirts, a vast region up to now essentially not covered by observations. The recent Suzaku (X-ray) and Planck (Sunayev-Zeldovich effect) observations out to the virial radius have highlighted in these peripheral regions a rather sharp decline of the intracluster gas temperature, an entropy flattening in contrast with the theoretically expected power law increase, the break of the hydrostatic equilibrium even in some relaxed clusters, a derived gas mass fraction above the cosmic value measured from several CMB experiments, and a total X-ray mass lower than the weak lensing mass determinations. Here we present the analysis of four clusters (A1795, A2029, A2204 and A133) with the SuperModel that includes a nonthermal pressure component due to turbulence to sustain the hydrostatic equilibrium also in the cluster outskirts. In such way we obtain a correct determination of the total X-ray mass and of the gas mass fraction; this in turn allows to determine the level of the gas clumping that can affect the shape of the entropy profiles reported by the Suzaku observations. Our conclusion is that the role of the gas clumping is very marginal and that the observed entropy flattening is due to the rapid decrement of the temperature in the cluster outskirts caused by non gravitational effects. Moreover, we show that the X-ray/SZ joint analysis from ROSAT and Planck data, as performed in some recent investigations, is inadequate to discriminate between a power law increase and a flattening of the entropy.
493 - A. Lapi 2013
We exploit the recent, wide samples of far-infrared (FIR) selected galaxies followed-up in X rays and of X-ray/optically selected active galactic nuclei (AGNs) followed-up in the FIR band, along with the classic data on AGN and stellar luminosity functions at high redshift z>1.5, to probe different stages in the coevolution of supermassive black holes (BHs) and host galaxies. The results of our analysis indicate the following scenario: (i) the star formation in the host galaxy proceeds within a heavily dust-enshrouded medium at an almost constant rate over a timescale ~0.5-1 Gyr, and then abruptly declines due to quasar feedback; over the same timescale, (ii) part of the interstellar medium loses angular momentum, reaches the circum-nuclear regions at a rate proportional to the star formation and is temporarily stored into a massive reservoir/proto-torus wherefrom it can be promptly accreted; (iii) the BH grows by accretion in a self-regulated regime with radiative power that can slightly exceed the Eddington limit L/L_Edd< 4, particularly at the highest redshifts; (iv) for massive BHs the ensuing energy feedback at its maximum exceeds the stellar one and removes the interstellar gas, thus stopping the star formation and the fueling of the reservoir; (v) afterwards, if the latter has retained enough gas, a phase of supply-limited accretion follows exponentially declining with a timescale of about 2 e-folding times. We show that the ratio of the FIR luminosity of the host galaxy to the bolometric luminosity of the AGN maps the various stages of the above sequence. Finally, we discuss how the detailed properties and the specific evolution of the reservoir can be investigated via coordinated, high-resolution observations of starforming, strongly-lensed galaxies in the (sub-)mm band with ALMA and in the X-ray band with Chandra and the next generation X-ray instruments.
The total mass derived from X-ray emission is biased low in a large number of clusters when compared with the mass estimated via strong and weak lensing. Suzaku and Chandra observations out to the virial radius report in several relaxed clusters steep temperature gradients that on assuming pure thermal hydrostatic equilibrium imply an unphysically decreasing mass profile. Moreover, the gas mass fraction appears to be inconsistent with the cosmic value measured from the CMB. Such findings can be interpreted as an evidence for an additional nonthermal pressure in the outskirts of these clusters. This nonthermal component may be due to turbulence stirred by residual bulk motions of extragalactic gas infalling into the cluster. Here we present a SuperModel analysis of Abell 1835 observed by Chandra out to the virial radius. The SuperModel formalism can include in the equilibrium a nonthermal component whose level and distribution are derived imposing that the gas mass fraction f_{gas} equals the cosmic value at the virial radius. Including such a nonthermal component, we reconstruct from X rays an increasing mass profile consistent with the hydrostatic equilibrium also in the cluster outskirts and in agreement at the virial boundary with the weak lensing value. The increasing f_{gas} profile confirms that the baryons are not missing but located at the cluster outskirts.
