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This work presents 75As NMR spin echo decay rate (1/T2) measurements in Ba(Fe1-xRhx)2As2 superconductors, for 0.041 < x < 0.094. It is shown that 1/T2 increases upon cooling, in the normal phase, suggesting the onset of an unconventional very low-frequency activated dynamic. The correlation times of the fluctuations and their energy barriers are derived. The motion is favored at large Rh content, while it is hindered by the application of a magnetic field perpendicular to the FeAs layers. The same dynamic is observed in the spin-lattice relaxation rate, in a quantitatively consistent manner. These results are discussed in the light of nematic fluctuations involving domain wall motion. The analogies with the behaviour observed in the cuprates are also outlined.
Spanning a broad range of physical systems, complex symmetry breaking is widely recognized as a hallmark of competing interactions. This is exemplified in superfluid $^3$He which has multiple thermodynamic phases with spin and orbital quantum numbers $S=1$ and $L=1$, that emerge on cooling from a nearly ferromagnetic Fermi liquid. The heavy fermion compound UPt$_3$ exhibits similar behavior clearly manifest in its multiple superconducting phases. However, consensus as to its order parameter symmetry has remained elusive. Our small angle neutron scattering measurements indicate a linear temperature dependence of the London penetration depth characteristic of nodal structure of the order parameter. Our theoretical analysis is consistent with assignment of its symmetry $L=3$ odd parity state for which one of the three thermodynamic phases in non-zero magnetic field is chiral.
The heavy fermion superconductor UPt$_3$ is thought to have odd-parity, a state for which the temperature dependence of the spin susceptibility is an important signature. In order to address conflicting reports from two different experiments, the NMR Knight shift and measurements of the anisotropy of the upper critical field, we have measured the bulk susceptibility in a high quality single crystal using polarized-neutron diffraction. A temperature independent susceptibility was observed for $H||a$ through the transitions between the normal state and the superconducting A-, B- and C-phases, consistent with odd-parity, spin-triplet superconductivity.
The spatially averaged density of states, <N(0)>, of an unconventional d-wave superconductor is magnetic field dependent, proportional to $H^{1/2}$, owing to the Doppler shift of quasiparticle excitations in a background of vortex supercurrents[1,2]. This phenomenon, called the Volovik effect, has been predicted to exist for a sign changing $spm$ state [3], although it is absent in a single band s-wave superconductor. Consequently, we expect there to be Doppler contributions to the NMR spin-lattice relaxation rate, $1/T_1 propto <N(0)^2>$, for an $spm$ state which will depend on magnetic field. We have measured the $^{75}$As $1/T_1$ in a high-quality, single crystal of Ba$_{0.67}$K$_{0.33}$Fe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ over a wide range of field up to 28 T. Our spatially resolved measurements show that indeed there are Doppler contributions to $1/T_1$ which increase closer to the vortex core, with a spatial average proportional to $H^2$, inconsistent with recent theory [4]
The {}^{17}O NMR spectra of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O$_{8+delta}$ (Bi-2212) single crystals were measured in the temperature range from 4 K to 200 K and magnetic fields from 3 to 29 T, reported here principally at 8 T. The NMR linewidth of the oxygen in the CuO_{2} plane was found to be magnetically broadened with the temperature dependence of a Curie law where the Curie coefficient decreases with increased doping. This inhomogeneous magnetism is an impurity effect intrinsic to oxygen doping and persists unmodified into the superconducting state.

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