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Electromagnetic radiation and resonance phenomena in quantum mechanics

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 Added by V. A. Golovko
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors V. A. Golovko

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It is demonstrated that, if one remains in the framework of quantum mechanics taken alone, stationary states (energy eigenstates) are in no way singled out with respect to nonstationary ones, and moreover the stationary states would be difficult if possible to realize in practice. Owing to the nonstationary states any quantum system can absorb or emit energy in arbitrary continuous amounts. The peculiarity of the stationary states appears only if electromagnetic radiation that must always accompany nonstationary processes in real systems is taken into account. On the other hand, when the quantum system absorbs or emits energy in the form of a wave the determining role is played by resonance interaction of the system with the wave. Here again the stationary states manifest themselves. These facts and influence of the resonator upon the incident wave enable one to explain all effects ascribed to manifestation of the corpuscular properties of light (the photoelectric effect, the Compton effect etc.) solely on a base of the wave concept of light.

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163 - J. Klepp , S. Sponar , Y. Hasegawa 2014
Ongoing fascination with quantum mechanics keeps driving the development of the wide field of quantum-optics, including its neutron-optics branch. Application of neutron-optical methods and, especially, neutron interferometry and polarimetry has a long-standing tradition for experimental investigations of fundamental quantum phenomena. We give an overview of related experimental efforts made in recent years.
In PT quantum mechanics a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics, that the Hamiltonian must be hermitian, is replaced by another set of requirements, including notably symmetry under PT, where P denotes parity and T denotes time reversal. Here we study the role of boundary conditions in PT quantum mechanics by constructing a simple model that is the PT symmetric analog of a particle in a box. The model has the usual particle in a box Hamiltonian but boundary conditions that respect PT symmetry rather than hermiticity. We find that for a broad class of PT-symmetric boundary conditions the model respects the condition of unbroken PT-symmetry, namely that the Hamiltonian and the symmetry operator PT have simultaneous eigenfunctions, implying that the energy eigenvalues are real. We also find that the Hamiltonian is self-adjoint under the PT inner product. Thus we obtain a simple soluble model that fulfils all the requirements of PT quantum mechanics. In the second part of this paper we formulate a variational principle for PT quantum mechanics that is the analog of the textbook Rayleigh-Ritz principle. Finally we consider electromagnetic analogs of the PT-symmetric particle in a box. We show that the isolated particle in a box may be realized as a Fabry-Perot cavity between an absorbing medium and its conjugate gain medium. Coupling the cavity to an external continuum of incoming and outgoing states turns the energy levels of the box into sharp resonances. Remarkably we find that the resonances have a Breit-Wigner lineshape in transmission and a Fano lineshape in reflection; by contrast in the corresponding hermitian case the lineshapes always have a Breit-Wigner form in both transmission and reflection.
122 - Ingrid Rotter 2007
In the Feshbach projection operator formalism, resonance as well as decay phenomena are described by means of the complex eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the non-Hermitian Hamilton operator $H_{rm eff}$ that appears in an intermediate stage of the formalism. The formalism can be applied for the description of isolated resonances as well as for resonances in the overlapping regime. Time asymmetry is related to the time operator which is a part of $H_{rm eff}$. An expression for the decay rates of resonance states is derived. For isolated resonance states $lambda$, this expression gives the fundamental relation $tau_lambda = hbar / Gamma_lambda$ between life time and width of a resonance state. A similar relation holds for the average values obtained for narrow resonances superposed by a smooth background term. In the cross over between these two cases (regime of overlapping resonances), the decay rate decreases monotonously as a function of increasing time.
In this Comment we show that the temperature-dependent effective Hamiltonian derived by Reslen {it et al} [Europhys. Lett., {bf 69} (2005) 8] or that one by Liberti and Zaffino [arXiv:cond-mat/0503742] for the Dicke model cannot be correct for any temperature. They both violate a rigorous result. The former is correct only in the quantum (zero-temperature) limit while the last one only in the classical (infinite temperature) limit. The fact that the Dicke model belongs to the universality class of the infinitely coordinated transverse-field XY model is known for more then 30 years.
We show how to derive a consistent quantum theory of radiation reaction of a non-relativistic point-dipole quantum oscillator by including the dynamical fluctuations of the position of the dipole. The proposed non-linear theory displays neither runaway solutions nor acausal behaviour without requiring additional assumptions. Furthermore, we show that quantum (zero-point) fluctuations of the electromagnetic field are necessary to fulfil the second law of thermodynamics.
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