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The majority of solar-type stars reside in multiple systems, especially binaries. They form in dense cores of molecular clouds that are observed to be significantly magnetized. Our previous study shows that magnetic braking can tighten the binary separation during the protostellar mass accretion phase by removing the angular momentum of the accreting material. Recent numerical calculations of single star formation have shown that misalignment between the magnetic field and rotation axis may weaken both magnetic braking and the associated magnetically driven outflows. These two effects allow for disk formation even in strongly magnetized cores. Here we investigate the effects of magnetic field misalignment on the properties of protobinaries. Somewhat surprisingly, the misaligned magnetic field is more efficient at tightening the binary orbit compared to the aligned field. The main reason is that the misalignment weakens the magnetically-driven outflow, which allows more material to accrete onto the binary. Even though the specific angular momentum of this inner material is higher than in the aligned case, it is insufficient to compensate for the additional mass. A corollary of this result is that a weaker field is required to achieve the same degree of inward migration when the field is tilted relative to the rotation axis. Large field misalignment also helps to produce rotationally-supported circumbinary disks even for relatively strong magnetic fields, by weakening the magnetically-dominated structure close to the binary. Our result may provide an explanation for the circumbinary disks detected in recent SMA and ALMA observations.
Stars form in dense cores of molecular clouds that are observed to be significantly magnetized. In the simplest case of a laminar (non-turbulent) core with the magnetic field aligned with the rotation axis, both analytic considerations and numerical simulations have shown that the formation of a large, $10^2au$-scale, rotationally supported protostellar disk is suppressed by magnetic braking in the ideal MHD limit for a realistic level of core magnetization. This theoretical difficulty in forming protostellar disks is termed magnetic braking catastrophe. A possible resolution to this problem, proposed by citeauthor{HennebelleCiardi2009} and citeauthor{Joos+2012}, is that misalignment between the magnetic field and rotation axis may weaken the magnetic braking enough to enable disk formation. We evaluate this possibility quantitatively through numerical simulations. We confirm the basic result of citeauthor{Joos+2012} that the misalignment is indeed conducive to disk formation. In relatively weakly magnetized cores with dimensionless mass-to-flux ratio $gtrsim 5$, it enabled the formation of rotationally supported disks that would otherwise be suppressed if the magnetic field and rotation axis are aligned. For more strongly magnetized cores, disk formation remains suppressed, however, even for the maximum tilt angle of $90degree$. If dense cores are as strongly magnetized as indicated by OH Zeeman observations (with a mean dimensionless mass-to-flux ratio $sim 2$), it would be difficult for the misalignment alone to enable disk formation in the majority of them. We conclude that, while beneficial to disk formation, especially for the relatively weak field case, the misalignment does not completely solve the problem of catastrophic magnetic braking in general.
112 - Bo Zhao 2012
The majority of stars reside in multiple systems, especially binaries. The formation and early evolution of binaries is a longstanding problem in star formation that is not fully understood. In particular, how the magnetic field observed in star-forming cores shapes the binary characteristics remains relatively unexplored. We demonstrate numerically, using the ENZO-MHD code, that a magnetic field of the observed strength can drastically change two of the basic quantities of a binary system: the orbital separation and mass ratio of the two components. Our calculations focus on the protostellar mass accretion phase, after a pair of stellar seeds have already formed. We find that, in dense cores magnetized to a realistic level, the angular momentum of the gas accreted by the protobinary is greatly reduced by magnetic braking. Accretion of strongly braked material shrinks the protobinary separation by a large factor compared to the non-magnetic case. The magnetic braking also changes the evolution of the mass ratio of unequal-mass protobinaries by producing gas of low specific angular momentum that accretes preferentially onto the primary rather than the secondary. This is in contrast with the preferential mass accretion onto the secondary previously found for protobinaries accreting from an unmagnetized envelope, which tends to drive the mass ratio towards unity. In addition, the magnetic field greatly modifies the morphology and dynamics of the protobinary accretion flow. It suppresses the circumstellar and circumbinary disks that feed the protobinary in the non-magnetic case; the binary is fed instead by a fast collapsing pseudodisk whose rotation is strongly braked. The magnetic braking-driven inward migration of binaries from their birth locations may be constrained by high-resolution observations of the orbital distribution of deeply embedded protobinaries, especially with ALMA.
