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79 - L. Ballo , V. Braito (1 2015
Galaxy merging is widely accepted to be a key driving factor in galaxy formation and evolution, while the feedback from AGN is thought to regulate the BH-bulge coevolution and the star formation process. In this context, we focused on 1SXPSJ050819.8+172149, a local (z=0.0175) Seyfert 1.9 galaxy (L_bol~4x10^43 ergs/s). The source belongs to an IR-luminous interacting pair of galaxies, characterized by a luminosity for the whole system (due to the combination of star formation and accretion) of log(L_IR/L_sun)=11.2. We present the first detailed description of the 0.3-10keV spectrum of 1SXPSJ050819.8+172149, monitored by Swift with 9 pointings performed in less than 1 month. The X-ray emission of 1SXPSJ050819.8+172149 is analysed by combining all the Swift pointings, for a total of ~72ks XRT net exposure. The averaged Swift-BAT spectrum from the 70-month survey is also analysed. The slope of the continuum is ~1.8, with an intrinsic column density NH~2.4x10^22 cm-2, and a deabsorbed luminosity L(2-10keV)~4x10^42 ergs/s. Our observations provide a tentative (2.1sigma) detection of a blue-shifted FeXXVI absorption line (rest-frame E~7.8 keV), suggesting the discovery for a new candidate powerful wind in this source. The physical properties of the outflow cannot be firmly assessed, due to the low statistics of the spectrum and to the observed energy of the line, too close to the higher boundary of the Swift-XRT bandpass. However, our analysis suggests that, if the detection is confirmed, the line could be associated with a high-velocity (vout~0.1c) outflow most likely launched within 80r_S. To our knowledge this is the first detection of a previously unknown ultrafast wind with Swift. The high NH suggested by the observed equivalent width of the line (EW~ -230eV, although with large uncertainties), would imply a kinetic output strong enough to be comparable to the AGN bolometric luminosity.
We present the time-resolved spectral analysis of the XMM-Newton data of NGC 1365, collected during one XMM-Newton observation, which caught this changing-look AGN in a high flux state characterized also by a low column density ($N_{mathrm{H}}sim 10^{22}$ cm $^{-2}$) of the X-ray absorber. During this observation the low energy photoelectric cut-off is at about $sim 1$ keV and the primary continuum can be investigated with the XMM-Newton-RGS data, which show strong spectral variability that can be explained as a variable low $N_{mathrm{H}}$, which decreased from $N_{mathrm{H}} sim10^{23}$ cm $^{-2}$ to $10^{22}$ cm $^{-2}$ in a 100 ks time-scale. The spectral analysis of the last segment of the observation revealed the presence of several absorption features that can be associated with an ionized (log $xi sim 2$ erg cm s$^{-1}$) outflowing wind ($v_{mathrm{out}} sim 2000$ km s$^{-1}$). We detected for the first time a possible P-Cygni profile of the Mg,textsc{xii} Ly$alpha$ line associated with this mildly ionized absorber indicative of a wide angle outflowing wind. We suggest that this wind is a low ionization zone of the highly ionized wind present in NGC 1365, which is responsible for the iron K absorption lines and is located within the variable X-ray absorber. At the end of the observation, we detected a strong absorption line at $Esim 0.76$ keV most likely associated with a lower ionization zone of the absorber (log $xi sim 0.2$ erg cm s$^{-1}$, $N_{mathrm{H}} sim 10^{22}$ cm $^{-2}$), which suggests that the variable absorber in NGC 1365 could be a low ionization zone of the disk wind.
We present the results of the analysis of the X-ray spectrum of the Seyfert 2 Mrk 348, observed by Suzaku and XMM-Newton. The overall spectrum of Mrk 348 can be described by a primary power law continuum seen through three layers of absorption, of which one is neutral and two are ionised. Comparing Suzaku (2008) and XMM-Newton (2002) observations we find variability of the X-ray spectral curvature. We suggest that the variability can be explained through the change of column density of both the neutral and one of the ionised absorbers, together with a variation of the ionisation level of the same absorber. We thus confirm one of the main features presented in past works, where intrinsic column density variability up to $sim 10^{23}$~cm$^{-2}$ was observed on time scales of months. We also find that the photon index of the underlying power law continuum ($Gamma sim 1.8$) is in agreement with the previous observations of this Seyfert 2.
