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109 - Jong Mok Ok , Y. J. Jo , K. Kim 2013
We report the de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) oscillations and first-principle calculations for triangular antiferromagnet PdCrO2 showing unconventional anomalous Hall effect (AHE). The dHvA oscillations in PdCrO2 reveal presence of several 2 dimensional Fermi surfaces of smaller size than found in nonmagnetic PdCoO2. This evidences Fermi surface reconstruction due to the non-collinear 120 antiferromagnetic ordering of the localized Cr, consistent with the first principle calculations. The temperature dependence of dHvA oscillations shows no signature of additional modification of Cr spin structure below TN. Considering that the 120 helical ordering of Cr spins has a zero scalar spin chirality, our results suggest that PdCrO2 is a rare example of the metallic triangular antiferromagnets whose unconventional AHE can not be understood in terms of the spin chirality mechanism.
242 - C. Capan , Y-J. Jo , L. Balicas 2010
We report the results of de-Haas-van-Alphen (dHvA) measurements in Cd doped CeCoIn$_5$ and LaCoIn$_5$. Cd doping is known to induce an antiferromagnetic order in the heavy fermion superconductor CeCoIn$_5$, whose effect can be reversed with applied pressure. We find a slight but systematic change of the dHvA frequencies with Cd doping in both compounds, reflecting the chemical potential shift due to the addition of holes. The frequencies and effective masses are close to those found in the nominally pure compounds with similar changes apparent in the Ce and La compounds with Cd substitution. We observe no abrupt changes to the Fermi surface in the high field paramagnetic state for $x sim x_c$ corresponding to the onset of antiferromagnetic ordering at H=0 in CeCo(In$_{1-x}$Cd$_x$)$_5$. Our results rule out $f-$electron localization as the mechanism for the tuning of the ground state in CeCoIn$_5$ with Cd doping.
Heat capacity and magnetic torque measurements are used to probe the anisotropic temperature-field phase diagram of the frustrated spin dimer compound Ba3Mn2O8 in the field range from 0T to 18T. For fields oriented along the c axis a single magnetically ordered phase is found in this field range, whereas for fields oriented along the a axis two distinct phases are observed. The present measurements reveal a surprising non-monotonic evolution of the phase diagram as the magnetic field is rotated in the [001]-[100] plane. The angle dependence of the critical field (Hc1) that marks the closing of the spin gap can be quantitatively accounted for using a minimal spin Hamiltonian comprising superexchange between nearest and next nearest Mn ions, the Zeeman energy and single ion anisotropy. This Hamiltonian also predicts a non-monotonic evolution of the transition between the two ordered states as the field is rotated in the a-c plane. However, the observed effect is found to be significantly larger in magnitude, implying that either this minimal spin Hamiltonian is incomplete or that the magnetically ordered states have a slightly different structure than previously proposed.
136 - S. Nellutla , M. Pati , Y.-J. Jo 2009
The magnetic properties of alkali-metal peroxychromate K$_2$NaCrO$_8$ are governed by the $S = 1/2$ pentavalent chromium cation, Cr$^{5+}$. Specific heat, magnetocalorimetry, ac magnetic susceptibility, torque magnetometry, and inelastic neutron scattering data have been acquired over a wide range of temperature, down to 60 mK, and magnetic field, up to 18 T. The magnetic interactions are quasi-two-dimensional prior to long-range ordering, where $T_N = 1.66$ K in $H = 0$. In the $T to 0$ limit, the magnetic field tuned antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic phase transition suggests a critical field $H_c = 7.270$ T and a critical exponent $alpha = 0.481 pm 0.004$. The neutron data indicate the magnetic interactions may extend over intra-planar nearest-neighbors and inter-planar next-nearest-neighbor spins.
Here, we report an overview of the phase diagram of single layered and double layered Fe arsenide superconductors at high magnetic fields. Our systematic magnetotransport measurements of polycrystalline SmFeAsO$_{1-x}$F$_x$ at different doping levels confirm the upward curvature of the upper critical magnetic field $H_{c2}(T)$ as a function of temperature $T$ defining the phase boundary between the superconducting and metallic states for crystallites with the ab planes oriented nearly perpendicular to the magnetic field. We further show from measurements on single crystals that this feature, which was interpreted in terms of the existence of two superconducting gaps, is ubiquitous among both series of single and double layered compounds. In all compounds explored by us the zero temperature upper critical field $H_{c2}(0)$, estimated either through the Ginzburg-Landau or the Werthamer-Helfand-Hohenberg single gap theories, strongly surpasses the weak coupling Pauli paramagnetic limiting field. This clearly indicates the strong coupling nature of the superconducting state and the importance of magnetic correlations for these materials. Our measurements indicate that the superconducting anisotropy, as estimated through the ratio of the effective masses $gamma = (m_c/m_{ab})^{1/2}$ for carriers moving along the c-axis and the ab planes, respectively, is relatively modest as compared to the high-$T_c$ cuprates, but it is temperature, field and even doping dependent. Finally, our preliminary estimations of the irreversibility field $H_m(T)$, separating the vortex-solid from the vortex-liquid phase in the single layered compounds, indicates that it is well described by the melting of a vortex lattice in a moderately anisotropic uniaxial superconductor.
