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We investigate the pairing symmetry in heavily overdoped Ba$_{1-x}$K$_{x}$Fe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ based on the spin-fluctuation mechanism. The exotic octet nodes of the superconducting gap and the unusual evolution of the gap with doping observed by the recent experiments are well explained in a unified manner. We demonstrate that the scatterings of electrons on the Fermi patches is mainly responsible for the incommensurate spin fluctuations and consequently the Fermi-surface-dependent multi-gap structure, since the Fermi level is close to the flat band. In addition, we find that a $d$-wave pairing state will prevail over the s-wave pairing state around the Lifshitz transition point.
We have used neutron scattering to investigate the influence of concentration on the conformation of a star polymer. By varying the contrast between the solvent and isotopically labeled stars, we obtain the distributions of polymer and solvent within a star polymer from analysis of scattering data. A correlation between the local desolvation and the inward folding of star branches is discovered. From the perspective of thermodynamics, we find an analogy between the mechanism of polymer localization driven by solvent depletion and that of the hydrophobic collapse of polymers in solutions.
Using Monte Carlo simulations, we investigate the structural characteristics of an interacting hard sphere system with shifted charge to elucidate the effect of the non-centrosymmetric interaction on its phase behavior. Two different phase transitions are identified for this model system. Upon increasing the volume fraction, an abrupt liquid-to-crystal transition first occurs at a significantly lower volume fraction in comparison to that of the centro-charged system. This is due to the stronger effective inter-particle repulsion caused by the additional charge anisotropy. Moreover, within the crystal state at higher volume fraction, the system further undergoes a continuous disorder-to-order transition with respect to the charge orientation. Detailed analyses in this work disclose the nature of these transitions, and orientation fluctuation may cause non-centrosymmetric unit cells. The dependence of crystal formation and orientational ordering on temperature was also examined. These findings indicate that the non-centrosymmetric interaction in this work results in additional freedoms to fine-tune the phase diagram and increase the functionalities of materials. Moreover, these model studies are essential to advance our future understanding regarding the fundamental physiochemical properties of novel Janus colloidal particles and protein crystallization conditions.
The dynamics of soft colloids in solutions is characterized by internal collective motion as well as center-of-mass diffusion. Using neutron scattering we demonstrate that the competition between the relaxation processes associated with these two degrees of freedom results in strong dependence of dynamics and structure on colloid concentration, c, even well below the overlap concentration c*. We show that concurrent with increasing inter-particle collisions, substantial structural dehydration and slowing-down of internal dynamics occur before geometrically defined colloidal overlap develops. While previous experiments have shown that the average size of soft colloids changes very little below c*, we find a marked change in both the internal structure and internal dynamics with concentration. The competition between these two relaxation processes gives rise to a new dynamically-defined dilute threshold concentration well below c*.
205 - Zi-Jian Yao , Jian-Xin Li , 2008
Based on an effective two-band model and using the fluctuation-exchange (FLEX) approach, we explore spin fluctuations and unconventional superconducting pairing in Fe-based layer superconductors. It is elaborated that one type of interband antiferromagnetic (AF) spin fluctuation stems from the interband Coulomb repulsion, while the other type of intraband AF spin fluctuation originates from the intraband Coulomb repulsion. Due to the Fermi-surface topology, a spin-singlet extended s-wave superconducting state is more favorable than the nodal $d_{XY}$-wave state if the interband AF spin fluctuation is more significant than the intraband one, otherwise vice versa. It is also revealed that the effective interband coupling plays an important role in the intraband pairings, which is a distinct feature of the present two-band system.
The authors study theoretically reflection on the surface of a metamaterial with a hyperbolic dispersion. It is found that reflection is strongly dependent on how the surface is terminated with respect to the asymptote of the hyperbolic dispersion. For a surface terminated normally to the asymptote, zero reflection occurs for all incident angles. It is exemplified by a metamaterial made of a periodic metal-dielectric layered structure with its surface properly cut through numerical simulations.
Spin parameters of stellar-mass black holes in X-ray binaries are currently being estimated by fitting the X-ray continuum spectra of their accretion disk emission. For this method, it is necessary to know the inclination of the X-ray-producing inner region of the disk. Since the inner disk is expected to be oriented perpendicular to the spin axis of the hole, the usual practice is to assume that the black hole spin is aligned with the orbital angular momentum vector of the binary, and to estimate the inclination of the latter from ellipsoidal modulations in the light curve of the secondary star. We show that the inclination of the disk can be inferred directly if we have both spectral and polarization information on the disk radiation. The predicted degree of polarization varies from 0% to 5% as the disk inclination changes from face-on to edge-on. With current X-ray polarimetric techniques the polarization degree of a typical bright X-ray binary could be measured to an accuracy of 0.1% by observing the source for about 10 days. Such a measurement would constrain the disk inclination to within a degree or two and would significantly improve the reliability of black hole spin estimates. In addition, it would provide new information on the tilt between the black hole spin axis and the orbital rotation axis of the binary, which would constrain any velocity kicks experienced by stellar-mass black holes during their formation.
Based on a single band Hubbard model and the fluctuation exchange approximation, the effective mass and the energy band renormalization in Na$_{0.33}$CoO$_2$ is elaborated. The renormalization is observed to exhibit certain kind of anisotropy, which agrees qualitatively with the angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements. Moreover, the spectral function and density of states (DOS) in the normal state are calculated, with a weak pseudogap behavior being seen, which is explained as a result of the strong Coulomb correlations. Our results suggest that the large Fermi surface (FS) associated with the $a_{1g}$ band plays likely a central role in the charge dynamics.
102 - Liang Li , Xin Li , Tian Liu 2008
Constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) models many important intractable NP-hard problems such as propositional satisfiability problem (SAT). Algorithms with non-trivial upper bounds on running time for restricted SAT with bounded clause length k (k-SAT) can be classified into three styles: DPLL-like, PPSZ-like and Local Search, with local search algorithms having already been generalized to CSP with bounded constraint arity k (k-CSP). We generalize a DPLL-like algorithm in its simplest form and a PPSZ-like algorithm from k-SAT to k-CSP. As far as we know, this is the first attempt to use PPSZ-like strategy to solve k-CSP, and before little work has been focused on the DPLL-like or PPSZ-like strategies for k-CSP.
226 - Xin Li , Tian Liu 2007
M.Aleknovich et al. have recently proposed a model of algorithms, called BT model, which generalizes both the priority model of Borodin, Nielson and Rackoff, as well as a simple dynamic programming model by Woeginger. BT model can be further divided into three kinds of fixed, adaptive and fully adaptive ones. They have proved exponential time lower bounds of exact and approximation algorithms under adaptive BT model for Knapsack problem. Their exact lower bound is $Omega(2^{0.5n}/sqrt{n})$, in this paper, we slightly improve the exact lower bound to about $Omega(2^{0.69n}/sqrt{n})$, by the same technique, with related parameters optimized.

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