86 - Bo Zhao 2011
Stars form in dense cores of magnetized molecular clouds. If the magnetic flux threading the cores is dragged into the stars, the stellar field would be orders of magnitude stronger than observed. This well-known magnetic flux problem demands that most of the core magnetic flux be decoupled from the matter that enters the star. We carry out the first exploration of what happens to the decoupled magnetic flux in 3D, using an MHD version of the ENZO adaptive mesh refinement code. The field-matter decoupling is achieved through a sink particle treatment, which is needed to follow the protostellar accretion phase of star formation. We find that the accumulation of the decoupled flux near the accreting protostar leads to a magnetic pressure buildup. The high pressure is released anisotropically, along the path of least resistance. It drives a low-density expanding region in which the decoupled magnetic flux is expelled. This decoupling-enabled magnetic structure has never been seen before in 3D MHD simulations of star formation. It generates a strong asymmetry in the protostellar accretion flow, potentially giving a kick to the star. In the presence of an initial core rotation, the structure presents an obstacle to the formation of a rotationally supported disk, in addition to magnetic braking, by acting as a rigid magnetic wall that prevents the rotating gas from completing a full orbit around the central object. We conclude that the decoupled magnetic flux from the stellar matter can strongly affect the protostellar collapse dynamics.
153 - Peng Wang 2009
(Abridged) We investigate massive star formation in turbulent, magnetized, parsec-scale clumps of molecular clouds including protostellar outflow feedback using Enzo-based MHD simulations with accreting sink particles and effective resolution $2048^3$. We find that, in the absence of regulation by magnetic fields and outflow feedback, massive stars form readily in a turbulent, moderately condensed clump of $sim 1,600$ solar masses, along with a cluster of hundreds of lower mass stars. The massive stars are fed at high rates by (1) transient dense filaments produced by large-scale turbulent compression at early times, and (2) by the clump-wide global collapse resulting from turbulence decay at late times. In both cases, the bulk of the massive stars mass is supplied from outside a 0.1 pc-sized core that surrounds the star. In our simulation, the massive star is clump-fed rather than core-fed. The need for large-scale feeding makes the massive star formation prone to regulation by outflow feedback, which directly opposes the feeding processes. The outflows reduce the mass accretion rates onto the massive stars by breaking up the dense filaments that feed the massive star formation at early times, and by collectively slowing down the global collapse that fuel the massive star formation at late times. The latter is aided by a moderate magnetic field of strength in the observed range. We conclude that the massive star formation in our simulated turbulent, magnetized, parsec-scale clump is outflow-regulated and clump-fed (ORCF for short). An important implication is that the formation of low-mass stars in a dense clump can affect the formation of massive stars in the same clump, through their outflow feedback on the clump dynamics.
54 - S. T. Megeath 2008
During the last two decades, the focus of star formation research has shifted from understanding the collapse of a single dense core into a star to studying the formation hundreds to thousands of stars in molecular clouds. In this chapter, we overview recent observational and theoretical progress toward understanding star formation on the scale of molecular clouds and complexes, i.e the macrophysics of star formation. We begin with an overview of recent surveys of young stellar objects (YSOs) in molecular clouds and embedded clusters, and we outline an emerging picture of cluster formation. We then discuss the role of turbulence to both support clouds and create dense, gravitationally unstable structures, with an emphasis on the role of magnetic fields (in the case of distributed stars) and feedback (in the case of clusters) to slow turbulent decay and mediate the rate and density of star formation. The discussion is followed by an overview of how gravity and turbulence may produce observed scaling laws for the properties of molecular clouds, stars and star clusters, and how the observed, low star formation rate may result from self regulated star formation. We end with some concluding remarks, including a number of questions to be addressed by future observations and simulations.

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