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104 - Gang Chen , Yi-Jian Du , Shuyi Li 2014
In this note, we investigate relations between tree-level off-shell currents in nonlinear sigma model. Under Cayley parametrization, all odd-point currents vanish. We propose and prove a generalized $U(1)$ identity for even-point currents. The off-shell $U(1)$ identity given in [1] is a special case of the generalized identity studied in this note. The on-shell limit of this identity is equivalent with the on-shell KK relation. Thus this relation provides the full off-shell correspondence of tree-level KK relation in nonlinear sigma model.
Recently, new soft graviton theorem proposed by Cachazo and Strominger has inspired a lot of works. In this note, we use the KLT-formula to investigate the theorem. We have shown how the soft behavior of color ordered Yang-Mills amplitudes can be combined with KLT relation to give the soft behavior of gravity amplitudes. As a byproduct, we find two nontrivial identities of the KLT momentum kernel must hold.
We present an algorithm that leads to BCJ numerators satisfying manifestly the three properties proposed by Broedel and Carrasco in [35]. We explicitly calculate the numerators at 4, 5 and 6-points and show that the relabeling property is generically satisfied.
144 - Yi-Jian Du , Bo Feng , Chih-Hao Fu 2014
In this work, we extend the construction of dual color decomposition in Yang-Mills theory to one-loop level, i.e., we show how to write one-loop integrands in Yang-Mills theory to the dual DDM-form and the dual trace-form. In dual forms, integrands are decomposed in terms of color-ordered one-loop integrands for color scalar theory with proper dual color coefficients.In dual DDM decomposition, The dual color coefficients can be obtained directly from BCJ-form by applying Jacobi-like identities for kinematic factors. In dual trace decomposition, the dual trace factors can be obtained by imposing one-loop KK relations, reflection relation and their relation with the kinematic factors in dual DDM-form.
165 - Gang Chen , Yi-Jian Du 2013
In this paper, we investigate tree-level scattering amplitude relations in $U(N)$ non-linear sigma model. We use Cayley parametrization. As was shown in the recent works [23,24] both on-shell amplitudes and off-shell currents with odd points have to vanish under Cayley parametrization. We prove the off-shell $U(1)$ identity and fundamental BCJ relation for even-point currents. By taking the on-shell limits of the off-shell relations, we show that the color-ordered tree amplitudes with even points satisfy $U(1)$-decoupling identity and fundamental BCJ relation, which have the same formations within Yang-Mills theory. We further state that all the on-shell general KK, BCJ relations as well as the minimal-basis expansion are also satisfied by color-ordered tree amplitudes. As a consequence of the relations among color-ordered amplitudes, the total $2m$-point tree amplitudes satisfy DDM form of color decomposition as well as KLT relation.
104 - Chih-Hao Fu , Yi-Jian Du , Bo Feng 2013
In this note we provide a new construction of BCJ dual-trace factor using the kinematic algebra proposed in arXiv:1105.2565 and arXiv:1212.6168. Different from the construction given in arXiv:1304.2978 based on the proposal of arXiv:1103.0312, the method used in this note exploits the adjoint representation of kinematic algebra and the use of inner product in dual space. The dual-trace factor defined in this way naturally satisfies cyclic symmetry condition but not KK-relation, just like the trace of U(N) Lie algebra satisfies cyclic symmetry condition, but not KK-relation. In other words the new construction naturally leads to formulation sharing more similarities with the color decomposition of Yang-Mills amplitude.
Recently, a BCJ dual of the color-ordered formula for Yang-Mills amplitude was proposed, where the dual-trace factor satisfies cyclic symmetry and KK-relation. In this paper, we present a systematic construction of the dual-trace factor based on its proposed relations to kinematic numerators in dual-DDM form. We show that the construction presented respects relabeling symmetry. In addition, we show that using relabeling symmetry as conditions, the same construction can be solved independently.
106 - Chih-Hao Fu , Yi-Jian Du , Bo Feng 2012
One important discovery in recent years is that the total amplitude of gauge theory can be written as BCJ form where kinematic numerators satisfy Jacobi identity. Although the existence of such kinematic numerators is no doubt, the simple and explicit construction is still an important problem. As a small step, in this note we provide an algebraic approach to construct these kinematic numerators. Under our Feynman-diagram-like construction, the Jacobi identity is manifestly satisfied. The corresponding color ordered amplitudes satisfy off-shell KK-relation and off-shell BCJ relation similar to the color ordered scalar theory. Using our construction, the dual DDM form is also established.
95 - Yi-Jian Du , Hui Luo 2012
BCJ relation reveals a dual between color structures and kinematic structure and can be used to reduce the number of independent color-ordered amplitudes at tree level. Refer to the loop-level in Yang-Mills theory, we investigate the similar BCJ relation in this paper. Four-point 1-loop example in N = 4 SYM can hint about the relation of integrands. Five-point example implies that the general formula can be proven by unitary- cut method. We will then prove a general BCJ relation for 1-loop integrands by D-dimension unitary cut, which can be regarded as a non-trivial generalization of the (fundamental)BCJ relation given by Boels and Isermann in [arXiv:1109.5888 [hep-th]] and [arXiv:1110.4462 [hep-th]].
Continuing our previous study cite{Du:2011se} of permutation sum of color ordered tree amplitudes of gluons, in this note, we prove the large-$z$ behavior of their cyclic sum and the combination of cyclic and permutation sums under BCFW deformation. Unlike the permutation sum, the study of cyclic sum and the combination of cyclic and permutation sums is much more difficult. By using the generalized Bern-Carrasco-Johansson (BCJ) relation, we have proved the boundary behavior of cyclic sum with nonadjacent BCFW deformation. The proof of cyclic sum with adjacent BCFW deformation is a little bit simpler, where only Kleiss-Kuijf (KK) relations are needed. Finally we have presented a new observation for partial-ordered permutation sum and applied it to prove the boundary behavior of combination sum with cyclic and permutation.

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