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Membership identification is the first step to determine the properties of a star cluster. Low-mass members in particular could be used to trace the dynamical history, such as mass segregation, stellar evaporation, or tidal stripping, of a star cluster in its Galactic environment. We identified member candidates with stellar masses $sim$0.11--2.4 Msun of the intermediate-age Praesepe cluster (M44), by using Pan-STARRS and 2MASS photometry, and PPMXL proper motions. Within a sky area of 3 deg radius, 1040 candidates are identified, of which 96 are new inclusions. Using the same set of selection criteria on field stars led to an estimate of a false positive rate 16%, suggesting 872 of the candidates being true members. This most complete and reliable membership list allows us to favor the BT-Settl model in comparison with other stellar models. The cluster shows a distinct binary track above the main sequence, with a binary frequency of 20--40%, and a high occurrence rate of similar mass pairs. The mass function is consistent with that of the disk population but shows a deficit of members below 0.3 solar masses. A clear mass segregation is evidenced, with the lowest-mass members in our sample being evaporated from this disintegrating cluster.
We present results of multi-epoch (fourteen nights during 2007-2010) $V$-band photometry of the cluster NGC 1893 region to identify photometric variable stars in the cluster. The study identified a total of 53 stars showing photometric variability. The members associated with the region are identified on the basis of spectral energy distribution, $J-H/H-K$ two colour diagram and $V/V-I$ colour-magnitude diagram. The ages and masses of the majority of pre-main-sequence sources are found to be $lesssim$ 5 Myr and in the range 0.5 $lesssim$ $M/M_{odot}$ $lesssim$ 4, respectively. These pre-main-sequence sources hence could be T Tauri stars. We also determined the physical parameters like disk mass and accretion rate from the spectral energy distribution of these T Tauri stars. The periods of majority of the T Tauri stars range from 0.1 to 20 day. The brightness of Classical T Tauri stars is found to vary with larger amplitude in comparison to Weak line T Tauri stars. It is found that the amplitude decreases with increase in mass, which could be due to the dispersal of disks of massive stars.
We study brightness variations in the double lensed quasar UM673 (Q0142-100) with the aim of measuring the time delay between its two images. In the paper we combine our previously published observational data of UM673 obtained during the 2003 - 2005 seasons at the Maidanak Observatory with archival and recently observed Maidanak and CTIO UM673 data. We analyze the V, R and I-band light curves of the A and B images of UM673, which cover ten observational seasons from August 2001 to November 2010. We also analyze the time evolution of the difference in magnitudes between images A and B of UM673 over more than ten years. We find that the quasar exhibits both short-term (with amplitude of sim 0.1 mag in the R band) and high-amplitude (sim 0.3 mag) long-term variability on timescales of about several months and several years, respectively. These brightness variations are used to constrain the time delay between the images of UM673. From cross-correlation analysis of the A and B quasar light curves and error analysis we measure the mean time delay and its error of 89 pm11 days. Given the input time delay of 88 days, the most probable value of the delay that can be recovered from light curves with the same statistical properties as the observed R-band light curves of UM673 is 95{+5/-16}{+14/-29} days (68 and 95 % confidence intervals). Analysis of the V - I color variations and V, R and I-band magnitude differences of the quasar images does not show clear evidence of the microlensing variations between 1998 and 2010.
GM Cep in the young (~4 Myr) open cluster Trumpler 37 has been known to be an abrupt variable and to have a circumstellar disk with very active accretion. Our monitoring observations in 2009-2011 revealed the star to show sporadic flare events, each with brightening of < 0.5 mag lasting for days. These brightening events, associated with a color change toward the blue, should originate from an increased accretion activity. Moreover, the star also underwent a brightness drop of ~1 mag lasting for about a month, during which the star became bluer when fainter. Such brightness drops seem to have a recurrence time scale of a year, as evidenced in our data and the photometric behavior of GM Cep over a century. Between consecutive drops, the star brightened gradually by about 1 mag and became blue at peak luminosity. We propose that the drop is caused by obscuration of the central star by an orbiting dust concentration. The UX Orionis type of activity in GM Cep therefore exemplifies the disk inhomogeneity process in transition between grain coagulation and planetesimal formation in a young circumstellar disk.
113 - S. C.-L. Hu , W. P. Chen , 2012
We present our photometric observations of GM Cep, a solar type variable in the young (~4 Myr) open cluster Trumpler 37. The star is known as a classical T Tauri star with a circumstellar disk and active accretion. GM,Cep was suspected to undergo an outburst, thus a candidate for an EXor-type variable. In our monitoring campaign observations in 2010-2011, GM Cep experienced a ~0.82 mag brightness decrease in the R band lasting for 39 days, and frequent, transient flare-like episodes with amplitude < 1 mag, each lasting for about 10 days. The brightening was accompanied with a bluer color, presumably arising from increased accretion activity. Interestingly, the star also turned bluer in the fading phase. Combining the AAVSO and literature data, we found a quasi-cyclic peroid of ~311 days for the fading event. A possible mechanism for the fading could be obscuration by a clump of dust around the star. We proposed that GM Cep therefore should be a UXor-type variable in the transition phase between grain coagulation and planetesimal formation process in the circumstellar disk.
157 - S. Mondal , C.C. Lin , W. P. Chen 2010
The Taiwanese-American Occultation Survey (TAOS) project has collected more than a billion photometric measurements since 2005 January. These sky survey data-covering timescales from a fraction of a second to a few hundred days-are a useful source to study stellar variability. A total of 167 star fields, mostly along the ecliptic plane, have been selected for photometric monitoring with the TAOS telescopes. This paper presents our initial analysis of a search for periodic variable stars from the time-series TAOS data on one particular TAOS field, No. 151 (RA = 17$^{rm h}30^{rm m}6fs$67, Dec = 27degr17arcmin 30arcsec, J2000), which had been observed over 47 epochs in 2005. A total of 81 candidate variables are identified in the 3 square degree field, with magnitudes in the range 8 < R < 16. On the basis of the periodicity and shape of the lightcurves, 29 variables, 15 of which were previously unknown, are classified as RR Lyrae, Cepheid, delta Scuti, SX Phonencis, semi-regular and eclipsing binaries.
The star BD+29 1748 was resolved to be a close binary from its occultation by the asteroid 87 Sylvia on 2006 December 18 UT. Four telescopes were used to observe this event at two sites separated by some 80 km apart. Two flux drops were observed at one site, whereas only one flux drop was detected at the other. From the long-term variation of Sylvia, we inferred the probable shape of the shadow during the occultation, and this in turn constrains the binary parameters: the two components of BD+29 1748 have a projected separation of 0.097 to 0.110 on the sky with a position angle 104 deg to 107 deg. The asteroid was clearly resolved with a size scale ranging from 130 to 290 km, as projected onto the occultation direction. No occultation was detected for either of the two known moonlets of 87 Sylvia.

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