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Let E/Q be an elliptic curve and p be a prime number, and let G be the Galois group of the extension of Q obtained by adjoining the coordinates of the p-torsion points on E. We determine all cases when the Galois cohomology group H^1(G, E[p]) does not vanish, and investigate the analogous question for E[p^i] when i>1. We include an application to the verification of certain cases of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, and another application to the Grunwald-Wang problem for elliptic curves.
In this note we present a combinatorial link invariant that underlies some recent stable homotopy refinements of Khovanov homology of links. The invariant takes the form of a functor between two combinatorial 2-categories, modulo a notion of stable equivalence. We also develop some general properties of such functors.
In this paper, we give a new construction of a Khovanov homotopy type. We show that this construction gives a space stably homotopy equivalent to the Khovanov homotopy types constructed in [LS14a] and [HKK] and, as a corollary, that those two constructions give equivalent spaces. We show that the construction behaves well with respect to disjoint unions, connected sums and mirrors, verifying several conjectures from [LS14a]. Finally, combining these results with computations from [LS14c] and the refined s-invariant from [LS14b] we obtain new results about the slice genera of certain knots.
103 - Michael Hill , Tyler Lawson 2013
The cohomology theory known as Tmf, for topological modular forms, is a universal object mapping out to elliptic cohomology theories, and its coefficient ring is closely connected to the classical ring of modular forms. We extend this to a functorial family of objects corresponding to elliptic curves with level structure and modular forms on them. Along the way, we produce a natural way to restrict to the cusps, providing multiplicative maps from Tmf with level structure to forms of K-theory. In particular, this allows us to construct a connective spectrum tmf_0(3) consistent with properties suggested by Mahowald and Rezk. This is accomplished using the machinery of logarithmic structures. We construct a sheaf of locally even-periodic elliptic cohomology theories, equipped with highly structured multiplication, on the log-etale site of the moduli of elliptic curves. Evaluating this sheaf on modular curves produces Tmf with level structure.
Let n be any positive integer and p any prime. Also, let X be any spectrum and let K(n) denote the nth Morava K-theory spectrum. Then we construct a descent spectral sequence with abutment pi_*(L_{K(n)}(X)) and E_2-term equal to the continuous cohomology of G_n, the extended Morava stabilizer group, with coefficients in a certain discrete G_n-module that is built from various homotopy fixed point spectra of the Morava module of X. This spectral sequence can be contrasted with the K(n)-local E_n-Adams spectral sequence for pi_*(L_{K(n)}(X)), whose E_2-term is not known to always be equal to a continuous cohomology group.
We develop a rigidity criterion to show that in simplicial model categories with a compatible symmetric monoidal structure, operad structures can be automatically lifted along certain maps. This is applied to obtain an unpublished result of M. J. Hopkins that certain towers of generalized Moore spectra, closely related to the K(n)-local sphere, are E-infinity algebras in the category of pro-spectra. In addition, we show that Adams resolutions automatically satisfy the above rigidity criterion. In order to carry this out we develop the concept of an operadic model category, whose objects have homotopically tractable endomorphism operads.
We calculate the integral homotopy groups of THH(l) at any prime and of THH(ko) at p=2, where l is the Adams summand of the connective complex p-local K-theory spectrum and ko is the connective real K-theory spectrum.
We compute the homotopy groups of spectra associated by a theorem of Lurie to the Shimura curves of discriminants 6, 10, and 14, beginning with a computation of integral rings of automorphic forms on these curves. As an application, we find that a generalized truncated Brown-Peterson spectrum BP<2> is an E_infty ring spectrum at the prime 3.
We apply an announced result of Blumberg-Cohen-Schlichtkrull to reprove (under restricted hypotheses) a theorem of Mahowald: the connective real and complex K-theory spectra are not Thom spectra.

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