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272 - V. A. Golovko 2019
It is demonstrated that, if one remains in the framework of quantum mechanics taken alone, stationary states (energy eigenstates) are in no way singled out with respect to nonstationary ones, and moreover the stationary states would be difficult if possible to realize in practice. Owing to the nonstationary states any quantum system can absorb or emit energy in arbitrary continuous amounts. The peculiarity of the stationary states appears only if electromagnetic radiation that must always accompany nonstationary processes in real systems is taken into account. On the other hand, when the quantum system absorbs or emits energy in the form of a wave the determining role is played by resonance interaction of the system with the wave. Here again the stationary states manifest themselves. These facts and influence of the resonator upon the incident wave enable one to explain all effects ascribed to manifestation of the corpuscular properties of light (the photoelectric effect, the Compton effect etc.) solely on a base of the wave concept of light.
103 - V. A. Golovko 2015
A hierarchy of equations for equilibrium reduced density matrices obtained earlier is used to consider systems of spinless bosons bound by forces of gravity alone. The systems are assumed to be at absolute zero of temperature under conditions of Bose condensation. In this case, a peculiar interplay of quantum effects and of very weak gravitational interaction between microparticles occurs. As a result, there can form spatially-bounded equilibrium structures macroscopic in size, both immobile and rotating. The size of a structure is inversely related to the number of particles in the structure. When the number of particles is relatively small the size can be enormous, whereas if this numbder equals Avogadros number the radius of the structure is about 30 cm in the case that the structure consists of hydrogen atoms. The rotating objects have the form of rings and exhibit superfluidity. An atmosphere that can be captured by tiny celestial bodies from the ambient medium is considered too. The thickness of the atmosphere decreases as its mass increases. If short-range intermolecular forces are taken into account, the results obtained hold for excited states whose lifetime can however be very long. The results of the paper can be utilized for explaining the first stage of formation of celestial bodies from interstellar and even intergalactic gases.
215 - V. A. Golovko 2011
The paper continues a series of papers devoted to treatment of the crystalline state on the basis of the approach in equilibrium statistical mechanics proposed earlier by the author. This paper is concerned with elaboration of a mathematical apparatus in the approach for studying second-order phase transitions, both commensurate and incommensurate, and properties of emerging phases. It is shown that the preliminary symmetry analysis for a concrete crystal can be performed analogously with the one in the Landau theory of phase transitions. After the analysis one is able to deduce a set of equations that describe the emerging phases and corresponding phase transitions. The treatment of an incommensurate phase is substantially complicated because the symmetry of the phase cannot be described in terms of customary space groups. For this reason, a strategy of representing the incommensurate phase as the limit of a sequence of long-period commensurate phases whose period tends to infinity is worked out. The strategy enables one to obviate difficulties due to the devils staircase that occurs in this situation.
145 - V. A. Golovko 2011
The fact that superfluid helium always leaks out of an open container is usually explained by the phenomenon of wetting. In the present paper it is demonstrated that this explanation is unconvincing. The fact can be readily explained from the viewpoint of the interpretation of superfluidity proposed earlier by the author according to which superfluidity is an equilibrium state of liquid helium where the symmetry is spontaneously broken because of an intrinsic superflow. Experiments on the thickness of moving helium films that have given rise to much controversy are discussed as well. Some experiments concerning the phenomena considered in the paper are proposed.
107 - V. A. Golovko 2010
To investigate the phenomenon of Bose-Einstein condensation in perfect crystals a hierarchy of equations for reduced density matrices that describes a thermodynamically equilibrium quantum system is employed, the hierarchy being obtained earlier by the author. The thermodynamics of a crystal with a condensate and the one of a crystal with no condensate are constructed in parallel, which is required for studying the phase transition involving Bose-Einstein condensation. The transition is analysed also with the help of the Landau theory of phase transitions which shows that a superfluid state can result either from two consecutive phase transitions or from only one. To demonstrate how the general equations obtained can be applied for a concrete crystal the bifurcation method for solving the equations is utilized. New results concerning properties of the condensate crystals at zero temperature are obtained as well. In the concluding section, the physical concept of the condensate is discussed.
115 - V. A. Golovko 2009
This paper represents the full version of a paper published earlier in Physica A [246 (1997), 275]. The present paper includes argumentation, proofs and details omitted in the shortened version. The papers are a further development of the approach in quantum statistical mechanics proposed by the author. The hierarchy of equations for reduced density matrices obtained previously is extended to the case corresponding to the Bose-Einstein condensation. The relevant state of the system with a condensate can be superfluid as well as nonsuperfluid. Special attention is given to the thermodynamics of superfluid systems. According to the results of the papers superfluidity is the state of a fluid whose symmetry is spontaneously broken because of a stationary flow. The state corresponds to thermodynamic equilibrium while the magnitude of the flow depends upon the temperature and is determined by thermodynamic considerations. The equations obtained are solved in two simple cases. The physical origin of superfluidity, peculiarities of the phenomenon in closed volumes and the critical velocity are discussed as well.
46 - V. A. Golovko 2008
The paper is devoted to further development of the new approach in equilibrium statistical mechanics the basis of which was worked out in a series of articles by the author. The approach proceeds on the use of a hierarchy of equations for reduced density matrices in the case of thermodynamic equilibrium. The present paper deals with a system containing particles of several kinds with arbitrary spin, for which the hierarchy obtained previously for a single-component system is generalized. Thermodynamics of the multicomponent system described by the hierarchy deduced is constructed as well.

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