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Three decades of research in communication complexity have led to the invention of a number of techniques to lower bound randomized communication complexity. The majority of these techniques involve properties of large submatrices (rectangles) of the truth-table matrix defining a communication problem. The only technique that does not quite fit is information complexity, which has been investigated over the last decade. Here, we connect information complexity to one of the most powerful rectangular techniques: the recently-introduced smooth corruption (or smooth rectangle) bound. We show that the former subsumes the latter under rectangular input distributions. We conjecture that this subsumption holds more generally, under arbitrary distributions, which would resolve the long-standing direct sum question for randomized communication. As an application, we obtain an optimal $Omega(n)$ lower bound on the information complexity---under the {em uniform distribution}---of the so-called orthogonality problem (ORT), which is in turn closely related to the much-studied Gap-Hamming-Distance (GHD). The proof of this bound is along the lines of recent communication lower bounds for GHD, but we encounter a surprising amount of additional technical detail.
We study problems of scheduling jobs on related machines so as to minimize the makespan in the setting where machines are strategic agents. In this problem, each job $j$ has a length $l_{j}$ and each machine $i$ has a private speed $t_{i}$. The running time of job $j$ on machine $i$ is $t_{i}l_{j}$. We seek a mechanism that obtains speed bids of machines and then assign jobs and payments to machines so that the machines have incentive to report true speeds and the allocation and payments are also envy-free. We show that 1. A deterministic envy-free, truthful, individually rational, and anonymous mechanism cannot approximate the makespan strictly better than $2-1/m$, where $m$ is the number of machines. This result contrasts with prior work giving a deterministic PTAS for envy-free anonymous assignment and a distinct deterministic PTAS for truthful anonymous mechanism. 2. For two machines of different speeds, the unique deterministic scalable allocation of any envy-free, truthful, individually rational, and anonymous mechanism is to allocate all jobs to the quickest machine. This allocation is the same as that of the VCG mechanism, yielding a 2-approximation to the minimum makespan. 3. No payments can make any of the prior published monotone and locally efficient allocations that yield better than an $m$-approximation for $qcmax$ cite{aas, at,ck10, dddr, kovacs} a truthful, envy-free, individually rational, and anonymous mechanism.

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