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168 - N. L. Wang , W. Z. Hu , Z. G. Chen 2011
We report optical spectroscopic measurements on electron- and hole-doped BaFe2As2. We show that the compounds in the normal state are not simple metals. The optical conductivity spectra contain, in addition to the free carrier response at low frequency, a temperature-dependent gap-like suppression at rather high energy scale near 0.6 eV. This suppression evolves with the As-Fe-As bond angle induced by electron- or hole-doping. Furthermore, the feature becomes much weaker in the Fe-chalcogenide compounds. We elaborate that the feature is caused by the strong Hunds rule coupling effect between the itinerant electrons and localized electron moment arising from the multiple Fe 3d orbitals. Our experiments demonstrate the coexistence of itinerant and localized electrons in iron-based compounds, which would then lead to a more comprehensive picture about the metallic magnetism in the materials.
We use neutron scattering to show that replacing the larger arsenic with smaller phosphorus in CeFeAs(1-x)P(x)O simultaneously suppresses the AF order and orthorhombic distortion near x = 0.4, providing evidence for a magnetic quantum critical point. Furthermore, we find that the pnictogen height in iron arsenide is an important controlling parameter for their electronic and magnetic properties, and may play an important role in electron pairing and superconductivity.
546 - W. Z. Hu , G. Li , P. Zheng 2009
We report an optical investigation on the in-plane charge dynamics for Na$_{1-delta}$FeAs single crystal. A clear optical evidence for the spin-density wave (SDW) gap is observed. As the structural/magnetic transitions are separated in the Na$_{1-delta}$FeAs case, we find the SDW gap opens in accordance with the magnetic transition. Comparing with the optical response of other FeAs-based parent compounds, both the gap value 2$Delta$ and the energy scale for the gap-induced spectral weight redistribution are smaller in Na$_{1-delta}$FeAs. Our findings support the itinerant origin of the antiferromagnetic transition in the FeAs-based system.
168 - Z. G. Chen , G. Xu , W. Z. Hu 2009
BaNi$_2$As$_2$ exhibits a first order structural transition at 130 K. Understanding this structural transition is a crucial step towards understanding the electronic properties of the material. We present a combined optical spectroscopy and band structure calculation study on the compound across the transition. The study reveals that BaNi$_2$As$_2$ is a good metal with a rather high plasma frequency. The phase transition leads to a small reduction of conducting carriers. We identify that this reduction is caused by the removal of several small Fermi surface sheets contributed dominantly from the As-As bonding and Ni-As antibonding states.
204 - G. F. Chen , W. Z. Hu , J. L. Luo 2009
Specific heat, resistivity, susceptibility and Hall coefficient measurements were performed on high-quality single crystalline Na$_{1-delta}$FeAs. This compound is found to undergo three successive phase transitions at around 52, 41, and 23 K, which correspond to structural, magnetic and superconducting transitions, respectively. The Hall effect result indicates the development of energy gap at low temperature due to the occurrence of spin-density-wave instability. Our results provide direct experimental evidence of the magnetic ordering in the nearly stoichiometric NaFeAs.
A brief review of optical and Raman studies on the Fe-based superconductors is given, with special emphasis on the competing phenomenon in this system. Optical investigations on ReFeAsO (Re=rare-earth element) and AFe$_2$As$_2$ (A=alkaline-earth metal) families provide clear evidence for the gap formation in the broken symmetry states, including the partial gaps in the spin-density wave states of parent compounds, and the pairing gaps in the superconducting states for doped compounds. Especially, the superconducting gap has an s-wave pairing lineshape in hole-doped BaFe$_2$As$_2$. Optical phonons at zone center detected by Raman and infrared techniques are classified for several Fe-based compounds. Related issues, such as the electron-phonon coupling and the effect of spin-density wave and superconducting transitions on phonons, are also discussed. Meanwhile, open questions including the emph{T}-dependent mid-infrared peak at 0.6-0.7 eV, electronic correlation, and the similarities/differences between high-Tc cuprates and Fe-based superconductors are also briefly discussed. Important results from other experimental probes are compared with optical data to better understand the spin-density wave properties, the superconductivity, and the multi-band character in Fe-based compounds.
107 - W. Z. Hu , J. Dong , G. Li 2008
We performed optical spectroscopy measurement on single crystals of BaFe$_2$As$_2$ and SrFe$_2$As$_2$, the parent compounds of FeAs based superconductors. Both are found to be quite metallic with fairly large plasma frequencies at high temperature. Upon entering the spin-density-wave (SDW) state, formation of partial energy gaps was clearly observed with the presence of surprisingly two different energy scales. A large part of the Drude component was removed by the gapping of Fermi surfaces (FS). Meanwhile, the carrier scattering rate was even more dramatically reduced. We elaborate that the SDW instability is more likely to be driven by the FS nesting of itinerant electrons rather than a local-exchange mechanism.
264 - W. Z. Hu , G. T. Wang , Rongwei Hu 2008
The electronic structure of Cr$_{1/3}$NbSe$_2$ is studied via optical spectroscopy. We observe two low-energy interband transitions in the paramagnetic phase, which split into four peaks as the compound enters the ferromagnetic state. The band structure calculation indicates the four peaks are interband transitions to the spin up Cr e$_g$ states. We show that the peak splitting below the Curie temperature is emph{not} due to the exchange splitting of spin up and down bands, but directly reflects a band broadening effect in Cr-derived states upon the spontaneous ferromagnetic ordering.
81 - G. Li , W. Z. Hu , J. Dong 2008
We performed optical spectroscopy measurement on a superconducting Ba$_{0.6}$K$_{0.4}$Fe$_2$As$_2$ single crystal with T$_c$=37 K. Formation of the superconducting energy gaps in the far-infared reflectance spectra below T$_c$ is clearly observed. The gap amplitudes match well with the two distinct superconducting gaps observed in angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy experiments on different Fermi surfaces. We determined absolute value of the penetration depth at 10 K as $lambdasimeq2000 AA$. A spectral weight analysis shows that the Ferrell-Glover-Timkham sum rule is satisfied at low energy scale, less than 6$Delta$.

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