114 - R. Fusco-Femiano 2012
The Planck collaboration has recently published precise and resolved measurements of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect in Abell 1656 (the Coma cluster of galaxies), so directly gauging the electron pressure profile in the intracluster plasma. On the other hand, such a quantity may be also derived from combining the density and temperature provided by X-ray observations of the thermal bremsstrahlung radiation emitted by the plasma. We find a model-independent tension between the SZ and the X-ray pressure, with the SZ one being definitely lower by 15-20%. We propose that such a challenging tension can be resolved in terms of an additional, non-thermal support to the gravitational equilibrium of the intracluster plasma. This can be straightforwardly included in our Supermodel, so as to fit in detail the Planck SZ profile while being consistent with the X-ray observables. Possible origins of the nonthermal component include cosmic-ray protons, ongoing turbulence, and relativistic electrons; given the existing observational constraints on the first two options, here we focus on the third. For this to be effective, we find that the electron population must include not only an energetic tail accelerated to gamma> 10^3 responsible for the Coma radiohalo, but also many more, lower energy electrons. The electron acceleration is to be started by merging events similar to those which provided the very high central entropy of the thermal intracluster plasma in Coma.
The pressure profiles of the Intracluster Plasma in galaxy clusters show a wide variance when observed in X rays at low redshifts z<0.2. We find the profiles to follow two main patterns, featuring either a steep or a shallow shape throughout both core and outskirts. We trace these shapes back to a physical dichotomy of clusters into two classes, marked by either low entropy (LE) or high entropy (HE) throughout. From X-ray observations and Sunyaev-Zeldovich stacked data at higher 0.2<z<0.4, we elicit evidence of an increasing abundance of HEs relative to LEs. We propose this to constitute a systematic trend toward high z; specifically, we predict the pressure profiles to converge into a truly universal HE-like template for z>0.5. We submit our physical templates and converging trend for further observational tests, in view of the current and upcoming measurements of individual, stacked, and integrated Sunyaev-Zeldovich signals.
[abridged] We present the analysis of the X-ray brightness and temperature profiles for six clusters belonging to both the Cool Core and Non Cool Core classes, in terms of the Supermodel (SM) developed by Cavaliere, Lapi & Fusco-Femiano (2009). Based on the gravitational wells set by the dark matter halos, the SM straightforwardly expresses the equilibrium of the IntraCluster Plasma (ICP) modulated by the entropy deposited at the boundary by standing shocks from gravitational accretion, and injected at the center by outgoing blastwaves from mergers or from outbursts of Active Galactic Nuclei. The cluster set analyzed here highlights not only how simply the SM represents the main dichotomy Cool vs. Non Cool Core clusters in terms of a few ICP parameters governing the radial entropy run, but also how accurately it fits even complex brightness and temperature profiles. For Cool Core clusters like A2199 and A2597, the SM with a low level of central entropy straightforwardly yields the characteristic peaked profile of the temperature marked by a decline toward the center, without requiring currently strong radiative cooling and high mass deposition rates. Non Cool Core clusters like A1656 require instead a central entropy floor of a substantial level, and some like A2256 and even more A644 feature structured temperature profiles that also call for a definite floor extension; in such conditions the SM accurately fits the observations, and suggests that in these clusters the ICP has been just remolded by a merger event, in the way of a remnant cool core. The SM also predicts that dark matter halos with high concentration should correlate with flatter entropy profiles and steeper brightness in the outskirts; this is indeed the case with A1689.
175 - A. Lapi , N. Kawakatu (3 2008
Motivated by the recent observational and theoretical evidence that long Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) are likely associated with low metallicity, rapidly rotating massive stars, we examine the cosmological star formation rate (SFR) below a critical metallicity Z_crit Z_sun/10 - Z_sun/5, to estimate the event rate of high-redshift long GRB progenitors. To this purpose, we exploit a galaxy formation scenario already successfully tested on a wealth of observational data on (proto)spheroids, Lyman break galaxies, Lyman alpha emitters, submm galaxies, quasars, and local early-type galaxies. We find that the predicted rate of long GRBs amounts to about 300 events/yr/sr, of which about 30 per cent occur at z>~6. Correspondingly, the GRB number counts well agree with the bright SWIFT data, without the need for an intrinsic luminosity evolution. Moreover, the above framework enables us to predict properties of the GRB host galaxies. Most GRBs are associated with low mass galaxy halos M_H<~10^11 M_sun, and effectively trace the formation of small galaxies in such halos. The hosts are young, with age smaller than 5*10^7 yr, gas rich, but poorly extincted (A_V<~0.1) because of their chemical immaturity; this also implies high specific SFR and quite extreme alpha-enhancement. Only the minority of hosts residing in large halos with M_H>~10^12 M_sun have larger extinction (A_V~0.7-1), SFRs exceeding 100 M_sun/yr and can be detected at submm wavelengths. Most of the hosts have UV magnitudes in the range -20 <~M_1350<~ -16, and Lyman alpha luminosity in the range 2*10^40 <~L_Lya<~2*10^42 erg/s. GRB hosts are thus tracing the faint end of the luminosity function of Lyman break galaxies and Lyman alpha emitters.

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