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The B0.2 V magnetic star tau Sco stands out from the larger population of massive OB stars due to its high X-ray activity, peculiar wind diagnostics and complex magnetic field. Recently, Petit et al. 2011 presented the discovery of the first two tau Sco analogues -- HD 66665 and HD 63425, identified by the striking similarity of their UV spectra to that of tau Sco. ESPaDOnS and Narval spectropolarimetric observations were obtained by the Magnetism in Massive Stars CFHT and TBL Large Programs, in order to characterize the stellar and magnetic properties of these stars. A magnetic field of similar surface strength was found on both stars, reinforcing the connection between the presence of a magnetic field and wind peculiarities. We present additional phase-resolved observations secured by the MiMeS collaboration for HD 66665 in order to measure its magnetic geometry, and correlate that geometry with diagnostics of mass-loss.
The B0.2 V magnetic star tau Sco stands out from the larger population of massive OB stars due to its high X-ray activity, peculiar wind diagnostics and highly complex magnetic field. This paper presents the discovery of the first two tau Sco analogues - HD 66665 and HD 63425, identified by the striking similarity of their UV spectra to that of tau Sco. ESPaDOnS spectropolarimetric observations were secured by the Magnetism in Massive Stars CFHT Large Program, in order to characterize the stellar and magnetic properties of these stars. CMFGEN modelling of optical ESPaDOnS spectra and archived IUE UV spectra showed that these stars have stellar parameters similar to those of tau Sco. A magnetic field of similar surface strength is found on both stars, reinforcing the connection between the presence of a magnetic field and wind peculiarities. However, additional phase-resolved observations will be required in order to assess the potential complexity of the magnetic fields, and verify if the wind anomalies are linked to this property.
The B0.2 V magnetic star tau Sco stands out from the larger population of massive magnetic OB stars due to its high X-ray activity and remarkable wind, apparently related to its peculiar magnetic field - a field which is far more complex than the mostly-dipolar fields usually observed in magnetic OB stars. tau Sco is therefore a puzzling outlier in the larger picture of stellar magnetism - a star that still defies interpretation in terms of a physically coherent model. Recently, two early B-type stars were discovered as tau Sco analogues, identified by the striking similarity of their UV spectra to that of tau Sco, which was - until now - unique among OB stars. We present the recent detection of their magnetic fields by the MiMeS collaboration, reinforcing the connection between the presence of a magnetic field and wind anomalies (Petit et al. 2010). We will also present ongoing observational efforts undertaken to establish the precise magnetic topology, in order to provide additional constrains for existing models attempting to reproduce the unique wind structure of tau Sco-like stars.
The B0.2 V magnetic star tau Sco stands out from the larger population of massive magnetic OB stars due to its remarkable, superionized wind, apparently related to its peculiar magnetic field - a field which is far more complex than the mostly-dipolar fields usually observed in magnetic OB stars. tau Sco is therefore a puzzling outlier in the larger picture of stellar magnetism - a star that still defies interpretation in terms of a physically coherent model. Recently, two early B-type stars were discovered as tau Sco analogues, identified by the striking similarity of their UV spectra to that of tau Sco, which was - until now - unique among OB stars. We present the recent detection of their magnetic fields by the MiMeS collaboration, reinforcing the connection between the presence of a magnetic field and a superionized wind. We will also present ongoing observational efforts undertaken to establish the precise magnetic topology, in order to provide additional constrains for existing models attempting to reproduce the unique wind structure of tau Sco-like stars.
Oe stars are a subset of the O-type stars that exhibit emission lines from a circumstellar disk. The recent detection of magnetic fields in some O-type stars suggests a possible explanation for the stability of disk-like structures around Oe stars. According to this hypothesis, the wind of the star is channeled by a dipolar magnetic field producing a disc in the magnetic equatorial plane. As a test of this model, we have obtained spectropolarimetric observations of the hottest Galactic Oe star HD 155806. Here we discuss the results and implications of those observations.