We present the results of the Suzaku observation of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 4507. This source is one of the X-ray brightest Compton-thin Seyfert 2s and a candidate for a variable absorber. Suzaku caught NGC 4507 in a highly absorbed state characterised by a high column density (NH sim8 x10^23 cm^-2), a strong reflected component (Rsim 1.9) and a high equivalent width Fe K alpha emission line (EWsim 500 eV). The Fe K alpha emission line is unresolved at the resolution of the Suzaku CCDs (sigma < 30 eV or FWHM < 3000 km s^-1) and most likely originates in a distant absorber. The Fe K beta emission line is also clearly detected and its intensity is marginally higher than the theoretical value for low ionisation Fe. A comparison with previous observations performed with XMM-Newton and BeppoSAX reveals that the X-ray spectral curvature changes on a timescale of a few months. We analysed all these historical observations, with standard models as well as with a most recent model for a toroidal reprocessor and found that the main driver of the observed 2-10 keV spectral variability is a change of the line-of-sight obscuration, varying from sim4x10^23 cm^-2 to sim9 x 10^23 cm^-2. The primary continuum is also variable, although its photon index does not appear to vary, while the Fe K alpha line and reflection component are consistent with being constant across the observations. This suggests the presence of a rather constant reprocessor and that the observed line of sight NH variability is either due to a certain degree of clumpiness of the putative torus or due to the presence of a second clumpy absorber.
463 - L. Ballo 2011
We present the analysis of Suzaku and XMM-Newton observations of the broad-line radio galaxy (BLRG) 3C 111. Its high energy emission shows variability, a harder continuum with respect to the radio quiet AGN population, and weak reflection features. Suzaku found the source in a minimum flux level; a comparison with the XMM-Newton data implies an increase of a factor of 2.5 in the 0.5-10 keV flux, in the 6 months separating the two observations. The iron K complex is detected in both datasets, with rather low equivalent width(s). The intensity of the iron K complex does not respond to the change in continuum flux. An ultra-fast, high-ionization outflowing gas is clearly detected in the XIS data; the absorber is most likely unstable. Indeed, during the XMM-Newton observation, which was 6 months after, the absorber was not detected. No clear roll-over in the hard X-ray emission is detected, probably due to the emergence of the jet as a dominant component in the hard X-ray band, as suggested by the detection above ~ 100 keV with the GSO on-board Suzaku, although the present data do not allow us to firmly constrain the relative contribution of the different components. The fluxes observed by the gamma-ray satellites CGRO and Fermi would be compatible with the putative jet component if peaking at energies E ~ 100 MeV. In the X-ray band, the jet contribution to the continuum starts to be significant only above 10 keV. If the detection of the jet component in 3C 111 is confirmed, then its relative importance in the X-ray energy band could explain the different observed properties in the high-energy emission of BLRGs, which are otherwise similar in their other multiwavelength properties. Comparison between X-ray and gamma-ray data taken at different epochs suggests that the strong variability observed for 3C 111 is probably driven by a change in the primary continuum.
Here we present the results of a Suzaku observation of the Broad Line Radio Galaxy 3C 445. We confirm the results obtained with the previous X-ray observations which unveiled the presence of several soft X-ray emission lines and an overall X-ray emission which strongly resembles a typical Seyfert 2 despite of the optical classification as an unobscured AGN. The broad band spectrum allowed us to measure for the first time the amount of reflection (R~0.9) which together with the relatively strong neutral Fe Kalpha emission line (EW ~ 100 eV) strongly supports a scenario where a Compton-thick mirror is present. The primary X-ray continuum is strongly obscured by an absorber with a column density of NH =2-3 x10^{23} cm^{-2}. Two possible scenarios are proposed for the absorber: a neutral partial covering or a mildly ionised absorber with an ionisation parameter logxi ~ 1.0 erg cm s^{-1}. A comparison with the past and more recent X-ray observations of 3C 445 performed with XMM-Newton and Chandra is presented, which provided tentative evidence that the ionised and outflowing absorber varied. We argue that the absorber is probably associated with an equatorial disk-wind located within the parsec scale molecular torus.
