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121 - Tianjun Li , Zheng Sun , Chi Tian 2014
We systematically study the renormalizable three-term polynomial inflation in the supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric models. The supersymmetric inflaton potentials can be realized in supergravity theory, and only have two independent parameters. We show that the general renormalizable supergravity model is equivalent to one kind of our supersymmetric models. We find that the spectral index and tensor-to-scalar ratio can be consistent with the Planck and BICEP2 results, but the running of spectral index is always out of the $2sigma$ range. If we do not consider the BICEP2 experiment, these inflationary models can be highly consistent with the Planck observations and saturate its upper bound on the tensor-to-scalar ratio ($r le 0.11$). Thus, our models can be tested at the future Planck and QUBIC experiments.
85 - Zheng Sun 2011
We show that in ORaifeartaigh models of spontaneous supersymmetry breaking, R-symmetries can be broken by non-zero values of fields at tree level, rather than by vacuum expectation values of pseudomoduli at loop level. As a complement of the recent result by Shih, we show that there must be a field in the theory with R-charge different from zero and two in order for R-symmetry breaking to occur, no matter whether the breaking happens at tree or loop level. We review the example by CDFM, and construct two types of tree level R-symmetry breaking models with a wide range of parameters and free of runaway problem. And the R-symmetry is broken everywhere on the pseudomoduli space in these models. This provides a rich set of candidates for SUSY model building and phenomenology.
90 - Zheng Sun 2011
In global supersymmetric Wess-Zumino models with minimal Kahler potentials, F-type supersymmetry breaking always yields instability or continuous degeneracy of non-supersymmetric vacua. As a generalization of the original ORaifeartaighs result, the existence of instability or degeneracy is true to any higher order corrections at tree level for models even with non-renormalizable superpotentials. The degeneracy generically coincides the R-axion direction under some assumptions of R-charge assignment, but generally requires neither R-symmetries nor any assumption of generic superpotentials. The result also confirms the well-known fact that tree level supersymmetry breaking is a very rare occurrence in global supersymmetric theories with minimal Kahler potentials. The implication for effective field theory method in the landscape is discussed and we point out that choosing models with minimal Kahler potentials may result in unexpected answers to the vacuum statistics. Supergravity theories or theories with non-minimal Kahler potentials in general do not suffer from the existence of instability or degeneracy. But very strong gauge dynamics or small compactification dimension reduces the Kahler potential from non-minimal to minimal, and gravity decoupling limit reduces supergravity to global supersymmetry. Instability or degeneracy may appear in these limits. Away from these limits, a large number of non-SUSY vacua may still be found in an intermediate region.
In this paper, we investigate the network utility maximization problem in FDMA systems. We summarize with a suite of criteria on designing utility functions so as to achieve the global optimization convex. After proposing the general form of the utility functions, we present examples of commonly used utility function forms that are consistent with the criteria proposed in this paper, which include the well-known proportional fairness function and the sigmoidal-like functions. In the second part of this paper, we use numerical results to demonstrate a case study based on the criteria mentioned above, which deals with the subcarrier scheduling problem with dynamic rate allocation in FDMA system.
In this paper, we compare the performances of cooperative and distributed spectrum sensing in wireless sensor networks. After introducing the basic problem, we describe two strategies: 1) a cooperative sensing strategy, which takes advantage of cooperation diversity gain to increase probability of detection and 2) a distributed sensing strategy, which by passing the results in an inter-node manner increases energy efficiency and fairness among nodes. Then, we compare the performances of the strategies in terms of three criteria: agility, energy efficiency, and robustness against SNR changes, and summarize the comparison. It shows that: 1) the non-cooperative strategy has the best fairness of energy consumption, 2) the cooperative strategy leads to the best agility, and 3) the distributed strategy leads to the lowest energy consumption and the best robustness against SNR changes.
109 - Zheng Sun , Xiaohong Huang , 2008
This paper first presents a parallel solution for the Flowshop Scheduling Problem in parallel environment, and then proposes a novel load balancing strategy. The proposed Proportional Fairness Strategy (PFS) takes computational performance of computing process sets into account, and assigns additional load to computing nodes proportionally to their evaluated performance. In order to efficiently utilize the power of parallel resource, we also discuss the data structure used in communications among computational nodes and design an optimized data transfer strategy. This data transfer strategy combined with the proposed load balancing strategy have been implemented and tested on a super computer consisted of 86 CPUs using MPI as the middleware. The results show that the proposed PFS achieves better performance in terms of computing time than the existing Adaptive Contracting Within Neighborhood Strategy. We also show that the combination of both the Proportional Fairness Strategy and the proposed data transferring strategy achieves additional 13~15% improvement in efficiency of parallelism.
Conventional heterogeneous-traffic scheduling schemes utilize zero-delay constraint for real-time services, which aims to minimize the average packet delay among real-time users. However, in light or moderate load networks this strategy is unnecessary and leads to low data throughput for non-real-time users. In this paper, we propose a heuristic scheduling scheme to solve this problem. The scheme measures and assigns scheduling priorities to both real-time and non-real-time users, and schedules the radio resources for the two user classes simultaneously. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme efficiently handles the heterogeneous-traffic scheduling with diverse QoS requirements and alleviates the unfairness between real-time and non-real-time services under various traffic loads.
203 - Zheng Sun 2008
A distributed spiral algorithm for distributed optimization in WSN is proposed. By forming a spiral-shape message passing scheme among clusters, without loss of estimation accuracy and convergence speed, the algorithm is proved to converge with a lower total transport cost than the distributed in-cluster algorithm.

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