To probe manifestations of multiband superconductivity in oxypnictides, we measured the angular dependence of magnetic torque $tau(theta)$ in the mixed state of SmO$_{0.8}$F$_{0.2}$FeAs single crystals as functions of temperature $T$ and high magnetic field $H$ up to 30 T. We show that the effective mass anisotropy parameter $gamma$ extracted from $tau(theta)$, can be greatly overestimated if the strong paramagnetism of Sm or Fe ions is not properly taken into account. The correctly extracted $gamma$ depends on both $T$ and $H$, saturating at $gamma simeq 9$ at lower temperatures. Neither the London penetration depth nor the superfluid density is affected by high fields fields up to the upper critical field. Our results indicate two strongly-coupled superconducting gaps of nearly equal magnitudes.
Ferroelectric Ising chain magnet Ca$_3$Co$_{2-x}$Mn$_x$O$_6$ ($xsimeq$0.96) was studied in magnetic fields up to 33 T. Magnetization and neutron scattering measurements reveal successive metamagnetic transitions from the zero-field $uparrow uparrow downarrow downarrow$ spin configuration to the $uparrow uparrow uparrow downarrow$ state with a broad magnetization plateau, and then to the $uparrow uparrow uparrow uparrow$ state. The absence of hysteresis in these plateaus reveals an intriguing coupling between the intra-chain state and the three-dimensional geometrically frustrated magnetic system. Inversion symmetry, broken in the $uparrow uparrow downarrow downarrow$ state, is restored in the $uparrow uparrow uparrow downarrow$ state, leading to the complete suppression of the electric polarization driven by symmetric superexchange.
By means of neutron scattering we show that the high-temperature precursor to the hidden order state of the heavy fermion superconductor URu$_{2}$Si$_{2}$ exhibits heavily damped incommensurate paramagnons whose strong energy dispersion is very similar to that of the long-lived longitudinal f-spin excitations that appear below T$_{0}$. Since the underlying local f-exchange is preserved we expect only the f-d interactions to change across the phase transition and to cause the paramagnetic damping. The damping exhibits single-ion behavior independent of wave vector and vanishes below the hidden order transition. We suggest that this arises from a transition from valence fluctuations to a hybridized f-d state below T$_{0}$. Here we present evidence that the itinerant excitations, like those in chromium, are due to Fermi surface nesting of hole and electron pockets so that the hidden order phase likely originates from a Fermi-surface instability. We identify wave vectors that span nested regions of a band calculation and that match the neutron spin crossover from incommensurate to commensurate on approach to the hidden order phase.
Ba3Mn2O8 is a spin-dimer compound based on pairs of S=1, 3d^2, Mn^{5+} ions arranged on a triangular lattice. Antiferromagnetic intradimer exchange leads to a singlet ground state in zero-field. Here we present the first results of thermodynamic measurements for single crystals probing the high-field ordered states of this material associated with closing the spin gap to the excited triplet states. Specific heat, magnetocaloric effect, and torque magnetometry measurements were performed in magnetic fields up to 32 T and temperatures down to 20 mK. For fields above H_{c1} ~ 8.7 T, these measurements reveal a single magnetic phase for H parallel to c, but two distinct phases (approximately symmetric about the center of the phase diagram) for H perpendicular to c. Analysis of the simplest possible spin Hamiltonian describing this system yields candidates for these ordered states corresponding to a simple spiral structure for H parallel to c, and to two distinct modulated phases for H perpendicular to c. Both single-ion anisotropy and geometric frustration play crucial roles in defining the phase diagram.
131 - L. Balicas , Y. J. Jo , G. J. Shu 2007
Here we report the observation of Fermi surface (FS) pockets via the Shubnikov de Haas effect in Na$_x$CoO$_2$ for $x = 0.71$ and 0.84, respectively. Our observations indicate that the FS expected for each compound intersects their corresponding Brillouin zones, as defined by the previously reported superlattice structures, leading to small reconstructed FS pockets, but only if a precise number of holes per unit cell is emph{localized}. For $0.71 leq x < 0.75$ the coexistence of itinerant carriers and localized $S =1/2$ spins on a paramagnetic triangular superlattice leads at low temperatures to the observation of a deviation from standard Fermi-liquid behavior in the electrical transport and heat capacity properties, suggesting the formation of some kind of quantum spin-liquid ground state.

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