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The excess of far-ultraviolet (far-UV) radiation in elliptical galaxies has remained one of their most enduring puzzles. In contrast, the origin of old blue stars in the Milky Way, hot subdwarfs, is now reasonably well understood: they are hot stars that have lost their hydrogen envelopes by various binary interactions. Here, we review the main evolutionary channels that produce hot subdwarfs in the Galaxy and present the results of binary population synthesis simulations that reproduce the main properties of the Galactic hot-subdwarf population. Applying the same model to elliptical galaxies, we show how this model can explain the main observational properties of the far-UV excess, including the far-UV spectrum, without the need to invoke ad hoc physical processes. The model implies that the UV excess is not a sign of age, as has been postulated previously, and predicts that it should not be strongly dependent on the metallicity of the population.
We have carried out a detailed study of the single-degenerate channel for the progenitors of type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). In the model, a carbon-oxygen white dwarf (CO WD) accretes hydrogen-rich material from an unevolved or a slightly evolved non-degenerate companion to increase its mass to Chandrasekhar mass limit. Incorporating the prescription of cite{HAC99a} for the accretion efficiency into Eggletons stellar evolution code and assuming that the prescription is valid for all metallicities, we performed binary stellar evolution calculations for more than 25,000 close WD binary systems with various metallicities. The initial parameter spaces for SNe Ia are presented in an orbital period-secondary mass ($log P_{rm i}, M_{rm 2}^{rm i}$) plane for each $Z$. Adopting the results above, we studied the birth rate of SNe Ia for various $Z$ via binary population synthesis. From the study, we see that for a high $Z$, SNe Ia occur systemically earlier and the peak value of the birth rate is larger if a single starburst is assumed. The Galactic birth rate from the channel is lower than (but comparable to) that inferred from observations. We also showed the distributions of the parameters of the binary systems at the moment of supernova explosion and the distributions of the properties of companions after supernova explosion. The former provides physics input to simulate the interaction between supernova ejecta and its companion, and the latter is helpful to search for the companions in supernova remnants.
The flux excess of elliptical galaxies in the far-ultraviolet can be reproduced by population synthesis models when accounting for the population of old hot helium-burning subdwarf stars. This has been achieved by Han and coworkers through a quantitative model of binary stellar evolution. Here, we compare the resulting evolutionary population synthesis model to the GALEX far-near ultraviolet colors (FUV-NUV) of Virgo cluster early-type galaxies that were published by Boselli and coworkers. FUV-NUV is reddest at about the dividing luminosity of dwarf and giant galaxies, and becomes increasingly blue for both brighter and fainter luminosities. This behavior can be easily explained by the binary model with a continuous sequence of longer duration and later truncation of star formation at lower galaxy masses. Thus, in contrast to previous conclusions, the GALEX data do not require a dichotomy between the stellar population properties of dwarfs and giants. Their apparently opposite behavior in FUV-NUV occurs naturally when the formation of hot subdwarfs through binary evolution is taken into account.

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