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47 - R. Collet , W. Hayek , M. Asplund 2011
Three-dimensional (3D) radiative hydrodynamic model atmospheres of metal-poor late-type stars are characterized by cooler upper photospheric layers than their 1D counterparts. This property of 3D models can dramatically affect elemental abundances derived from temperature-sensitive spectral lines. We investigate whether the cool surface temperatures predicted by metal-poor 3D models can be ascribed to the approximated treatment of scattering in the radiative transfer. We use the Bifrost code to test three different ways to handle scattering in 3D model atmospheres of metal-poor stars. First, we solve self-consistently the radiative transfer equation for a source function with a coherent scattering term. Second, we solve the radiative transfer equation for a Planckian source function, neglecting the contribution of continuum scattering to extinction in the optically thin layers; this has been the default mode in previous models of ours. Third, we treat scattering as pure absorption everywhere, which is the standard case in CO5BOLD models. We find that the second approach produces temperature structures with cool upper photospheric layers very similar to the correct coherent scattering solution. In contrast, treating scattering as pure absorption leads to significantly hotter and shallower temperature stratifications. The main differences in temperature structure between our published models and those generated with the CO5BOLD code can be traced to the different treatments of scattering. Neglecting the contribution of continuum scattering to extinction in optically thin layers provides a good approximation to the full radiative transfer solution for metal-poor stars. Our results demonstrate that the cool temperature stratifications predicted for metal-poor late-type stellar atmospheres by previous models of ours are not an artifact of the approximated treatment of scattering.
We present the implementation of a radiative transfer solver with coherent scattering in the new BIFROST code for radiative magneto-hydrodynamical (MHD) simulations of stellar surface convection. The code is fully parallelized using MPI domain decomposition, which allows for large grid sizes and improved resolution of hydrodynamical structures. We apply the code to simulate the surface granulation in a solar-type star, ignoring magnetic fields, and investigate the importance of coherent scattering for the atmospheric structure. A scattering term is added to the radiative transfer equation, requiring an iterative computation of the radiation field. We use a short-characteristics-based Gauss-Seidel acceleration scheme to compute radiative flux divergences for the energy equation. The effects of coherent scattering are tested by comparing the temperature stratification of three 3D time-dependent hydrodynamical atmosphere models of a solar-type star: without scattering, with continuum scattering only, and with both continuum and line scattering. We show that continuum scattering does not have a significant impact on the photospheric temperature structure for a star like the Sun. Including scattering in line-blanketing, however, leads to a decrease of temperatures by about 350,K below log tau < -4. The effect is opposite to that of 1D hydrostatic models in radiative equilibrium, where scattering reduces the cooling effect of strong LTE lines in the higher layers of the photosphere. Coherent line scattering also changes the temperature distribution in the high atmosphere, where we observe stronger fluctuations compared to a treatment of lines as true absorbers.
We report on a detailed abundance analysis of two strongly r-process enhanced, very metal-poor stars newly discovered in the HERES project, CS 29491-069 ([Fe/H]=-2.51, [r/Fe]=+1.1) and HE 1219-0312 ([Fe/H]=-2.96, [r/Fe]=+1.5). The analysis is based on high-quality VLT/UVES spectra and MARCS model atmospheres. We detect lines of 15 heavy elements in the spectrum of CS 29491-069, and 18 in HE 1219-0312; in both cases including the Th II 4019 {AA} line. The heavy-element abundance patterns of these two stars are mostly well-matched to scaled solar residual abundances not formed by the s-process. We also compare the observed pattern with recent high-entropy wind (HEW) calculations, which assume core-collapse supernovae of massive stars as the astrophysical environment for the r-process, and find good agreement for most lanthanides. The abundance ratios of the lighter elements strontium, yttrium, and zirconium, which are presumably not formed by the main r-process, are reproduced well by the model. Radioactive dating for CS 29491-069 with the observed thorium and rare-earth element abundance pairs results in an average age of 9.5 Gyr, when based on solar r-process residuals, and 17.6 Gyr, when using HEW model predictions. Chronometry seems to fail in the case of HE 1219-0312, resulting in a negative age due to its high thorium abundance. HE 1219-0312 could therefore exhibit an overabundance of the heaviest elements, which is sometimes called an actinide boost.

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