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We present a structural study of the hot ISM in the Galactic halo along the sight line toward the bright active galactic nucleus Mkn 421. The OVII and OVIII absorption lines were measured with the Low Energy Transmission Grating Spectrograph aboard Chandra toward Mkn 421, and the OVII and OVIII emission lines were observed in the adjacent fields of the sight line with the X-ray Imaging Spectrometer aboard Suzaku. We jointly analyzed the absorption and the emission spectra assuming exponential distributions of the gas temperature and density from the Galactic plane, and constrained the temperature and density at the plane to be $(3.2^{+0.6}_{-0.7})times 10^6,mathrm{K}$ and $(1.2^{+0.5}_{-0.4})times 10^{-3},mathrm{cm^{-3}}$, with the scale heights of $1.6^{+1.7}_{-0.7},mathrm{kpc}$ and $>2.8,mathrm{kpc}$ respectively. The results are consistent with those obtained in the LMC X-3 direction and the PKS 2155-304 direction, describing a thick disk-like hot gas with its height of a few kpc from the Galactic plane.
119 - Q. Daniel Wang 2012
The two papers referred to in the title, claiming the detection of a large-scale massive hot gaseous halo around the Galaxy, have generated a lot of confusion and unwarranted excitement (including public news coverage). However, the papers are seriously flawed in many aspects, including problematic analysis and assumptions, as well as mis-reading and mis-interpreting earlier studies, which are inconsistent with the claim. Here we show examples of such flaws.
We present a physically-based absorption-line model for the spectroscopic study of the intergalactic medium (IGM). This model adopts results from Cloudy simulations and theoretical calculations by Gnat and Sternberg (2007) to examine the resulting observational signatures of the absorbing gas with the following ionization scenarios: collisional ionization equilibrium (CIE), photoionization equilibrium, hybrid (photo- plus collisional ionization), and non-equilibrium cooling. As a demonstration, we apply this model to new observations made with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph aboard the Hubble Space Telescope of the IGM absorbers at z~0.1877 along the 1ES 1553+113 sight line. We identify Ly alpha, C III, O VI, and N V absorption lines with two distinct velocity components (blue at z_b=0.18757; red at z_r=0.18772) separated by Delta(cz)/(1+z)~38 km/s. Joint analyses of these lines indicate that none of the examined ionization scenarios can be applied with confidence to the blue velocity component, although photoionization seems to play a dominant role. For the red component, CIE can be ruled out, but pure photoionization and hybrid scenarios (with T<1.3E5 K) are more acceptable. The constrained ranges of hydrogen density and metallicity of the absorbing gas are n_H=(1.9-2.3)E-5 cm^-3 and Z=(0.43-0.67)Z_solar. These constraints indicate OVI and HI ionization fractions, f_OVI=0.10-0.15 and f_HI=(3.2-5.1)E-5, with total hydrogen column density N_H=(0.7-1.2)E18 cm^-2. This demonstration shows that joint analysis of multiple absorption lines can constrain the ionization state of an absorber, and results used to estimate the baryonic matter contained in the absorber.
Recent theoretical and observational studies have shown that ashes from thermonuclear burning may be ejected during radius-expansion bursts, giving rise to photoionisation edges in the X-ray spectra. We report a search for such features in Chandra spectra observed from the low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1728-34. We analysed the spectra from four radius-expansion bursts detected in 2006 July, and two in 2002 March, but found no evidence for discrete features. We estimate upper limits for the equivalent widths of edges of a few hundred eV, which for the moderate temperatures observed during the bursts, are comparable with the predictions. During the 2006 July observation 4U 1728-34 exhibited weak, unusually frequent bursts (separated by <2 hr in some cases), with profiles and alpha-values characteristic of hydrogen-poor fuel. Recurrence times as short as those measured are insufficient to exhaust the accreted hydrogen at solar composition, suggesting that the source accretes hydrogen deficient fuel, for example from an evolved donor. The detection for the first time of a 10.77 min periodic signal in the persistent intensity, perhaps arising from orbital modulation, supports this explanation, and suggests that this system is an ultracompact binary similar to 4U 1820-30.