We present a new Suzaku observation of the obscured AGN in NGC 1365, revealing an unexpected excess of X-rays above 20 keV of at least a factor ~2 with respect to the extrapolation of the best-fitting 3-10 keV model. Additional Swift-BAT and Integral-IBIS observations show that the 20-100 keV is concentrated within ~1.5 arcmin from the center of the galaxy, and is not significantly variable on time scales from days to years. A comparison of this component with the 3-10 keV emission, which is characterized by a rapidly variable absorption, suggests a complex structure of the circumnuclear medium, consisting of at least two distinct components with rather different physical properties, one of which covering >80% of the source with a column density NH~3-4x10^24 cm^(-2). An alternative explanation is the presence of a double active nucleus in the center of NGC 1365.
We present unambiguous evidence for a parsec scale wind in the Broad-Line Radio Galaxy (BLRG) 3C 382, the first radio-loud AGN, with $R_{rm L} = log_{10}(f_{rm 5GHz}/f_{4400})>1$, whereby an outflow has been measured with X-ray grating spectroscopy. A 118 ks Chandra grating (HETG) observation of 3C 382 has revealed the presence of several high ionization absorption lines in the soft X-ray band, from Fe, Ne, Mg and Si. The absorption lines are blue-shifted with respect to the systemic velocity of 3C 382 by -840pm60 km/s and are resolved by Chandra with a velocity width of 340pm70 km/s. The outflow appears to originate from a single zone of gas of column density $N_{rm H} = 1.3 times 10^{21}$ cm$^{-2}$ and ionization parameter $log xi = 2.45$. From the above measurements we calculate that the outflow is observed on parsec scales, within the likely range from 10-1000 pc, i.e., consistent with an origin in the Narrow Line Region.
We present XMM and Suzaku observations of the Broad-Line Radio Galaxy (BLRG) 3C390.3. The Fe Ka line has a width FWHM ~ 8,800 km/s, consistent within a factor two with the width of the double-peaked H_alpha line, suggesting an origin from the Broad Line Region. The data show for the first time a weak, broad bump extending from 5 to 7 keV. When fitted with a Gaussian, its centroid energy is 6.6 keV in the sources rest-frame with FWHM of 43,000 km/s and EW of 50 eV; its most likely interpretation is emission from He-like Fe (Fe XXV), suggesting the presence of an ionized medium in the inner regions of 3C390.3. The broad-band 0.5-100 keV continuum is well described by a single power law with photon index Gamma=1.6 and cutoff energy 157 keV, plus cold reflection with strength R=0.5. In addition, ionized reflection is required to account for the 6.6 keV bump in the broad-band continuum, yielding an ionization parameter xi ~ 2700 ergs cm s^-1; the inner radius of the ionized reflector is constrained to be larger than 20 r_G, although this result depends on the assumed emissivity profile of the disk. If true, we argue that the lack of broad Fe K emission from within 20 r_G indicates that the innermost regions of the disk in 3C390.3 are obscured and/or poorly illuminated. While the SED of 3C390.3 is generally dominated by accretion-related continuum, during accretion low states the jet can significantly contribute in the optical to X-ray bands via synchrotron self-Compton emission. (Abridged)
PDS 456 is a nearby (z=0.184), luminous (L_bol ~10^47 erg/s) type I quasar. A deep 190 ks Suzaku observation in February 2007 revealed the complex, broad band X-ray spectrum of PDS 456. The Suzaku spectrum exhibits highly statistically significant absorption features near 9 keV in the quasar rest--frame. We show that the most plausible origin of the absorption is from blue-shifted resonance (1s-2p) transitions of hydrogen-like iron (at 6.97 keV in the rest frame). This indicates that a highly ionized outflow may be present moving at near relativistic velocities (~0.25c). A possible hard X-ray excess is detected above 15 keV with HXD (at 99.8% confidence), which may arise from high column density gas (Nh>10^24cm^-2) partially covering the X-ray emission, or through strong Compton reflection. Here we propose that the iron K-shell absorption in PDS 456 is associated with a thick, possibly clumpy outflow, covering about 20% of $4pi$ steradian solid angle. The outflow is likely launched from the inner accretion disk, within 15-100 gravitational radii of the black hole. The kinetic power of the outflow may be similar to the bolometric luminosity of PDS 456. Such a powerful wind could have a significant effect on the co-evolution of the host galaxy and its supermassive black hole, through feedback.

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