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We present a description for setting initial particle displacements and field values for simulations of arbitrary metric theories of gravity, for perfect and imperfect fluids with arbitrary characteristics. We extend the Zeldovich Approximation to nontrivial theories of gravity, and show how scale dependence implies curved particle paths, even in the entirely linear regime of perturbations. For a viable choice of Effective Field Theory of Modified Gravity, initial conditions set at high redshifts are affected at the level of up to 5% at Mpc scales, which exemplifies the importance of going beyond {Lambda}-Cold Dark Matter initial conditions for modifications of gravity outside of the quasi-static approximation. In addition, we show initial conditions for a simulation where a scalar modification of gravity is modelled in a Lagrangian particle-like description. Our description paves the way for simulations and mock galaxy catalogs under theories of gravity beyond the standard model, crucial for progress towards precision tests of gravity and cosmology.
We discuss the relation between the output of Newtonian N-body simulations on scales that approach or exceed the particle horizon to the description of General Relativity. At leading order, the Zeldovich approximation is correct on large scales, coinciding with the General Relativistic result. At second order in the initial metric potential, the trajectories of particles deviate from the second order Newtonian result and hence the validity of 2LPT initial conditions should be reassessed when used in very large simulations. We also advocate using the expression for the synchronous gauge density as a well behaved measure of density fluctuations on such scales.
We examine the deviation of Cold Dark Matter particle trajectories from the Newtonian result as the size of the region under study becomes comparable to or exceeds the particle horizon. To first order in the gravitational potential, the general relativistic result coincides with the Zeldovich approximation and hence the Newtonian prediction on all scales. At second order, General Relativity predicts corrections which overtake the corresponding second order Newtonian terms above a certain scale of the order of the Hubble radius. However, since second order corrections are very much suppressed on such scales, we conclude that simulations which exceed the particle horizon but use Newtonian equations to evolve the particles, reproduce the correct trajectories very well. The dominant relativistic corrections to the power spectrum on scales close to the horizon are at most of the order of $sim 10^{-5}$ at $z=49$ and $sim 10^{-3}$ at $z=0$. The differences in the positions of real space features are affected at a level below $10^{-6}$ at both redshifts. Our analysis also clarifies the relation of N-body results to relativistic considerations.
We present a new analysis on how to distinguish between isotropic and anisotropic cosmological models based on tracking the angular displacements of a large number of distant quasars over an extended period of time, and then performing a multipole-vector decomposition of the resulting displacement maps. We find that while the GAIA mission operating at its nominal specifications does not have sufficient angular resolution to resolve anisotropic universes from isotropic ones using this method within a reasonable timespan of ten years, a next-generation GAIA-like survey with a resolution ten times better should be equal to the task. Distinguishing between different anisotropic models is however more demanding. Keeping the observational timespan to ten years, we find that the angular resolution of the survey will need to be of order 0.1 micro-arcsecond in order for certain rotating anisotropic models to produce a detectable signature that is also unique to models of this class. However, should such a detection become possible, it would immediately allow us to rule out large local void models.
We argue that there is an intrinsic noise on measurements of the equation of state parameter $w=p/rho$ from large-scale structure around us. The presence of the large-scale structure leads to an ambiguity in the definition of the background universe and thus there is a maximal precision with which we can determine the equation of state of dark energy. To study the uncertainty due to local structure, we model density perturbations stemming from a standard inflationary power spectrum by means of the exact Lema^{i}tre-Tolman-Bondi solution of Einsteins equation, and show that the usual distribution of matter inhomogeneities in a $Lambda$CDM cosmology causes a variation of $w$ -- as inferred from distance measures -- of several percent. As we observe only one universe, or equivalently because of the cosmic variance, this uncertainty is systematic in nature.

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