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83 - X. Wang , A. Hoag , K.-H. Huang 2015
We present a strong and weak lensing reconstruction of the massive cluster Abell 2744, the first cluster for which deep Hubble Frontier Field (HFF) images and spectroscopy from the Grism Lens-Amplified Survey from Space (GLASS) are available. By performing a targeted search for emission lines in multiply imaged sources using the GLASS spectra, we obtain 5 high-confidence spectroscopic redshifts and 2 tentative ones. We confirm 1 strongly lensed system by detecting the same emission lines in all 3 multiple images. We also search for additional line emitters blindly and use the full GLASS spectroscopic catalog to test reliability of photometric redshifts for faint line emitters. We see a reasonable agreement between our photometric and spectroscopic redshift measurements, when including nebular emission in photometric redshift estimations. We introduce a stringent procedure to identify only secure multiple image sets based on colors, morphology, and spectroscopy. By combining 7 multiple image systems with secure spectroscopic redshifts (at 5 distinct redshift planes) with 18 multiple image systems with secure photometric redshifts, we reconstruct the gravitational potential of the cluster pixellated on an adaptive grid, using a total of 72 images. The resulting mass map is compared with a stellar mass map obtained from the deep Spitzer Frontier Fields data to study the relative distribution of stars and dark matter in the cluster. We find that the stellar to total mass ratio varies substantially across the cluster field, suggesting that stars do not trace exactly the total mass in this interacting system. The maps of convergence, shear, and magnification are made available in the standard HFF format.
188 - C.L. Yang , X. Wang , X. Zhang 2014
We report the crystal growth of a new compound, Yb3Os4Ge13, by using a Bi-flux method. X-ray diffraction measurement shows that it crystallizes in the quasi-skutterudite-type caged structure with a cubic space group of Pm-3n (No. 223). Magnetic measurements reveal almost fully localized Yb f-moments above 120 K. The resistivity exhibits a crossover from metallic to insulating behavior with a logarithmic increase below ~ 40 K. The specific heat coefficient shows a rapid upturn below ~5 K and exceeds 2 J mol-1 K-2 at 2 K. Our experimental analysis and electronic band structure calculations demonstrate that Yb3Os4Ge13 exhibits the Kondo effect due to strong hybridization of the localized Yb f-moments with the p-electrons of the surrounding Ge-cages.
The Exoplanet Orbit Database (EOD) compiles orbital, transit, host star, and other parameters of robustly detected exoplanets reported in the peer-reviewed literature. The EOD can be navigated through the Exoplanet Data Explorer (EDE) Plotter and Table, available on the World Wide Web at The EOD contains data for 1492 confirmed exoplanets as of July 2014. The EOD descends from a table in Butler et al. (2002) and the Catalog of Nearby Exoplanets (Butler et al. 2006), and the first complete documentation for the EOD and the EDE was presented in Wright et al. (2011). In this work, we describe our work since then. We have expanded the scope of the EOD to include secondary eclipse parameters, asymmetric uncertainties, and expanded the EDE to include the sample of over 3000 Kepler Objects of Interest (KOIs), and other real planets without good orbital parameters (such as many of those detected by microlensing and imaging). Users can download the latest version of the entire EOD as a single comma separated value file from the front page of
86 - X. Wang , G. Drazer 2014
We study the transport of Brownian particles under a constant driving force and moving in channels that present a varying centerline but have constant aperture width. We investigate two types of channels, {it solid} channels in which the particles are geometrically confined between walls and {em soft} channels in which the particles are confined by a periodic potential. We consider the limit of narrow, slowly-varying channels, i.e., when the aperture and the variation in the position of the centerline are small compared to the length of a unit cell in the channel (wavelength). We use the method of asymptotic expansions to determine both the average velocity (or mobility) and the effective diffusion coefficient of the particles. We show that both solid and soft-channels have the same effects on the transport properties up to $O(epsilon^2)$. We also show that the mobility in a solid-channel at $O(epsilon^4)$ is smaller than that in a soft-channel. Interestingly, in both cases, the corrections to the mobility of the particles are independent of the Peclet number and, as a result, the Einstein-Smoluchowski relation is satisfied. Finally, we show that by increasing the solid-channel width from $w(x)$ to $sqrt{6/pi}w(x)$, the mobility of the particles in the solid-channel can be matched to that in the soft-channel up to $O(epsilon^4)$.
