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Significant enhancement of evanescent spatial harmonics inside the slabs of media with extreme optical anisotropy is revealed. This phenomenon results from the pumping of standing waves and has the feature of being weakly sensitive to the material losses. Such characteristics may enable subwavelength imaging at considerable distances away from the objects.
Energy Recovery Linacs provide high-energy beams, but decelerate those beams before dumping them, so that their energy is available for the acceleration of new particles. During this deceleration, any relative energy spread that is created at high energy is amplified by the ratio between high energy and dump energy. Therefore, Energy Recovery Linacs are sensitive to energy spread acquired at high energy, e.g. from wake fields. One can compensate the time-correlated energy spread due to wakes via energy-dependent time-of-flight terms in appropriate sections of an Energy Recovery Linac, and via high-frequency cavities. We show that nonlinear time-of-flight terms can only eliminate odd orders in the correlation between time and energy, if these terms are created by a beam transport within the linac that is common for accelerating and decelerating beams. If these two beams are separated, so that different beam transport sections can be used to produce time-of-flight terms suitable for each, also even-order terms in the energy spread can be eliminated. As an example, we investigate the potential of using this method for the Cornell x-ray Energy Recovery Linac. Via quadratic time-of-flight terms, the energy spread can be reduced by 66%. Alternatively, since the energy spread from the dominantly resistive wake fields of the analysed accelerator is approximately harmonic in time, a high-frequency cavity could diminish the energy spread by 81%. This approach would require bunch-lengthening and recompression in separate sections for accelerating and decelerating beams. Such sections have therefore been included in Cornells x-ray Energy Recovery Linac design.
A radial-dependent dispersive finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is proposed to simulate electromagnetic cloaking devices. The Drude dispersion model is applied to model the electromagnetic characteristics of the cloaking medium. Both lossless and lossy cloaking materials are examined and their operating bandwidth is also investigated. It is demonstrated that the perfect invisibility from electromagnetic cloaks is only available for lossless metamaterials and within an extremely narrow frequency band.

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