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We present results from Chandra, XMM-Newton, and ROSAT observations of the Planck SZ-detected cluster A3716 (PLCKG345.40-39.34 - G345). We show that G345 is, in fact, two subclusters separated on the sky by 400 kpc. We measure the subclusters gas temperatures (~ 2-3 keV), total (~ 1-2 x 10^14 solar masses) and gas (~ 1-2 x 10^13 solar masses) masses, gas mass fraction within r500, entropy profiles, and X-ray luminosities (~ 10^43 erg/s). Using the gas density and temperature profiles for both subclusters, we show that there is good (0.8 sigma) agreement between the expected Sunyaev-Zeldovich signal predicted from the X-ray data and that measured from the Planck mission, and better agreement within 0.6 sigma when we re-computed the Planck value assuming a two component cluster model, with relative amplitudes fixed based on the X-ray data. Dynamical analysis shows that the two galaxy subclusters are very likely (> 97% probability) gravitationally bound, and in the most likely scenario, the subclusters will undergo core passage in 500 +- 200 Myr. The northern subcluster is centrally peaked and has a low entropy core, while the southern subcluster has a high central entropy. The high central entropy in the southern subcluster can be explained either by the mergers of several groups, as suggested by the presence of five giant ellipticals or by AGN energy injection, as suggested by the presence of a strong radio source in one of its massive elliptical galaxies, or by a combination of both processes.
The presence of luminous hot X-ray coronae in the dark matter halos of massive spiral galaxies is a basic prediction of galaxy formation models. However, observational evidence for such coronae is very scarce, with the first few examples having only been detected recently. In this paper, we study the large-scale diffuse X-ray emission associated with the massive spiral galaxy NGC266. Using ROSAT and Chandra X-ray observations we argue that the diffuse emission extends to at least ~70 kpc, whereas the bulk of the stellar light is confined to within ~25 kpc. Based on X-ray hardness ratios, we find that most of the diffuse emission is released at energies <1.2 keV, which indicates that this emission originates from hot X-ray gas. Adopting a realistic gas temperature and metallicity, we derive that in the (0.05-0.15)r_200 region (where r_200 is the virial radius) the bolometric X-ray luminosity of the hot gas is (4.3 +/- 0.8) x 10^40 erg/s and the gas mass is (9.1 +/- 0.9) x 10^9 M_sun. These values are comparable to those observed for the two other well-studied X-ray coronae in spiral galaxies, suggesting that the physical properties of such coronae are similar. This detection offers an excellent opportunity for comparison of observations with detailed galaxy formation simulations.
Luminous X-ray gas coronae in the dark matter halos of massive spiral galaxies are a fundamental prediction of structure formation models, yet only a few such coronae have been detected so far. In this paper, we study the hot X-ray coronae beyond the optical disks of two normal massive spirals, NGC1961 and NGC6753. Based on XMM-Newton X-ray observations, hot gaseous emission is detected to ~60 kpc - well beyond their optical radii. The hot gas has a best-fit temperature of kT~0.6 keV and an abundance of ~0.1 Solar, and exhibits a fairly uniform distribution, suggesting that the quasi-static gas resides in hydrostatic equilibrium in the potential well of the galaxies. The bolometric luminosity of the gas in the (0.05-0.15)r_200 region (r_200 is the virial radius) is ~6e40 erg/s for both galaxies. The baryon mass fractions of NGC1961 and NGC6753 are f_b~0.1, which fall short of the cosmic baryon fraction. The hot coronae around NGC1961 and NGC6753 offer an excellent basis to probe structure formation simulations. To this end, the observations are confronted with the moving mesh code Arepo and the smoothed particle hydrodynamics code Gadget. Although neither model gives a perfect description, the observed luminosities, gas masses, and abundances favor the Arepo code. Moreover, the shape and the normalization of the observed density profiles are better reproduced by Arepo within ~0.5r_200. However, neither model incorporates efficient feedback from supermassive black holes or supernovae, which could alter the simulated properties of the X-ray coronae. With the further advance of numerical models, the present observations will be essential in constraining the feedback effects in structure formation simulations.
109 - Akos Bogdan 2012
We study two nearby, early-type galaxies, NGC4342 and NGC4291, that host unusually massive black holes relative to their low stellar mass. The observed black hole-to-bulge mass ratios of NGC4342 and NGC4291 are ~6.9% and ~1.9%, respectively, which significantly exceed the typical observed ratio of ~0.2%. As a consequence of the exceedingly large black hole-to-bulge mass ratios, NGC4342 and NGC4291 are ~5.1 sigma and ~3.4 sigma outliers from the M_BH - M_bulge scaling relation, respectively. In this paper, we explore the origin of the unusually high black hole-to-bulge mass ratio. Based on Chandra X-ray observations of the hot gas content of NGC4342 and NGC4291, we compute gravitating mass profiles, and conclude that both galaxies reside in massive dark matter halos, which extend well beyond the stellar light. The presence of dark matter halos around NGC4342 and NGC4291 and a deep optical image of the environment of NGC4342 indicate that tidal stripping, in which >90% of the stellar mass was lost, cannot explain the observed high black hole-to-bulge mass ratios. Therefore, we conclude that these galaxies formed with low stellar masses, implying that the bulge and black hole did not grow in tandem. We also find that the black hole mass correlates well with the properties of the dark matter halo, suggesting that dark matter halos may play a major role in regulating the growth of the supermassive black holes.
The Andromeda galaxy (M31) hosts a central super-massive black hole (SMBH), known as M31$^ast$, which is remarkable for its mass ($sim$$10^8{rm~M_odot}$) and extreme radiative quiescence. Over the past decade, the Chandra X-ray observatory has pointed to the center of M31 $sim$100 times and accumulated a total exposure of $sim$900 ks. Based on these observations, we present an X-ray study of a highly variable source that we associate with M31$^ast$ based on positional coincidence. We find that M31$^ast$ remained in a quiescent state from late 1999 to 2005, exhibiting an average 0.5-8 keV luminosity $lesssim$$10^{36}{rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$, or only $sim$$10^{-10}$ of its Eddington luminosity. We report the discovery of an outburst that occurred on January 6, 2006, during which M31$^ast$ radiated at $sim$$4.3times10^{37}{rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$. After the outburst, M31$^ast$ entered a more active state that apparently lasts to the present, which is characterized by frequent flux variability around an average luminosity of $sim$$4.8times10^{36}{rm~ergs~s^{-1}}$. These flux variations are similar to the X-ray flares found in the SMBH of our Galaxy (Sgr A$^ast$), making M31$^ast$ the second SMBH known to exhibit recurrent flares. Future coordinated X-ray/radio observations will provide useful constraints on the physical origin of the flaring emission and help rule out a possible stellar origin of the X-ray source.
We combine IR, optical and X-ray data from the overlapping, 9.3 square degree NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey (NDWFS), AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey (AGES), and XBootes Survey to measure the X-ray evolution of 6146 normal galaxies as a function of absolute optical luminosity, redshift, and spectral type over the largely unexplored redshift range 0.1 < z < 0.5. Because only the closest or brightest of the galaxies are individually detected in X-rays, we use a stacking analysis to determine the mean properties of the sample. Our results suggest that X-ray emission from spectroscopically late-type galaxies is dominated by star formation, while that from early-type galaxies is dominated by a combination of hot gas and AGN emission. We find that the mean star formation and supermassive black hole accretion rate densities evolve like (1+z)^3, in agreement with the trends found for samples of bright, individually detectable starburst galaxies and AGN. Our work also corroborates the results of many previous stacking analyses of faint source populations, with improved statistics.

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