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132 - Yu Zhang 2016
We independently assign a non-negative value, as a capacity for the quantity of flows per unit time, with a distribution F to each edge on the Z^d lattice. We consider the maximum flows through the edges of two disjoint sets, that is from a source to a sink, in a large cube. In this paper, we show that the ratio of the maximum flow and the size of source is asymptotic to a constant. This constant is denoted by the flow constant.
The organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 has attracted significant interest for its high performance in converting solar light into electrical power with an efficiency exceeding 20%. Unfortunately, chemical stability is one major challenge in the development of the CH3NH3PbI3 solar cells. It was commonly assumed that moisture or oxygen in the environment causes the poor stability of hybrid halide perovskites, however, here we show from the first-principles calculations that the room-temperature tetragonal phase of CH3NH3PbI3 is thermodynamically unstable with respect to the phase separation into CH3NH3I + PbI2, i.e., the disproportionation is exothermic, independent of the humidity or oxygen in the atmosphere. When the structure is distorted to the low-temperature orthorhombic phase, the energetic cost of separation increases, but remains small. Contributions from vibrational and configurational entropy at room temperature have been considered, but the instability of CH3NH3PbI3 is unchanged. When I is replaced by Br or Cl, Pb by Sn, or the organic cation CH3NH3 by inorganic Cs, the perovskites become more stable and do not phase-separate spontaneously. Our study highlights that the poor chemical stability is intrinsic to CH3NH3PbI3 and suggests that element-substitution may solve the chemical stability problem in hybrid halide perovskite solar cells.
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have shown great performance as general feature representations for object recognition applications. However, for multi-label images that contain multiple objects from different categories, scales and locations, global CNN features are not optimal. In this paper, we incorporate local information to enhance the feature discriminative power. In particular, we first extract object proposals from each image. With each image treated as a bag and object proposals extracted from it treated as instances, we transform the multi-label recognition problem into a multi-class multi-instance learning problem. Then, in addition to extracting the typical CNN feature representation from each proposal, we propose to make use of ground-truth bounding box annotations (strong labels) to add another level of local information by using nearest-neighbor relationships of local regions to form a multi-view pipeline. The proposed multi-view multi-instance framework utilizes both weak and strong labels effectively, and more importantly it has the generalization ability to even boost the performance of unseen categories by partial strong labels from other categories. Our framework is extensively compared with state-of-the-art hand-crafted feature based methods and CNN based methods on two multi-label benchmark datasets. The experimental results validate the discriminative power and the generalization ability of the proposed framework. With strong labels, our framework is able to achieve state-of-the-art results in both datasets.
102 - Yong Shi 2015
Carbon monoxide (CO) is one of the primary coolants of gas and an easily accessible tracer of molecular gas in spiral galaxies but it is unclear if CO plays a similar role in metal poor dwarfs. We carried out a deep observation with IRAM 30 m to search for CO emission by targeting the brightest far-IR peak in a nearby extremely metal poor galaxy, Sextans A, with 7% Solar metallicity. A weak CO J=1-0 emission is seen, which is already faint enough to place a strong constraint on the conversion factor (a_CO) from the CO luminosity to the molecular gas mass that is derived from the spatially resolved dust mass map. The a_CO is at least seven hundred times the Milky Way value. This indicates that CO emission is exceedingly weak in extremely metal poor galaxies, challenging its role as a coolant in these galaxies.
Since the first appearance in Fridrichs design, the usage of permutation-diffusion structure for designing digital image cryptosystem has been receiving increasing research attention in the field of chaos-based cryptography. Recently, a novel chaotic Image Cipher using one round Modified Permutation-Diffusion pattern (ICMPD) was proposed. Unlike traditional permutation-diffusion structure, the permutation is operated on bit level instead of pixel level and the diffusion is operated on masked pixels, which are obtained by carrying out the classical affine cipher, instead of plain pixels in ICMPD. Following a textit{divide-and-conquer strategy}, this paper reports that ICMPD can be compromised by a chosen-plaintext attack efficiently and the involved data complexity is linear to the size of the plain-image. Moreover, the relationship between the cryptographic kernel at the diffusion stage of ICMPD and modulo addition then XORing is explored thoroughly.
Recent research advances have revealed the computational secrecy of the compressed sensing (CS) paradigm. Perfect secrecy can also be achieved by normalizing the CS measurement vector. However, these findings are established on real measurements while digital devices can only store measurements at a finite precision. Based on the distribution of measurements of natural images sensed by structurally random ensemble, a joint quantization and diffusion approach is proposed for these real-valued measurements. In this way, a nonlinear cryptographic diffusion is intrinsically imposed on the CS process and the overall security level is thus enhanced. Security analyses show that the proposed scheme is able to resist known-plaintext attack while the original CS scheme without quantization cannot. Experimental results demonstrate that the reconstruction quality of our scheme is comparable to that of the original one.
