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The electronic and magnetic properties of the graphene/Eu/Ni(111) intercalation-like system are studied in the framework of the GGA+U approach with dispersive interactions taken into account. Intercalation of monoatomic Eu layer underneath graphene on Ni(111) leads to the drastic changes of the electronic structure of graphene compared to free-standing graphene as well as graphene/Ni(111). The strong influence of the spin-polarised Eu 4f states, crossing the graphene-derived $pi$ states, on magnetic properties of graphene and on spin-filtering properties of the graphene/Eu/Ni(111) trilayer is discussed.
This manuscript presents the general approach to the understanding of the connection between bonding mechanism and electronic structure of graphene on metals. To demonstrate its validity, two limiting cases of the weakly and strongly bonded graphene on Al(111) and Ni(111) are considered, where the Dirac cone is preserved or fully destroyed, respectively. Furthermore, the electronic structure, i. e. doping level, hybridization effects, as well as a gap formation at the Dirac point of the intermediate system, graphene/Cu(111), is fully understood in the framework of the proposed approach. This work summarises the long-term debates regarding connection of the bonding strength and the valence band modification in the graphene/metal systems and paves a way for the effective control of the electronic states of graphene in the vicinity of the Fermi level.
The graphene moire structures on metals, as they demonstrate both long (moire) and short (atomic) scale ordered structures, are the ideal systems for the application of scanning probe methods. Here we present the complex studies of the graphene/Ir(111) system by means of 3D scanning tunnelling and atomic force microscopy/spectroscopy as well as Kelvin-probe force microscopy. All results clearly demonstrate a variation of the moire and atomic scale contrasts as a function of the bias voltage as well as the distance between the scanning probe and the sample, allowing to discriminate between topographic and electronic contributions in the imaging of a graphene layer on metals. The presented results are accompanied by the state-of-the-art density functional theory calculations demonstrating the excellent agreement between theoretical and experimental data.
The present manuscript summarizes the modern view on the problem of the graphene-metal interaction. Presently, the close-packed surfaces of d metals are used as templates for the preparation of highly-ordered graphene layers. Different classifications can be introduced for these systems: graphene on lattice-matched and graphene on lattice-mismatched surfaces where the interaction with the metallic substrate can be either strong or weak. Here these classifications, with the focus on the specific features in the electronic structure in all cases, are considered on the basis of large amounts of experimental and theoretical data, summarized and discussed. The perspectives of the graphene-metal interface in fundamental and applied physics and chemistry are pointed out.
The electronic and crystallographic structure of the graphene/Rh(111) moire lattice is studied via combination of density-functional theory calculations and scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopy (STM and AFM). Whereas the principal contrast between hills and valleys observed in STM does not depend on the sign of applied bias voltage, the contrast in atomically resolved AFM images strongly depends on the frequency shift of the oscillating AFM tip. The obtained results demonstrate the perspectives of application atomic force microscopy/spectroscopy for the probing of the chemical contrast at the surface.
We have performed electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) studies of Ni(111), graphene/Ni(111), and the graphene/Au/Ni(111) intercalation-like system at different primary electron energies. A reduced parabolic dispersion of the pi plasmon excitation for the graphene/Ni(111) system is observed compared to that for bulk pristine and intercalated graphite and to linear for free graphene, reflecting the strong changes in the electronic structure of graphene on Ni(111) relative to free-standing graphene. We have also found that intercalation of gold underneath a graphene layer on Ni(111) leads to the disappearance of the EELS spectral features which are characteristic of the graphene/Ni(111) interface. At the same time the shift of the pi plasmon to the lower loss-energies is observed, indicating the transition of initial system of strongly bonded graphene on Ni(111) to a quasi free-standing-like graphene state.
Angle-resolved photoemission spectra of a monolayer of Yb on W(110) reveal energy splittings and dispersion of the Yb 4f states that are obviously due to their hybridization with W-derived valence bands. These effects occur at well defined points of the surface Brillouin zone although a smearing over reciprocal space is expected from the structural incoherence of the Yb and W lattices. We conclude therefore that dispersion is not related to the periodic arrangement of the $4f$ states but reflects the k-dependent interaction of a single Yb 4f impurity with W bands.
We report an application of a simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) algorithm to filtering systematic noise (SN) with non-zero mean value in photoemission data. In our analysis we have used a series of 50 single-scan photoemission spectra of W(110) surface where randomly chosen SN was added. It was found that the SPSA-evaluated spectrum is in good agreement with the spectrum measured without SN. On the basis of our results a wide application of SPSA for evaluation of experimental data is anticipated.
Spin- and angle-resolved resonant (Ce $4dto4f$) photoemission spectra of a monolayer Ce on Fe(110) reveal spin-dependent changes of the Fermi-level peak intensities. That indicate a spin-dependence of $4f$ hybridization and, thus, of $4f$ occupancy and local moment. The phenomenon is described in the framework of the periodic Anderson model by $4f$ electron hopping into the exchange split Fe 3d derived bands that form a spin-gap at the Fermi energy around the $bar{Gamma}$ point of the surface Brillouin zone.

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