162 - Z. Wang 2014
We report on our searches for debris disks around seven relatively nearby radio pulsars, which are isolated sources and were carefully selected as the targets on the basis of our deep $K_s$-band imaging survey. The $K_s$ images obtained with the 6.5,m Baade Magellan Telescope at Las Campanas Observatory are analyzed together with the textit{Spitzer}/IRAC images at 4.5 and 8.0~$mu$m and the textit{WISE} images at 3.4, 4.6, 12 and 22~$mu$m. No infrared (IR) counterparts of these pulsars are found, with flux upper limits of $sim mu$Jy at near-infrared ($lambda<10 mu$m) and $sim$10--1000,$mu$Jy at mid-infrared wavelengths ($lambda>10 mu$m). The results of this search are discussed in terms of the efficiency of converting the pulsar spin-down energy to thermal energy and X-ray heating of debris disks, with comparison made to the two magnetars 4U~0142+61 and 1E~2259+586 which are suggested to harbor a debris disk.
134 - S. X. Wang 2013
The large gas and dust reservoirs of submm galaxies (SMGs) could potentially provide ample fuel to trigger an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN), but previous studies of the AGN fraction in SMGs have been controversial largely due to the inhomogeneity and limited angular resolution of the available submillimeter surveys. Here we set improved constraints on the AGN fraction and X-ray properties of the SMGs with ALMA and Chandra observations in the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South (E-CDF-S). This study is the first among similar works to have unambiguously identified the X-ray counterparts of SMGs; this is accomplished using the fully submm-identified, statistically reliable SMG catalog with 99 SMGs from the ALMA LABOCA E-CDF-S Submillimeter Survey (ALESS). We found 10 X-ray sources associated with SMGs (median redshift z = 2.3), of which 8 were identified as AGNs using several techniques that enable cross-checking. The other 2 X-ray detected SMGs have levels of X-ray emission that can be plausibly explained by their star-formation activity. 6 of the 8 SMG-AGNs are moderately/highly absorbed, with N_H > 10e23 cm-2. An analysis of the AGN fraction, taking into account the spatial variation of X-ray sensitivity, yields an AGN fraction of 17+16-6% for AGNs with rest-frame 0.5-8 keV absorption-corrected luminosity >7.8x10e42 erg s-1; we provide estimated AGN fractions as a function of X-ray flux and luminosity. ALMAs high angular resolution also enables direct X-ray stacking at the precise positions of SMGs for the first time, and we found 4 potential SMG-AGNs in our stacking sample.
121 - Y. Li , M. Vuorinen , X. Wang 2013
We study the stability of John domains in Banach spaces under removal of a countable set of points. In particular, we prove that the class of John domains is stable in the sense that removing a certain type of closed countable set from the domain yields a new domain which also is a John domain. We apply this result to prove the stability of the inner uniform domains. Finally, we consider a wider class of domains, so called $psi$-John domains and prove a similar result for this class.
223 - C. Zu , Y.-X. Wang , D.-L. Deng 2013
This is a reply to the comment from E. Amselem et al. on our paper (Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 150401 (2012), arXiv:1207.0059).
108 - X. Wang , G. Konrad , 2012
We propose a new type of momentum spectrometer, which uses the RxB drift effect to disperse the charged particles in a uniformly curved magnetic field. This kind of RxB spectrometer is designed for the momentum analyses of the decay electrons and protons in the PERC (Proton and Electron Radiation Channel) beam station, which provides a strong magnetic field to guide the charged particles in the instrument. Instead of eliminating the guiding field, the RxB spectrometer evolves the field gradually to the analysing field, and the charged particles can be adiabatically transported during the dispersion and detection. The drifts of the particles have similar properties as their dispersion in the normal magnetic spectrometer. Besides, the RxB spectrometer is especially ideal for the measurements of particles with low momenta and relative large incident angles. We present a design of the RxB spectrometer, which can be used in PERC. The resolution of the momentum spectra can reach 14.4 keV/c, if the particle position measurements have a resolution of 1 mm.
141 - Y. Li , M. Vuorinen , X. Wang 2012
Suppose that $E$ and $E$ denote real Banach spaces with dimension at least 2 and that $Dvarsubsetneq E$ and $Dvarsubsetneq E$ are uniform domains with homogeneously dense boundaries. We consider the class of all $varphi$-FQC (freely $varphi$-quasiconformal) maps of $D$ onto $D$ with bilipschitz boundary values. We show that the maps of this class are $eta$-quasisymmetric. As an application, we show that if $D$ is bounded, then maps of this class satisfy a two sided Holder condition. Moreover, replacing the class $varphi$-FQC by the smaller class of $M$-QH maps, we show that $M$-QH maps with bilipschitz boundary values are bilipschitz. Finally, we show that if $f$ is a $varphi$-FQC map which maps $D$ onto itself with identity boundary values, then there is a constant $C,,$ depending only on the function $varphi,,$ such that for all $xin D$, the quasihyperbolic distance satisfies $k_D(x,f(x))leq C$.

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