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Parallel transport of a connection in a smooth fibre bundle yields a functor from the path groupoid of the base manifold into a category that describes the fibres of the bundle. We characterize functors obtained like this by two notions we introduce: local trivializations and smooth descent data. This provides a way to substitute categories of functors for categories of smooth fibre bundles with connection. We indicate that this concept can be generalized to connections in categorified bundles, and how this generalization improves the understanding of higher dimensional parallel transport.
178 - Urs Schreiber 2014
We implement in the formal language of homotopy type theory a new set of axioms called cohesion. Then we indicate how the resulting cohesive homotopy type theory naturally serves as a formal foundation for central concepts in quantum gauge field theory. This is a brief survey of work by the authors developed in detail elsewhere.
We introduce an axiomatic framework for the parallel transport of connections on gerbes. It incorporates parallel transport along curves and along surfaces, and is formulated in terms of gluing axioms and smoothness conditions. The smoothness conditions are imposed with respect to a strict Lie 2-group, which plays the role of a band, or structure 2-group. Upon choosing certain examples of Lie 2-groups, our axiomatic framework reproduces in a systematical way several known concepts of gerbes with connection: non-abelian differential cocycles, Breen-Messing gerbes, abelian and non-abelian bundle gerbes. These relationships convey a well-defined notion of surface holonomy from our axiomatic framework to each of these concrete models. Till now, holonomy was only known for abelian gerbes; our approach reproduces that known concept and extends it to non-abelian gerbes. Several new features of surface holonomy are exposed under its extension to non-abelian gerbes; for example, it carries an action of the mapping class group of the surface.
We establish a relation between smooth 2-functors defined on the path 2-groupoid of a smooth manifold and differential forms on this manifold. This relation can be understood as a part of a dictionary between fundamental notions from category theory and differential geometry. We show that smooth 2-functors appear in several fields, namely as connections on (non-abelian) gerbes, as curvatures of smooth functors and as critical points in BF theory. We demonstrate further that our dictionary provides a powerful tool to discuss the transgression of geometric objects to loop spaces.
Quantum field theory allows more general symmetries than groups and Lie algebras. For instance quantum groups, that is Hopf algebras, have been familiar to theoretical physicists for a while now. Nowdays many examples of symmetries of categorical flavor -- categorical groups, groupoids, Lie algebroids and their higher analogues -- appear in physically motivated constructions and faciliate constructions of geometrically sound models and quantization of field theories. Here we consider two flavours of categorified symmetries: one coming from noncommutative algebraic geometry where varieties themselves are replaced by suitable categories of sheaves; another in which the gauge groups are categorified to higher groupoids. Together with their gauge groups, also the fiber bundles themselves become categorified, and their gluing (or descent data) is given by nonabelian cocycles, generalizing group cohomology, where infinity-groupoids appear in the role both of the domain and the coefficient object. Such cocycles in particular represent higher principal bundles, gerbes, -- possibly equivariant, possibly with connection -- as well as the corresponding associated higher vector bundles. We show how the Hopf algebra known as the Drinfeld double arises in this context. This article is an expansion of a talk that the second author gave at the 5th Summer School of Modern Mathematical Physics in 2008.
We study the cohomological physics of fivebranes in type II and heterotic string theory. We give an interpretation of the one-loop term in type IIA, which involves the first and second Pontrjagin classes of spacetime, in terms of obstructions to having bundles with certain structure groups. Using a generalization of the Green-Schwarz anomaly cancelation in heterotic string theory which demands the target space to have a String structure, we observe that the magnetic dual version of the anomaly cancelation condition can be read as a higher analog of String structure, which we call Fivebrane structure. This involves lifts of orthogonal and unitary structures through higher connected covers which are not just 3- but even 7-connected. We discuss the topological obstructions to the existence of Fivebrane structures. The dual version of the anomaly cancelation points to a relation of String and Fivebrane structures under electric-magnetic duality.
161 - Urs Schreiber 2008
There are essentially two different approaches to the axiomatization of quantum field theory (QFT): algebraic QFT, going back to Haag and Kastler, and functorial QFT, going back to Atiyah and Segal. More recently, based on ideas by Baez and Dolan, the latter is being refined to extended functorial QFT by Freed, Hopkins, Lurie and others. The first approach uses local nets of operator algebras which assign to each patch an algebra of observables, the latter uses n-functors which assign to each patch a propagator of states. In this note we present an observation about how these two axiom systems are naturally related: we demonstrate under mild assumptions that every 2-dimensional extended Minkowskian QFT 2-functor (parallel surface transport) naturally yields a local net. This is obtained by postcomposing the propagation 2-functor with an operation that mimics the passage from the Schroedinger picture to the Heisenberg picture in quantum mechanics. The argument has a straightforward generalization to general pseudo-Riemannian structure and higher dimensions.
Any group $G$ gives rise to a 2-group of inner automorphisms, $mathrm{INN}(G)$. It is an old result by Segal that the nerve of this is the universal $G$-bundle. We discuss that, similarly, for every 2-group $G_{(2)}$ there is a 3-group $mathrm{INN}(G_{(2)})$ and a slightly smaller 3-group $mathrm{INN}_0(G_{(2)})$ of inner automorphisms. We describe these for $G_{(2)}$ any strict 2-group, discuss how $mathrm{INN}_0(G_{(2)})$ can be understood as arising from the mapping cone of the identity on $G_{(2)}$ and show that its underlying 2-groupoid structure fits into a short exact sequence $G_{(2)} to mathrm{INN}_0(G_{(2)}) to Sigma G_{(2)}$. As a consequence, $mathrm{INN}_0(G_{(2)})$ encodes the properties of the universal $G_{(2)}$ 2-bundle.
We give a generalization of the notion of a Cartan-Ehresmann connection from Lie algebras to L-infinity algebras and use it to study the obstruction theory of lifts through higher String-like extensions of Lie algebras. We find (generalized) Chern-Simons and BF-theory functionals this way and describe aspects of their parallel transport and quantization. It is known that over a D-brane the Kalb-Ramond background field of the string restricts to a 2-bundle with connection (a gerbe) which can be seen as the obstruction to lifting the PU(H)-bundle on the D-brane to a U(H)-bundle. We discuss how this phenomenon generalizes from the ordinary central extension U(1) -> U(H) -> PU(H) to higher categorical central extensions, like the String-extension BU(1) -> String(G) -> G. Here the obstruction to the lift is a 3-bundle with connection (a 2-gerbe): the Chern-Simons 3-bundle classified by the first Pontrjagin class. For G = Spin(n) this obstructs the existence of a String-structure. We discuss how to describe this obstruction problem in terms of Lie n-algebras and their corresponding categorified Cartan-Ehresmann connections. Generalizations even beyond String-extensions are then straightforward. For G = Spin(n) the next step is Fivebrane structures whose existence is obstructed by certain generalized Chern-Simons 7-bundles classified by the second Pontrjagin class.

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