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We investigate flow properties of immiscible Bose-Einstein condensates composed of two different Zeeman spin states of 87Rb. Spatially overlapping two condensates in the optical trap are prepared by application of a resonant radio frequency pulse, and then the magnetic field gradient is applied in order to produce the atomic flow. We find that the spontaneous multiple domain formation arising from the immiscible nature drastically changes the fluidity. The homogeneously overlapping condensates readily separate under the magnetic field gradient, and they form stable configuration composed of the two layers. In contrast, the relative flow between two condensates are largely suppressed in the case where the magnetic field gradient is applied after spontaneous domain formation.
We generate spin currents in an $^{87}$Rb spin-2 Bose-Einstein condensate by application of a magnetic field gradient. The spin current destroys the spin polarization, leading to a sudden onset of two-body collisions. In addition, the spin coherence, as measured by the fringe contrast using Ramsey interferometry, is reduced drastically but experiences a weak revival due to in-trap oscillations. The spin current can be controlled using periodic $pi$ pulses (bang-bang control), producing longer spin coherence times. Our results show that spin coherence can be maintained even in the presence of spin currents, with applications to quantum sensing in noisy environments.
152 - Yujiro Eto , Hiroki Saito , 2014
We report the spin texture formation resulting from the magnetic dipole-dipole interaction in a spin-2 $^{87}$Rb Bose-Einstein condensate. The spinor condensate is prepared in the transversely polarized spin state and the time evolution is observed under a magnetic field of 90 mG with a gradient of 3 mG/cm using Stern-Gerlach imaging. The experimental results are compared with numerical simulations of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, which reveals that the observed spatial modulation of the longitudinal magnetization is due to the spin precession in an effective magnetic field produced by the dipole-dipole interaction. These results show that the dipole-dipole interaction has considerable effects even on spinor condensates of alkali metal atoms.
Broadband light sources play essential roles in diverse fields, such as high-capacity optical communications, optical coherence tomography, optical spectroscopy, and spectrograph calibration. Though an ultrabroadband nonclassical state from standard spontaneous parametric down-conversion may serve as a quantum counterpart, its detection and quantum characterization have been a challenging task. Here we demonstrate the quantitative characterization of a multimode structure in such an ultrabroadband (150 nm FWHM) squeezed state at telecom wavelength (1.5 mu m). The nonclassical photon distribution of our highly multimode state is directly observed using a superconducting transition-edge sensor. From the observed photon correlation functions, we show that several tens of different squeezers are coexisting in the same spatial mode. We anticipate our results and technique open up a new possibility to generate and characterize nonclassical light sources for a large-scale optical quantum network in the frequency domain.
We demonstrate detection of a weak alternate-current magnetic field by application of the spin echo technique to F = 2 Bose-Einstein condensates. A magnetic field sensitivity of 12 pT/Hz^1/2 is attained with the atom number of 5*10^3 at spatial resolution of 99 mu m^2. Our observations indicate magnetic field fluctuations synchronous with the power supply line frequency. We show that this noise is greatly suppressed by application of a reverse phase magnetic field. Our technique is useful in order to create a stable magnetic field environment, which is an important requirement for atomic experiments which require a weak bias magnetic field.
When an off-resonant light field is coupled with atomic spins, its polarization can rotate depending on the direction of the spins via a Faraday rotation which has been used for monitoring and controlling the atomic spins. We observed Faraday rotation by an angle of more than 10 degrees for a single 1/2 nuclear spin of 171Yb atom in a high-finesse optical cavity. By employing the coupling between the single nuclear spin and a photon, we have also demonstrated that the spin can be projected or weakly measured through the projection of the transmitted single ancillary photon.

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