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We present some computations of higher rank refined Donaldson-Thomas invariants on local curve geometries, corresponding to local D6-D2-D0 or D4-D2-D0 configurations. A refined wall-crossing formula for invariants with higher D6 or D4 ranks is derived and verified to agree with the existing formulas under the unrefined limit. Using the formula, refined invariants on the $(-1,-1)$ and $(-2,0)$ local rational curve with higher D6 or D4 ranks are computed.
A string theoretic derivation is given for the conjecture of Hausel, Letellier, and Rodriguez-Villegas on the cohomology of character varieties with marked points. Their formula is identified with a refined BPS expansion in the stable pair theory of a local root stack, generalizing previous work of the first two authors in collaboration with G. Pan. Haimans geometric construction for Macdonald polynomials is shown to emerge naturally in this context via geometric engineering. In particular this yields a new conjectural relation between Macdonald polynomials and refined local orbifold curve counting invariants. The string theoretic approach also leads to a new spectral cover construction for parabolic Higgs bundles in terms of holomorphic symplectic orbifolds.
156 - Wu-yen Chuang , Jason Lo 2013
We consider elliptic fibrations with arbitrary base dimensions, and generalise previous work by the second author. In particular, we check universal closedness for the moduli of semistable objects with respect to a polynomial stability that reduces to PT-stability on threefolds. We also show openness of this polynomial stability. On the other hand, we write down criteria under which certain 2-term polynomial semistable complexes are mapped to torsion-free semistable sheaves under a Fourier-Mukai transform. As an application, we construct an open immersion from a moduli of complexes to a moduli of Gieseker stable sheaves on higher dimensional elliptic fibrations.
BPS quivers for N=2 SU(N) gauge theories are derived via geometric engineering from derived categories of toric Calabi-Yau threefolds. While the outcome is in agreement of previous low energy constructions, the geometric approach leads to several new results. An absence of walls conjecture is formulated for all values of N, relating the field theory BPS spectrum to large radius D-brane bound states. Supporting evidence is presented as explicit computations of BPS degeneracies in some examples. These computations also prove the existence of BPS states of arbitrarily high spin and infinitely many marginal stability walls at weak coupling. Moreover, framed quiver models for framed BPS states are naturally derived from this formalism, as well as a mathematical formulation of framed and unframed BPS degeneracies in terms of motivic and cohomological Donaldson-Thomas invariants. We verify the conjectured absence of BPS states with exotic SU(2)_R quantum numbers using motivic DT invariants. This application is based in particular on a complete recursive algorithm which determine the unframed BPS spectrum at any point on the Coulomb branch in terms of noncommutative Donaldson-Thomas invariants for framed quiver representations.
A conjectural recursive relation for the Poincare polynomial of the Hitchin moduli space is derived from wallcrossing in the refined local Donaldson-Thomas theory of a curve. A doubly refined generalization of this theory is also conjectured and shown to similarly determine the Hodge polynomial of the same moduli space.
In this paper we study the dynamical instability of Sakai-Sugimotos holographic QCD model at finite baryon density. In this model, the baryon density, represented by the smeared instanton on the worldvolume of the probe D8-overline{D8} mesonic brane, sources the worldvolume electric field, and through the Chern-Simons term it will induces the instability to form a chiral helical wave. This is similar to Deryagin-Grigoriev-Rubakov instability to form the chiral density wave for large N_c QCD at finite density. Our results show that this kind of instability occurs for sufficiently high baryon number densities. The phase diagram of holographic QCD will thus be changed from the one which is based only on thermodynamics. This holographic approach provides an effective way to study the phases of QCD at finite density, where the conventional perturbative QCD and lattice simulation fail.
Generalized Donaldson-Thomas invariants corresponding to local D6-D2-D0 configurations are defined applying the formalism of Joyce and Song to ADHM sheaves on curves. A wallcrossing formula for invariants of D6-rank two is proven and shown to agree with the wallcrossing formula of Kontsevich and Soibelman. Using this result, the asymptotic D6-rank two invariants of (-1,-1) and (0,-2) local rational curves are computed in terms of the D6-rank one invariants.

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