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We derive equations of motion for the dynamics of anisotropic particles directly from the dissipative Vlasov kinetic equations, with the dissipation given by the double bracket approach (Double Bracket Vlasov, or DBV). The moments of the DBV equation lead to a nonlocal form of Darcys law for the mass density. Next, kinetic equations for particles with anisotropic interaction are considered and also cast into the DBV form. The moment dynamics for these double bracket kinetic equations is expressed as Lie-Darcy continuum equations for densities of mass and orientation. We also show how to obtain a Smoluchowski model from a cold plasma-like moment closure of DBV. Thus, the double bracket kinetic framework serves as a unifying method for deriving different types of dynamics, from density--orientation to Smoluchowski equations. Extensions for more general physical systems are also discussed.
The gradient-flow dynamics of an arbitrary geometric quantity is derived using a generalization of Darcys Law. We consider flows in both Lagrangian and Eulerian formulations. The Lagrangian formulation includes a dissipative modification of fluid mechanics. Eulerian equations for self-organization of scalars, 1-forms and 2-forms are shown to reduce to nonlocal characteristic equations. We identify singular solutions of these equations corresponding to collapsed (clumped) states and discuss their evolution.
Time-dependent Hamiltonian dynamics is derived for a curve (molecular strand) in $mathbb{R}^3$ that experiences both nonlocal (for example, electrostatic) and elastic interactions. The dynamical equations in the symmetry-reduced variables are written on the dual of the semidirect-product Lie algebra $so(3) circledS (mathbb{R}^3oplusmathbb{R}^3oplusmathbb{R}^3oplusmathbb{R}^3)$ with three 2-cocycles. We also demonstrate that the nonlocal interaction produces an interesting new term deriving from the coadjoint action of the Lie group SO(3) on its Lie algebra $so(3)$. The new filament equations are written in conservative form by using the corresponding coadjoint actions.
We suggest kinetic models of dissipation for an ensemble of interacting oriented particles, for example, moving magnetized particles. This is achieved by introducing a double bracket dissipation in kinetic equations using an oriented Poisson bracket, and employing the moment method to derive continuum equations for magnetization and density evolution. We show how our continuum equations generalize the Debye-Hueckel equations for attracting round particles, and Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equations for spin waves in magnetized media. We also show formation of singular solutions that are clumps of aligned particles (orientons) starting from random initial conditions. Finally, we extend our theory to the dissipative motion of self-interacting curves.
A new symplectic variational approach is developed for modeling dissipation in kinetic equations. This approach yields a double bracket structure in phase space which generates kinetic equations representing coadjoint motion under canonical transformations. The Vlasov example admits measure-valued single-particle solutions. Such solutions are reversible; and the total entropy is a Casimir, and thus is preserved.

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