Some pioneering works have investigated embedding cryptographic properties in compressive sampling (CS) in a way similar to one-time pad symmetric cipher. This paper tackles the problem of constructing a CS-based symmetric cipher under the key reuse circumstance, i.e., the cipher is resistant to common attacks even a fixed measurement matrix is used multiple times. To this end, we suggest a bi-level protected CS (BLP-CS) model which makes use of the advantage of the non-RIP measurement matrix construction. Specifically, two kinds of artificial basis mismatch techniques are investigated to construct key-related sparsifying bases. It is demonstrated that the encoding process of BLP-CS is simply a random linear projection, which is the same as the basic CS model. However, decoding the linear measurements requires knowledge of both the key-dependent sensing matrix and its sparsifying basis. The proposed model is exemplified by sampling images as a joint data acquisition and protection layer for resource-limited wireless sensors. Simulation results and numerical analyses have justified that the new model can be applied in circumstances where the measurement matrix can be re-used.
The robust coding of natural images and the effective compression of encrypted images have been studied individually in recent years. However, little work has been done in the robust coding of encrypted images. The existing results in these two individual research areas cannot be combined directly for the robust coding of encrypted images. This is because the robust coding of natural images relies on the elimination of spatial correlations using sparse transforms such as discrete wavelet transform (DWT), which is ineffective to encrypted images due to the weak correlation between encrypted pixels. Moreover, the compression of encrypted images always generates code streams with different significance. If one or more such streams are lost, the quality of the reconstructed images may drop substantially or decoding error may exist, which violates the goal of robust coding of encrypted images. In this work, we intend to design a robust coder, based on compressive sensing with structurally random matrix, for encrypted images over packet transmission networks. The proposed coder can be applied in the scenario that Alice needs a semi-trusted channel provider Charlie to encode and transmit the encrypted image to Bob. In particular, Alice first encrypts an image using globally random permutation and then sends the encrypted image to Charlie who samples the encrypted image using a structural matrix. Through an imperfect channel with packet loss, Bob receives the compressive measurements and reconstructs the original image by joint decryption and decoding. Experimental results show that the proposed coder can be considered as an efficient multiple description coder with a number of descriptions against packet loss.
We used the SPIRE/FTS instrument aboard the Herschel Space Observatory (HSO) to obtain the Spectral Line Energy Distributions (SLEDs) of CO from J=4-3 to J=13-12 of Arp 193 and NGC 6240, two classical merger/starbursts selected from our molecular line survey of local Luminous Infrared Galaxies (LIRGs: L_{IR}>=10^{11} L_{sol}). The high-J CO SLEDs are then combined with ground-based low-J CO, {13}CO, HCN, HCO+, CS line data and used to probe the thermal and dynamical states of their large molecular gas reservoirs. We find the two CO SLEDs strongly diverging from J=4-3 onwards, with NGC6240 having a much higher CO line excitation than Arp193, despite their similar low-J CO SLEDs and L_{FIR}/L_{CO,1-0}, L_{HCN}/L_{CO} (J=1-0) ratios (proxies of star formation efficiency and dense gas mass fraction). In Arp193, one of the three most extreme starbursts in the local Universe, the molecular SLEDs indicate a small amount ~(5-15)% of dense gas (n>=10^{4}cm^{-3}) unlike NGC6240 where most of the molecular gas (~(60-70)%) is dense n~(10^4-10^5)cm^{-3}. Strong star-formation feedback can drive this disparity in their dense gas mass fractions, and also induce extreme thermal and dynamical states for the molecular gas.In NGC6240, and to a lesser degree in Arp193, we find large molecular gas masses whose thermal states cannot be maintained by FUV photons from Photon Dominated Regions (PDRs). We argue that this may happen often in metal-rich merger/starbursts, strongly altering the initial conditions of star formation. ALMA can now directly probe these conditions across cosmic epoch, and even probe their deeply dust-enshrouded outcome, the stellar IMF averaged over galactic evolution.
Message-passing based concurrent languages are widely used in developing large distributed and coordination systems. This paper presents the buffered $pi$-calculus --- a variant of the $pi$-calculus where channel names are classified into buffered and unbuffered: communication along buffered channels is asynchronous, and remains synchronous along unbuffered channels. We show that the buffered $pi$-calculus can be fully simulated in the polyadic $pi$-calculus with respect to strong bisimulation. In contrast to the $pi$-calculus which is hard to use in practice, the new language enables easy and clear modeling of practical concurrent languages. We encode two real-world concurrent languages in the buffered $pi$-calculus: the (core) Go language and the (Core) Erlang. Both encodings are fully abstract with respect to weak bisimulations.

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