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A Radial-Dependent Dispersive Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method for the Evaluation of Electromagnetic Cloaks

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 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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A radial-dependent dispersive finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is proposed to simulate electromagnetic cloaking devices. The Drude dispersion model is applied to model the electromagnetic characteristics of the cloaking medium. Both lossless and lossy cloaking materials are examined and their operating bandwidth is also investigated. It is demonstrated that the perfect invisibility from electromagnetic cloaks is only available for lossless metamaterials and within an extremely narrow frequency band.

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This paper proposes a radial dependent dispersive finite-difference time-domain method for the modelling of electromagnetic cloaking structures. The permittivity and permeability of the cloak are mapped to the Drude dispersion model and taken into account in dispersive FDTD simulations. Numerical simulations demonstrate that under ideal conditions, objects placed inside the cloak are `invisible to external electromagnetic fields. However for the simplified cloak based on linear transformations, the back scattering has a similar level to the case of a PEC cylinder without any cloak, rendering the object still being `visible. It is also demonstrated numerically that the simplified cloak based on high-order transformations can indeed improve the cloaking performance.
We examine several ways to manipulate the loss in electromagnetic cloaks, based on transformation electromagnetics. It is found that, by utilizing inherent electric and magnetic losses of metamaterials, perfect wave absorption can be achieved based on several popular designs of electromagnetic cloaks. A practical implementation of the absorber, consisting of ten discrete layers of metamaterials, is proposed. The new devices demonstrate super-absorptivity over a moderate wideband range, suitable for both microwave and optical applications. It is corroborated that the device is functional with a subwavelength thickness and, hence, advantageous compared to the conventional absorbers.
We present a new approach to calculate the particle distribution function about relativistic shocks including synchrotron losses using the method of lines with an explicit finite difference scheme. A steady, continuous, one dimensional plasma flow is considered to model thick (modified) shocks, leading to a calculation in three dimensions plus time, the former three being momentum, pitch angle and position. The method accurately reproduces the expected power law behaviour in momentum at the shock for upstream flow speeds ranging from 0.1c to 0.995c (1 < Gamma < 10). It also reproduces approximate analytical results for the synchrotron cutoff shape for a non-relativistic shock, demonstrating that the loss process is accurately represented. The algorithm has been implemented as a hybrid OpenMP--MPI parallel algorithm to make efficient use of SMP cluster architectures and scales well up to many hundreds of CPUs.
175 - A. Chatterjee , S. M. Joshi 2017
Higher-order accurate solution to electromagnetic scattering problems are obtained at reduced computational cost in a {it p}-variable finite volume time domain method. Spatial operators of lower, including first-order accuracy, are employed locally in substantial parts of the computational domain during the solution process. The use of computationally cheaper lower order spatial operators does not affect the overall higher-order accuracy of the solution. The order of the spatial operator at a candidate cell during numerical simulation can vary in space and time and is dynamically chosen based on an order of magnitude comparison of scattered and incident fields at the cell center. Numerical results are presented for electromagnetic scattering from perfectly conducting two-dimensional scatterers subject to transverse magnetic and transverse electric illumination.
It is shown that nonlinear elastic pre-stress of neo-Hookean hyperelastic materials can be used as a mechanism to generate finite cloaks and thus render objects near-invisible to incoming antiplane elastic waves. This approach appears to negate the requirement for special cloaking metamaterials with inhomogeneous and anisotropic material properties in this case. These properties are induced naturally by virtue of the pre-stress. This appears to provide a mechanism for broadband cloaking since dispersive effects due to metamaterial microstructure will not arise.
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