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Near-surface nitrogen-vacancy ({NV}) centers in diamond have been successfully employed as atomic-sized magnetic field sensors for external spins over the last years. A key challenge is still to develop a method to bring NV centers at nanometer proximity to the diamond surface while preserving their optical and spin properties. To that aim we present a method of controlled diamond etching with nanometric precision using an oxygen inductively coupled plasma (ICP) process. Importantly, no traces of plasma-induced damages to the etched surface could be detected by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and confocal photoluminescence microscopy techniques. In addition, by profiling the depth of NV centers created by 5.0 keV of nitrogen implantation energy, no plasma-induced quenching in their fluorescence could be observed. Moreover, the developed etching process allowed even the channeling tail in their depth distribution to be resolved. Furthermore, treating a 12C isotopically purified diamond revealed a threefold increase in T2 times for NV centers with <4 nm of depth (measured by NMR signal from protons at the diamond surface) in comparison to the initial oxygen-terminated surface.
All-optical addressing and control of single solid-state based qubits allows for scalable architectures of quantum devices such as quantum networks and quantum simulators. So far, all-optical addressing of qubits was demonstrated only for color centers in diamond and quantum dots. Here, we demonstrate generation of coherent dark state of a single rare earth ion in a solid, namely a cerium ion in yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG). The dark state was formed under the condition of coherent population trapping. Furthermore, high-resolution spectroscopic studies of native and implanted single Ce ions have been performed. They revealed narrow and spectrally stable optical transitions between the spin sublevels of the ground and excited optical states, indicating the feasibility of interfacing single photons with a single electron spin of a cerium ion.
Precise control of quantum systems is of fundamental importance for quantum device engineering, such as is needed in the fields of quantum information processing, high-resolution spectroscopy and quantum metrology. When scaling up the quantum registers in such devices, several challenges arise: individual addressing of qubits in a dense spectrum while suppressing crosstalk, creation of entanglement between distant nodes, and decoupling from unwanted interactions. The experimental implementation of optimal control is a prerequisite to meeting these challenges. Using engineered microwave pulses, we experimentally demonstrate optimal control of a prototype solid state spin qubit system comprising thirty six energy levels. The spin qubits are associated with proximal nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond. We demonstrate precise single-electron spin qubit operations with an unprecedented fidelity F approx 0.99 in combination with high-efficiency storage of electron spin states in a nuclear spin quantum memory. Matching single-electron spin operations with spin-echo techniques, we further realize high-quality entangled states (F > 0.82) between two electron spins on demand. After exploiting optimal control, the fidelity is mostly limited by the coherence time and imperfect initialization. Errors from crosstalk in a crowded spectrum of 8 lines as well as detrimental effects from active dipolar couplings have been simultaneously eliminated to unprecedented extent. Finally, by entanglement swapping to nuclear spins, nuclear spin entanglement over a length scale of 25 nm is demonstrated. This experiment underlines the importance of optimal control for scalable room temperature spin-based quantum information devices.
The quantum adiabatic theorem states that if a quantum system starts in an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian, and this Hamiltonian varies sufficiently slowly, the system stays in this eigenstate. We investigate experimentally the conditions that must be fulfilled for this theorem to hold. We show that the traditional adiabatic condition as well as some conditions that were recently suggested are either not sufficient or not necessary. Experimental evidence is presented by a simple experiment using nuclear spins.

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