151 - V. Petit , G. A. Wade , L. Drissen 2008
In massive stars, magnetic fields are thought to confine the outflowing radiatively-driven wind, resulting in X-ray emission that is harder, more variable and more efficient than that produced by instability-generated shocks in non-magnetic winds. Although magnetic confinement of stellar winds has been shown to strongly modify the mass-loss and X-ray characteristics of massive OB stars, we lack a detailed understanding of the complex processes responsible. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between magnetism, stellar winds and X-ray emission of OB stars. In conjunction with a Chandra survey of the Orion Nebula Cluster, we carried out spectropolarimatric ESPaDOnS observations to determine the magnetic properties of massive OB stars of this cluster.
In massive stars, magnetic fields are thought to confine the outflowing radiatively-driven wind, resulting in X-ray emission that is harder, more variable and more efficient than that produced by instability-generated shocks in non-magnetic winds. Although magnetic confinement of stellar winds has been shown to strongly modify the mass-loss and X-ray characteristics of massive OB stars, we lack a detailed understanding of the complex processes responsible. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between magnetism, stellar winds and X-ray emission of OB stars. In conjunction with a Chandra survey of the Orion Nebula Cluster, we carried out spectropolarimatric ESPaDOnS observations to determine the magnetic properties of massive OB stars of this cluster. We found of two new massive magnetic stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster: HD 36982 and HD 37061, for which the estimated dipole polar strengths are 1150 (+320 -200) G and 620 (+220 -170) G, respectively. However, the apparent lack of clear correlation between X-ray indicator and the presence of a magnetic fields brings forth new challenges for understanding the processes leading to X-ray emission in massive stars.
313 - O. Stahl , G. Wade , V. Petit 2008
The young O-type star theta1 OriC, the brightest star of the Trapezium cluster in Orion, is one of only two known magnetic rotators among the O stars. However, not all spectroscopic variations of this star can be explained by the magnetic rotator model. We present results from a long-term monitoring to study these unexplained variations and to improve the stellar rotational period. We want to study long-term trends of the radial velocity of theta1 OriC, to search for unusual changes, to improve the established rotational period and to check for possible period changes. We combine a large set of published spectroscopic data with new observations and analyze the spectra in a homogeneous way. We study the radial velocity from selected photo-spheric lines and determine the equivalent width of the Halpha and HeII4686 lines. We find evidence for a secular change of the radial velocity of theta1 OriC that is consistent with the published interferometric orbit. We refine the rotational period of theta1 OriC and discuss the possibility of detecting period changes in the near future.
64 - V. Petit , G.A. Wade , L. Drissen 2008
The origin of the magnetic fields in neutron stars, and the physical differences between magnetars and strongly magnetised radio pulsars are still under vigorous debate. It has been suggested that the properties of the progenitors of neutron stars (the massive OB stars), such as rotation, magnetic fields and mass, may play an important role in the outcome of core collapse leading to type II SNe. Therefore, knowing the magnetic properties of the progenitor OB stars would be an important asset for constraining models of stellar evolution leading to the birth of a neutron star. We present here the beginning of a broad study with the goal of characterising the magnetic properties of main sequence massive OB stars. We report the detection of two new massive magnetic stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster: Par 1772 (HD 36982) and NU Ori (HD 37061), for which the estimated dipole polar strengths, with 1 sigma error bars, are 1150 (+320,-200) G and 650 (+220,-170) G respectively.
58 - V. Petit , G.A. Wade , L. Drissen 2007
Ferrario & Wickramasinghe (2006) explored the hypothesis that the magnetic fields of neutron stars are of fossil origin. In this context, they predicted the field distribution of the progenitor OB stars, finding that 5 per cent of main sequence massive stars should have fields in excess of 1kG. We have carried out sensitive ESPaDOnS spectropolarimetric observations to search for direct evidence of such fields in all massive B- and O-type stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster star-forming region. We have detected unambiguous Stokes V Zeeman signatures in spectra of three out of the eight stars observed (38%). Using a new state-of-the-art Bayesian analysis, we infer the presence of strong (kG), organised magnetic fields in their photospheres. For the remaining five stars, we constrain any dipolar fields in the photosphere to be weaker than about 200G. Statistically, the chance of finding three ~kG fields in a sample of eight OB stars is quite low (less than 1%) if the predictions of Ferrario & Wickramasinghe are correct. This implies that either the magnetic fields of neutron stars are not of fossil origin, that the flux-evolution model of Ferrario & Wickramasinghe is incomplete, or that the ONC has unusual magnetic properties. We are undertaking a study of other young star clusters, in order to better explore these possibilities.

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