Although the existence of large-scale hot gaseous halos around massive disk galaxies have been theorized for a long time, there is yet very little observational evidence. We report the Chandra and XMM-Newton grating spectral detection of OVII and NeIX Kalpha absorption lines along the sight-line of 4U 1957+11. The line absorption is consistent with the interstellar medium in origin. Attributing these line absorptions to the hot gas associated with the Galactic disk, we search for the gaseous halo around the Milky Way by comparing this sight-line with more distant ones (toward X-ray binary LMC X-3 and the AGN Mrk 421). We find that all the line absorptions along the LMC X-3 and Mrk 421 sight-lines are attributable to the hot gas in a thick Galactic disk, as traced by the absorption lines in the spectra of 4U~1957+11 after a Galactic latitude dependent correction. We constrain the OVII column density through the halo to be N(OVII) < 5E15 cm^{-2} (95% confidence limit), and conclude that the hot gas contribution to the metal line absorptions, if existing, is negligible.
We present new observations on PKS 2155-304 with the Chandra Low Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (LETG), using the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS). We confirm the detection of an absorption line plausibly identified as OVIII Ly-alpha from the warm-hot intergalactic medium associated with a small group of galaxies along the line of sight, as originally reported by Fang et al. 2002 (here after FANG02). Combining the previous observations in FANG02 and five new, long observations on the same target, we increase the total exposure time by a factor of three, and the total counts per resolution element by a factor of five. The measured line equivalent width is smaller than that observed in FANG02, but still consistent at 90% confidence. We also analyze the XMM-Newton observations on the same target, as well as observations using the Chandra LETG and the High Resolution Camera (HRC) combination. These observations have been used to challenge our reported detection. While no line is seen in either the XMM-Newton and the Chandra LETG+HRC data, we find that our result is consistent with the upper limits from both data sets. We attribute the non-detection to (1) higher quality of the Chandra LETG+ACIS spectrum, and (2) the rather extended wings of the line spread functions of both the XMM RGS and the Chandra LETG+HRC. We discuss the implication of our observation on the temperature and density of the absorber. We also confirm the detection of z ~ 0 OVII absorption and, comparing with previous Chandra analysis, we obtain much tighter constraints on the line properties.
The soft X-ray background shows a general enhancement toward the inner region of the Galaxy. But whether this enhancement is a local feature (e.g., a superbubble within a distance of <= 200 pc) and/or a phenomenon related to energetic outflows from the Galactic center/bulge remains unclear. Here we report a comparative X-ray emission and absorption study of diffuse hot gas along the sight lines toward 3C 273 and Mrk 421, on and off the enhancement, but at similar Galactic latitudes. The diffuse 3/4-keV emission intensity, as estimated from the ROSAT All Sky Survey, is about three times higher toward 3C 273 than toward Mrk 421. Based on archival chandra grating observations of these two AGNs, we detect X-ray absorption lines (e.g., OVII Kalpha, Kbeta, and OVIII Kalpha transitions at z~0) and find that the mean hot gas thermal and kinematic properties along the two sight lines are significantly different. By subtracting the foreground and background contribution, as determined along the Mrk 421 sight line, we isolate the net X-ray absorption and emission produced by the hot gas associated with the enhancement in the direction of 3C 273. From a joint analysis of these differential data sets, we obtain the temperature, dispersion velocity, and hydrogen column density as 2.0(1.6, 2.3)E6 K, 216(104,480) km/s, and 2.2(1.4, 4.1)E19 cm^{-2}, respectively (90% confidence intervals), assuming that the gas is approximately isothermal, solar in metal abundances, and equilibrium in collisional ionization. We also constrain the effective line-of-sight extent of the gas to be 3.4(1.0, 10.1) kpc, strongly suggesting that the enhancement most likely represents a Galactic central phenomenon.

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